Monday, June 25, 2012

No touch torture.

Third degree interrogation is a euphemism for inflicting pain physical or mental to extract a confession or statements as per Wikkipedia.

This was made illegal in 1931 in US but another technique that supplanted and known as 'Reid Technique' is widely used and is seen as many as a pshycological version of third degree methods used by police to extract a confession .As there is no physical contact with the suspect it is popularily known as 'No touch torture'.

This Reid technique has 9 steps that need to be followed to extract confessions from criminals and,suspects in custody.This methods success rate is quite high .Even hardened criminals have fallen prey when it is skilfully handled.

To extract confessions certain weaknesses in human nature is exploited .These typically rely on the stress that results when people experience contrasting extremes like dominance and submission, control and dependance ,maximisation and minimisation of consequences.

In 'How stuff works' [internet] i found the following interrogation techniques that are commonly used by the police.

Modern interrogation is a study of human nature. Most of us will talk to people who appear to be like us. Once we start talking it is hard to stop.

The physical layout of an interrogation room is designed to maximise a suspects discomfort and powerlessness from the moment he steps into the room.Light switches and thermostats will be out of his reach ,furthering the feeling of dependance and discomfort, along with a one way mirror that will increase the suspects anxiety.

The interrogator attempts to develop a rapport with the suspect by having a casual conversation to create a non threatening atmosphere. If the suspect reciprocatees to this then he will definetly sing later.

And then the famous Reid technique developed by a US police man is followed.It has the following components....

1. Confrontation.The interrogator will move around the room and invade the suspects personal space to increase discomfort.

2.Theme development.The interrogator creates a story about why the suspect committed the crime.And observes whether the suspect use any particular mode of reasoning more often than others?And then observes the suspect to the theme he has latched on .Theme development is in background through out the interrogation.

3. Stopping denials.Letting suspect deny his guilt will increase his confidence ,hence the detective will interupt all denials.If there are no denials then the suspect is guilty.IF the initial denials slows down then the interrogator knows his theme is right and suspect is getting closer to confess.

4.Over coming objections.Once the interrogator has developed the chosen theme the suspect may offer logic based objections as opposed to simple denials .These objections are very important since this can be turned against the suspect and used against him in a trial.

5.Getting suspects attention.At this point suspect should be frustrated and unsure of himself .He may be looking for some one to help him escape the situation.
At this point the interrogator gets physically closer to the suspect ,like throwing his arms over the suspects shoulder,making it harder for the suspect to detatch from the situation.

6.The suspect loses resolve.If body language indicates surrender like hunched shoulders, or holding head in his hands the interrogator seizes the oppurtunity and leads the suspect to a confession .At this stage every effort is made to establish eye contact with the suspect to increase his stress level.

7.Alternatives.Two contrasting motives are presented and when the suspect nods ,the detective speeds up.

8.Bringing the suspect into conversation.Once the suspect chooses an alternative the confession has begun.The detective encourages the suspect to talk and arranges for two more witnesses, one of them being a new person to increase the stress level and also to make suspect reassert the socially acceptable reason for his crime. The stress level is so high by now that the sispect wants to get done with the confession and just escape from the room.

9.Confession.The final stage of interrogation is all about getting the confession admitted at trial. He will have the suspect write out his confession or agree to its being video taped .The suspect is usually willing to do anything at this point to escape the interrogation and also will confirm that it is voluntary and signs at front of the witnesses--------

Police will play on the natural parnoia that arises when people belonging to group or family are separated .

In US the suspect can invoke the right to silence or the right to call his lawyer if he somehow manages to do so before or while being interrogated.
Real police interrogation based on thee 9 steps donot follow according to the text book but is modified to suit each case.

Going several steps beyond the Reid technique the following methods of interrogation are taught toUS military personel underSERA --the full form is Survival ,evasion, resistance ,escape.These are essentially methods of torture and are illegal under Geneva convention.

SERA has 11 steps or methods to extract an confession .I'll refer to only that which is pertinent .

5.Sensory bombardment.this includes bombardment of senses with loud noises or music and flashing bright lights.These methds are designed to overload the senses ,interfering with sleep, cognition and concentration.

6. Forced nudity.It involves stripping prisoners in front of others.The effect of this is to cause shame.

8.Cultural humiliation.It can include acts contrary to religious and cultural views of a person,For example the person is forced to witness acts considered blashphemous ,like defacing cherished religious symbols or forced to eat food that is forbidden by one's religion.

The above information is sourced from KUBARK interrogation manual as per the site in the

Human rights concern sorrounding police pshycological interrogation techniques' is that it bears uncanny resemblance to 'Brain washing techniques'.
The interrogator is attempting to influence the suspect without the suspects consent,which is unethical use of pshycological tactics.A lot of the techniques used to cause confusion, discomfort and insecurity in brainwashing process is similar to that used in interrogation.
Invading a suspects personal space would make the suspect give a false confession to escape the intolerable situation specially by those who are by nature ill equipped to fight manipulative tactics.

'Brain washing' by Julia Layton in How Stuff works.

The agent must have complete control of the target so that the sleep patterns, eating , using the bathroom and fulfilment of other basic human needs are dependant on the will of the agent.In the brain washing process the agent systematically breaks down the targets identity to the point that it doesnt work any more. The agent then replaces it with another set of behaviour , attitudes and beleifs that work in the targets current environment.

It is a severe form of social influence that combines all approaches that cause a change in a person's way of thinking without the person's consent.It requires the isolation and dependancy of the subject.This is possible in totalitarian regimes,police states and cults.

The use of SERE is illegal under Geneva convention.India is signatory to this convention which is the corner stone of humanitarian law..

The common article 3 relating to non international conflicts bn protocol two of 1977 an amendment of the Geneva convention relates to the treatment of prisoners of armed as well as
unarmed conflicts.

Though the UN doesn't interfere in the sovereign powers of individual States ,the States are neverthless expected to treat prisoners and opponents in following manner...

1.By not taking hostages
2. Perform out rage on personal dignity ,in particular meting out humiliating and degrading treatments.
The UN security council is the final tribunal.
The third and fourth Geneva convention terms the most serious crimes as 'Grave breaches'.This includes torture or inhumane treatment.
Nations who are parties to these treaties must enact and enforce legislation penalising any of these crimes. Nations are obligated to search for persons alleged to have committed these crimes and bring them to trial regardless of the place where the crimes took place.

Finally a word on the UN convention against torture that aims to prevent torture around the world.This treaty came into force on 26 june 1987.

Article 1. of this treaty defines torture as any act by which severe pain whether physical or mental is intentionally inflicted on a persion for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person ' information' or Confession' or intimidating or co ercing him or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind when such suffering or pain is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acqisience of a public official or other persons acting in official capacity.

Article 2 bans degrading treatment in all exceptional circumstances including internal political stability.

India has signed this treaty in 1997.

I am concluding this piece on police interrogation using third degree methods with this bit of information that today, that is 26 th June is observed as international day in support of 'Torture victims'.


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