Thursday, May 31, 2012

see be aye .....look know nod

No politician worth his salt would let go of the leash of CBI or other intelligence agencies .What for did he spend crores of rupees in elections,for? Barring few notables most are in the business of reaping rich profits from their initial capital out lay ,as swiftly as possible in their short and shaky tenure.Hence the plea of team Anna to detach CBI from the govt's hem line is like asking for the moon ! They must be clean out of their minds and joking! They are even more naive than i am!This is an totally impractical and absolutely idealistic demand to make a head way in the long and onerous fight against corruption,[materiel and power] in our system would be the thinking of all those wise ,experienced people who have seen it all.

Yet granting autonomy to it appears to be one of the most likely solution to this garagantuan problem .If the baby steps are taken now it could over a period of time ,maybe even spanning several decades could ultimately cleanse the system.Politics would no longer than be a lucrative and stupendously high paying career, the quickest means to get rich and concentration of all powers either derived from the constitution or of from ownself ,in the hands of a select few but as a career reserved only for all those who are fair minded, equitable and truly imbued with the spirit of service to this nation , and who never falter in putting nation first above self.

Note : This is not to say that there are no political leaders who put the interests of the nation above self and petty politics but only that the numbers , have to increase.


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