Thursday, June 21, 2012

The stockholm syndrome.

Agreed, agreed that you intelligence men are the numero one's in intrigues.I have been checkmated once again .Of course a child play to you all.Were rookies assigned on this project to cut their teeth?

If biased agent Charli wouldnt have Burnt it by losing his cool , and couldn't wait till all this pierced my thick skin, it would have definitely taken me some more time to piece this jigsaw puzzle that was in hind sight in full steam on the eve of my Gujarat visit.

If only your expertise is used to corner real terrorists leading a carefree life within and without--across the border and not on one of your com patriots leading a care worn life ,my congrats would have been double.

Puppets in politicians hands ,i do feel sorry for you all.

i'll post Desikans stotram soon.


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