Saturday, June 30, 2012

Excerpts from my diary....June 29 th2012Friday.

Yesterday in the morning cleaned the dirty showcase and evening took an auto to the temple

.Charlie's hand is every where,the auto uncharecteristically went mighty slow.Had a nice darshan of Thayar and Balaji and a nice walk in the park after oh so such a long long gap,and sat on a empty bench to drink in the soothing greenery when two fat young couples came directly towards me , the man making a belligerent eye contact and sat on the corner of the bench and immediately started arguing loudly. I ignored this noisy intrusion and concentrated on a yellow butterfly flitting by daintly withiout a care in the world ,its food its only care ,nectar that was also available in plenty and close at hand or wings span in the yellow flowers that have bloomed in profusion ,scattering its scent to be breathed in and filling oneself with this spiritual fragrance to those who are discerning enough.Yet i couldn't help over hearing and tried hard to conceal my smile at this farce act put up for my benifit to distract and divest me of my space.

Dark clouds massed and i decided it was time to leave .The actors followed suit . Before i could flag an auto the sky opened up and poured tonnes of water like as if to douse the the heat of the earth and air that were like burning embers ,in the past two month long period of the cruel waves of unabated heat .

I got thoroughly wet but didn't mind. It was more like a unasked for treat and i relished it.There were several women taking shelter under the parks gate along with me.One dusky , most probably an christian [ spy maybe] with a small child and few Hindu women as well [ also spy maybe ,every one appears as a spy to me these days.Bloody Charlie's doing]Whilst the Hindu women laughed at my joke that when i finally decided to venture out the sky poured rain in amazement [nan vandhadu nale mazhaiye peinjudhu] the dark women remained silent and looked at me in a curious way.Half glaring with suppresed fury and half in mute appeal that seemed to mirror her inner fear.

It twisted my heart. Am i being viewed as a extreme right wing fanatic or as a person having the power or some say over right wing extremism?And that is scaring her and all other minorities?Me , of all persons an extremist?How can it be?Why am i being viewed as such?

[ Charlies please note .no amount of authority or strong arm tactics or even the strict imposition of Reid technique can soften me and make me introspect the way an appeal from a terror stricken heart can]

Came home as usual by an auto arranged by Charlie with usual obstacles . I have got pretty much used to all this by now.

My dress changing process has become very long and ardous as i decided in order to gain back my sense of self i'll never expose some parts to Charlie.Well certain things have changed for ever in my life and this is one such.It is going to take few more years, maybe to put up with this humiliation which in course of time by then, may become habitual.

Today morning my warden wanted me to wake up by 6.He willed it .Bloody hypnotist.But i didn't . Lay rolling on the bed . I didn't attend ......another spies pre marriage ritual , for one Vidat's death still haunts me and second i feel that he and his family had dirtied on me.

Watched Kinder gardencop and it struck me that Srinanden cop/doc may not be the hub of the woman above, just acting ,and she is a not a woman but actually a man, , maybe he is even a Hindu. The spy world is full of deceit.

Then went through the stats of my blog and found that 'Ahmedabad' was having a sudden jump in views.Curious i clicked to read it to find the reason . The date was 27 th February. Some thing made me check the Google for the dates of Gujarat riots of 2002. The date was 27 th feb and was in peak till 7 th march.Horrific killings all around .And co incidently or strangely, though i completed my visit to Dwarka by 25 th feb my posts were from 27 th to 7 th march.No wonder Muslims are mad at me.

The details of the riots given in the Wikki sickened me .

The significance of the date of my posts and its content hit me.and i felt sick.The dates tally with the dates of the burning of the train and subsequent riots. It begins and ends exactly with the riots that took place a decade ago.The contents purely from a Hindu view point.
The posts after posts on Hinduism and then cap it with a temple visit to Gujarat exactly on the very date of those terrible riots!And Modi being publicly feted by all his supporters stridently there after! Is it my doing?Is this the cause of Muslim fear and fury?

Riots are terrible. I can never kill or be the cause of anyone's death. I have unwittingly projected myself as an extremist.

No sane person in the know of things would have committed this ultimate folly.
The fact is that i am not insane ,only too deeply soaked in the grief of the loss of my son that got further aggravated when my second son left home to pursue higher studies, and i was simply lost in a world of my own to be fully aware of all that was happening around me.More over i never had any feed back regarding my posts from viewers.Nor was i made fully aware of its importance, if any in our polity and society.I have no friends , either journo's or politico's to enlighten me nor does any member of my family read my blogs to gauge their importance and the possible effect on others..I simply have deduce everything on my own without any facts .

To me the visit to Dwaraka then was another temple visit that need to be fulfilled in the long list of divyadesams i hope to complete before Vidat's 5 th anniversary.

Till today i was unaware of this connection. It is to the credit of Charlie 's third degree methods and hypnosis that made me look up the article on Gujarat riots and compare it with my posts and join the dots.
My second son in one of our conversations said that minorities are definetly an insecure lot.My posts would have added fuel to fire.To those of you, Muslims, Christians and others who are hurt by my insensitivity and this unintended lapse on my part ,I am truly sorry.

Which star of mine made me do this?

Evening i went up to the terrace,without putting double lock. Let the spy read the confession he is hankering after.
The sky was somewhat primitive, dark and mysterious.Was this primitiveness that pulled me to Gujarat on those sensitive days?The angst of my anscestors who would have suffered persecution in the hands of turks coupled with the angst of vidat's unrequited love, of being rejected in his overtures to a muslim girl, the disappointment of which he may have taken to his funeral pyre, that made me conclude the post on Somnath the rebuilding of which is more of a pshycological assertion of domination of Hindu's who were under dogs over Muslims who were over lords till Independance, than less of a religious one?Was this the sub conscious answer my interrogator was seeking all along?Only stars can tell .

i rang up vin from the terrace.,Let charlie read my diary in peace.Poor vin has a cold and once again refused to believe me when i said 'your mother is caught in a spies web'.He felt better after teasing me saying maybe the heavy down pour yesterday over me and chennai was also the handiwork of my spies, cloud seeding and all.How sweet , how innocent. How young. Will he ever learn the truth?

The truth of being interrogated in this bizzare manner by top intelligence agencies without giving a reason for doing so ,of being in police custody for two months though as per law the maximum is only 15 days, for being stared at by cameras, of being humiliated and shamed ,of being terrorised and mesmerised, of being ridiculed and made to cross swords constantly?

I think the game is over. When i came down the door seemed unlocked, my diary disturbed . The spy has got his bit and left.

I'll never know if the cameras are disconnected . Will always live in fear of bodily exposure ,at least for few years to come.Life has changed.

What a mental torture!For full two months.An upheavel of unnatural emotions . A tsunami of artificial emotions.

Narayana, help all those who fall in this devil's hands.

The confession.....June 28 th 2012.

Every thing is falling into its place .All this third degree treatment meted to me is the attempt of politicians of both sides to secure their position.

Team Anna sought BJP's help when they received a jolt at Mumbai when the expected crowds didn't turn up.So proving the politicians point that they are indispensable in running this country as well protecting all those harrassed by the ruling party.

Baba Ramdev's confidence received a hammering when his crowd was crudely lathi charged at midnight and when ED cases were foisted on him .so he visited all politicians , though in opposition, neverthless politicians to secure their protection.

Mine is the worst case in this civil society or activist versus politicians tussle .

The insecurities of the minorities [my posts on hinduism and recent gujarat visit ]coupled with the insecurities of the political class as a whole which was aggravated by the initial sponteneous response to the Anna movement, made me the recepient of the worst form of retaliatory punishment ,one, no member of civil society has faced so far individually.

Third degree methods used in police interrogation was replicated with suitable adaptations ,[my house became and probably is the interrogation cell,] to put the fear of ruling party's might and clout and make me run straight into the welcoming arms of BJP.

Bloody Charlie was 90 % near his goal.

Thankfully my brother diagonised the ailment perfectly,after patiently going through my recent posts ,observing that i seemed to have been driven to my breaking point and saw the hands of a double agent.He was very near the point but couldn't get the real reason thinking that the two parties were in need of national leaders and i with my political background and sound english and general knowledge would suit any of them perfectly.Poor bother as usual has a very high opinion of his sister's abilities.

The only reason that comes to my mind is that though neither party needs me to win elections for them they definetly want an public endorsement that politicians are indispensable , the ultimate protector of the realms and if i who appear apolitical in blogs vaccilating between right and left as occasion arises , criticise and comment and maybe some what inspirational to the' civil society 'crumble under this sustained pressure , thinking that all Muslims are out to get me and i seek refuge in the only alternative to protect a beleagured Hindu like me viz BJP .

Once i do so i'll no longer be a big fish in a small pond but one amongst the many. My uniqueness will be merged . I'll join the troop of the much derided politicos and dip my hand in funds and revel in power , glory and office. My voice will never be heard in the cacophony of sounds. I'll become one of the thousands swimming along with the tide and not those few who swim against it.What ever little say i have now ,will be completely drowned.

I'll take the advise of my hub and bub and ignore all this as i prefer to be a big fish in a small pond.

Go to hell all you perverts.

PS.Sly Charlie slipped in and read this confession in my diary whilst i was walking under dark clouds on the terrace and intimated it to his political bosses immediately. This post is for those , who donot enjoy that privelege of evasdropping and scanning everything as a matter of right into my privacy. if there are any such persons, who are allowed to read my posts.

PPs.Charlie has got his confession .His work is over.A specialist, who tormented me,[who by now may have slipped into annonymity as is his trade], yet masochistically i'll be missing his untiring antics and his bagfull of tricks for a quite a while.

PPS.Now that the operation 'Taming of the shrew' is over remove the cameras and go and drown your selves in the murky cess pool of politics ,the dirty game for power you power brokers and leave me alone to my musings.

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Srinandan cop.

I keep wracking my brains as to what the spy who hates me wants me to confess ,to?

He is so alert ,always on his toes scheming ways and means to corner my space literally [physically] and metaphorically [psychologically] ,manipulating a huge work force .Phew , they all come in various sizes and shapes , but alas not one of them looks like the conventional spy one generally has in mind, that of being sleek, in a overcoat ,and wearing dark glasses ,,. They all look so common place ,just like you and me that they can never ever be mistaken for a spy ,as potrayed in the movies.

The third degree expert, the under cover cop who hates me ,spends his spare time practising forensic hypnotism to get out a confession out of me as quickly as possible and get it done with in this peculiar form of interrogation that is stretching on and on.I have been enduring this non stop 'No touch torture' for more than 2 months now. The worst ever treatment meted out to members of' civil society' or' activists' in recent times.
In a scale of 10 how do i score ,Charlie?

Why not set this ruthless and hyperactive agent on the Don and other wanteds basking in our neighbouring country's hospitality to drive and torment them to confess to the heinous crimes they have actually committed?

Set this neighbourhood terrorist to catch the neighbouring terrorists.

Monday, June 25, 2012

No touch torture.

Third degree interrogation is a euphemism for inflicting pain physical or mental to extract a confession or statements as per Wikkipedia.

This was made illegal in 1931 in US but another technique that supplanted and known as 'Reid Technique' is widely used and is seen as many as a pshycological version of third degree methods used by police to extract a confession .As there is no physical contact with the suspect it is popularily known as 'No touch torture'.

This Reid technique has 9 steps that need to be followed to extract confessions from criminals and,suspects in custody.This methods success rate is quite high .Even hardened criminals have fallen prey when it is skilfully handled.

To extract confessions certain weaknesses in human nature is exploited .These typically rely on the stress that results when people experience contrasting extremes like dominance and submission, control and dependance ,maximisation and minimisation of consequences.

In 'How stuff works' [internet] i found the following interrogation techniques that are commonly used by the police.

Modern interrogation is a study of human nature. Most of us will talk to people who appear to be like us. Once we start talking it is hard to stop.

The physical layout of an interrogation room is designed to maximise a suspects discomfort and powerlessness from the moment he steps into the room.Light switches and thermostats will be out of his reach ,furthering the feeling of dependance and discomfort, along with a one way mirror that will increase the suspects anxiety.

The interrogator attempts to develop a rapport with the suspect by having a casual conversation to create a non threatening atmosphere. If the suspect reciprocatees to this then he will definetly sing later.

And then the famous Reid technique developed by a US police man is followed.It has the following components....

1. Confrontation.The interrogator will move around the room and invade the suspects personal space to increase discomfort.

2.Theme development.The interrogator creates a story about why the suspect committed the crime.And observes whether the suspect use any particular mode of reasoning more often than others?And then observes the suspect to the theme he has latched on .Theme development is in background through out the interrogation.

3. Stopping denials.Letting suspect deny his guilt will increase his confidence ,hence the detective will interupt all denials.If there are no denials then the suspect is guilty.IF the initial denials slows down then the interrogator knows his theme is right and suspect is getting closer to confess.

4.Over coming objections.Once the interrogator has developed the chosen theme the suspect may offer logic based objections as opposed to simple denials .These objections are very important since this can be turned against the suspect and used against him in a trial.

5.Getting suspects attention.At this point suspect should be frustrated and unsure of himself .He may be looking for some one to help him escape the situation.
At this point the interrogator gets physically closer to the suspect ,like throwing his arms over the suspects shoulder,making it harder for the suspect to detatch from the situation.

6.The suspect loses resolve.If body language indicates surrender like hunched shoulders, or holding head in his hands the interrogator seizes the oppurtunity and leads the suspect to a confession .At this stage every effort is made to establish eye contact with the suspect to increase his stress level.

7.Alternatives.Two contrasting motives are presented and when the suspect nods ,the detective speeds up.

8.Bringing the suspect into conversation.Once the suspect chooses an alternative the confession has begun.The detective encourages the suspect to talk and arranges for two more witnesses, one of them being a new person to increase the stress level and also to make suspect reassert the socially acceptable reason for his crime. The stress level is so high by now that the sispect wants to get done with the confession and just escape from the room.

9.Confession.The final stage of interrogation is all about getting the confession admitted at trial. He will have the suspect write out his confession or agree to its being video taped .The suspect is usually willing to do anything at this point to escape the interrogation and also will confirm that it is voluntary and signs at front of the witnesses--------

Police will play on the natural parnoia that arises when people belonging to group or family are separated .

In US the suspect can invoke the right to silence or the right to call his lawyer if he somehow manages to do so before or while being interrogated.
Real police interrogation based on thee 9 steps donot follow according to the text book but is modified to suit each case.

Going several steps beyond the Reid technique the following methods of interrogation are taught toUS military personel underSERA --the full form is Survival ,evasion, resistance ,escape.These are essentially methods of torture and are illegal under Geneva convention.

SERA has 11 steps or methods to extract an confession .I'll refer to only that which is pertinent .

5.Sensory bombardment.this includes bombardment of senses with loud noises or music and flashing bright lights.These methds are designed to overload the senses ,interfering with sleep, cognition and concentration.

6. Forced nudity.It involves stripping prisoners in front of others.The effect of this is to cause shame.

8.Cultural humiliation.It can include acts contrary to religious and cultural views of a person,For example the person is forced to witness acts considered blashphemous ,like defacing cherished religious symbols or forced to eat food that is forbidden by one's religion.

The above information is sourced from KUBARK interrogation manual as per the site in the

Human rights concern sorrounding police pshycological interrogation techniques' is that it bears uncanny resemblance to 'Brain washing techniques'.
The interrogator is attempting to influence the suspect without the suspects consent,which is unethical use of pshycological tactics.A lot of the techniques used to cause confusion, discomfort and insecurity in brainwashing process is similar to that used in interrogation.
Invading a suspects personal space would make the suspect give a false confession to escape the intolerable situation specially by those who are by nature ill equipped to fight manipulative tactics.

'Brain washing' by Julia Layton in How Stuff works.

The agent must have complete control of the target so that the sleep patterns, eating , using the bathroom and fulfilment of other basic human needs are dependant on the will of the agent.In the brain washing process the agent systematically breaks down the targets identity to the point that it doesnt work any more. The agent then replaces it with another set of behaviour , attitudes and beleifs that work in the targets current environment.

It is a severe form of social influence that combines all approaches that cause a change in a person's way of thinking without the person's consent.It requires the isolation and dependancy of the subject.This is possible in totalitarian regimes,police states and cults.

The use of SERE is illegal under Geneva convention.India is signatory to this convention which is the corner stone of humanitarian law..

The common article 3 relating to non international conflicts bn protocol two of 1977 an amendment of the Geneva convention relates to the treatment of prisoners of armed as well as
unarmed conflicts.

Though the UN doesn't interfere in the sovereign powers of individual States ,the States are neverthless expected to treat prisoners and opponents in following manner...

1.By not taking hostages
2. Perform out rage on personal dignity ,in particular meting out humiliating and degrading treatments.
The UN security council is the final tribunal.
The third and fourth Geneva convention terms the most serious crimes as 'Grave breaches'.This includes torture or inhumane treatment.
Nations who are parties to these treaties must enact and enforce legislation penalising any of these crimes. Nations are obligated to search for persons alleged to have committed these crimes and bring them to trial regardless of the place where the crimes took place.

Finally a word on the UN convention against torture that aims to prevent torture around the world.This treaty came into force on 26 june 1987.

Article 1. of this treaty defines torture as any act by which severe pain whether physical or mental is intentionally inflicted on a persion for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person ' information' or Confession' or intimidating or co ercing him or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind when such suffering or pain is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acqisience of a public official or other persons acting in official capacity.

Article 2 bans degrading treatment in all exceptional circumstances including internal political stability.

India has signed this treaty in 1997.

I am concluding this piece on police interrogation using third degree methods with this bit of information that today, that is 26 th June is observed as international day in support of 'Torture victims'.

Saranaghathi Deepika.Sri Desikan's

The following sloka is from Sri Desikan's Saranaghathi Deepika [59 slokas in all] sung in praise of Deepak Prakashar swami at thuppol ,Kanchipuram.

43.Sathvani nadha vivithaan yabhishank jigkrosha,
samsara natya rasikasya thvasthu thriptayai!
Pratyek parangmukha matherasmeekshya karth,
pracheena sajjana vidampana bhoomika me'!

Meaning: O Swamy .you derive great pleasure by initiating ad watching the performance all living beings in this drama called life!

I have ignored my atma.I have not introspected deeply but appear outwardly as pious and as knowledgeable as seers of yore!

This disguise and role that i have donned must be entertaining you immensly!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The stockholm syndrome.

Agreed, agreed that you intelligence men are the numero one's in intrigues.I have been checkmated once again .Of course a child play to you all.Were rookies assigned on this project to cut their teeth?

If biased agent Charli wouldnt have Burnt it by losing his cool , and couldn't wait till all this pierced my thick skin, it would have definitely taken me some more time to piece this jigsaw puzzle that was in hind sight in full steam on the eve of my Gujarat visit.

If only your expertise is used to corner real terrorists leading a carefree life within and without--across the border and not on one of your com patriots leading a care worn life ,my congrats would have been double.

Puppets in politicians hands ,i do feel sorry for you all.

i'll post Desikans stotram soon.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Double faced.

I was sort of convinced at the very outset itself that the pale faced peeping Tom on the upper floor belongs to the Intel dept ,probably CBI but was often dissuaded from thinking so, on and off by his unprofessional churlish and vengeful antics.I still have a sneaking suspicion that he is as harmless as the proverbial comedian Charlie Chaplin -- is nowhere in the league of the smart and sauve secret agents like James Bond, or ISI operatives ,i seem to delude myself into thinking, some times.However he has taken total control of my flat ,and over, all the electrical connections and electronics gadgets and my life ,but not my spirit, and has the temerity to carry on and on with third degree methods that is possible only with a strong political backing or is in the Intel dept and having its mandate or both.

If so, how can the govt that is currently advocating the fielding of Muslim policemen to oversee Muslims in sensitive areas is not practising what it is preaching by posting a Muslim who seems to have shinnied up not due to any intellect but being an expert in employing third degree methods that to cost effective ones by roping in friends and relatives to assist him at a nominal price in the project'Agraharam Jarawah' ,and is a disgrace for the 'Crack'Bureau of Investigation to have in its ranks this Cerebraly Bankrupt Investigator,to be my overseer / jail warden ?As per the govts own reasoning it is only logical for it to have posted a Hindu that to a Tamil Brahmin, an Ayengar,in this sensitive area, to watch and watch me tirelessly and not this person a mussalman whose religion and the prejudices associated with that faith is liable to cloud his vision and thus deter him from acting in a purely professional manner,as he has amply proved time and time again.

PS.Instead of this perverted form of house arrest does any one out there have the gall to throw me in a proper prison and tighten the noose around me poste haste and do away with me,[ a dangerous right wing saffron terrorist who is a communalist to the core, a serial temple goer who doesn't at a drop of the hat mouth'Insallah' or 'Jesus' but only communal namasmaran like 'Rama' and 'Narayana', who recently committed the most heinous act of visiting the kafir country Gujarat and is plotting to visit the unmentionable place 'Ayodhya 'the sacred name that has become a pariah in the current lexicons,whilst all the while will be publishing inflammatory articles like the translations of Aazhwars hymns and Desikans stotrams and also continue with seditious activities like passing comments on the benevolent despots],ahead of the most venerable State guests like poor misguided Kasab and all those hapless terrorists, our own people, who only need the human touch to reform and absolve them, lest i the most dreaded terrorist of all wreak more havoc!

PPS.Dear nationalist bloggers and Aravind we may not be saints but at times we happen to speak the truth and that is unpalatable to most in the times we live in..It is the working of Kali yuga.

There is a saying in Tamil ..Thalaikku mele vellam ponal jaan enna muzham yenna?

meaning 'When one is drowned in flood waters does it matter whether its level above the head has risen by a inch or a feet?.

Hence this post and all the preceding posts on the perverts for the past few weeks.

PPS. Since i have defiled this blog by constantly mentioning the perverts i'll do a purifecatory by publishing a sloka of Sri Desikan,next.

Monday, June 18, 2012

The detective.

The' fixed expert' was a man in hurry.He came , saw and pronounced without as much as a glance at the likely places of hidden cameras , that there was nothing to unearth and it was i who was suffering from pshycological problems!Did i call him to fix the bug or fix a shrink for me?

He was so well coached to parrot these lines that they tumbled out in torrents [ lest he forget the exact lines]within 5 minutes flat of his furitive appearance at my door, a small and fidgety man with a red tilak on his forehead establishing his credentials as being a trustworthy 'hindu' to me as against a suspicious muslim , introducing himself as 'Pazhani' the private, detective the call that got transferred a day back.

This shifty stooge with restless eyes pocketed a cool 740 rs out of my kitty,very expansively allowing a discount, of 10 rs,as i had counted the change wrongly, for vomitting this dialogue diagonising me on the spot as a nut which even an pshychiatrist wouldn't ,without what he was supposed to do. viz meticulously sweeping the place as real pro would , and enacting this shoddy script of the project managers of 'Agraharam Jarawah', which was also not original but the result of eveasdropping into the conversations with my family that is dominated by this sordid episode[economising, cutting costs, by making the target herself pay for this borrowed brain wave] , before darting out with the obvious relief of a rat let out of its trap.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

To my virtual friends.

This post is strictly for my friends and well wishers .Perverts keep off!

Dear friends those of you who may be genuinely interested in my plight , this is what happened ..

Though the web of terror has been professionally and skilfully woven to distract and portray me as some sort of nut even within my close family, the architects didn't reckon with one small but very important aspect of my life especially the married life[stupid oafs, these so called pro's,they slipped and how!] , though they have painstakingly rifled through my certs, my gibberish rantings in my mile long diaries, medical history,documents and photos in my empty house during our recent trip to Kerala and desecarted the photos of a dead man --Vidat [ ,the Intelligence blokes , accompanied by vile and perverted cronies,all sweat and no gains, couldn't find a single incriminating evidence to nail me as closet terrorist or find any hidden loot]and planted their cameras in a voyeuristic manner and drummed up the support of locals -neighbours, thugs ,rowdies, auto,van, car drivers ,gas delivery men,lazy layabouts who would sell their mother's for a bit of cash etc to goggle at me aggressively whilst i take my daily constitutional on the terrace or whilst meditating in my balcony drinking in the beauty of the gently flapping translucent leaves of the Arasamaram and lapping up the graceful movements of the delicate boughs of ornamental and neem trees and had overheard our heated arguments and fights , they completely missed out a glaring point , as glaring as the lights installed right outside my room [by a johnny ,a worker in the MES but thinks he is its owner] as brilliant as floodlights in a film studio , that in my regular fights with my husband, in which i have pulled out long dead ancestors from Vaikuntum, passed hurting comments on his family members and also didn't spare some of my Hindu neighbours , never once did i ever mention my Muslim neighbours negatively.Since they were as quiet as a mice and quite nice.

Till April 2012 i had no occasion to mention them. Hence my husband ,though sceptical at his wife's [my] emotional balance did pause and ponder and found a grain of truth in my allegations.Why should i suddenly complain about their harassment when theMuslim neighbours never ,even once figured negatively in our conversations or arguments in all the 10 years we have resided in these flats??

So the first step was taken and he complained to the Chennai police.They assured him that experts would be dispatched to inspect the house . This was nearly two weeks back.They are yet to arrive.Yet the services of the police is my best bet and i am counting on their support..

By the way i surfed the net [i was allowed to by my supremely confident jailers]that educated me on the most plausible places to hide these spy cams and detected some of them .But it definetly requires sophisticated equipments to detect the hard wired ones.

Meanwhile a silver lining in my clouded life. My brother believed me instantly.Blood is thicker than water.But he too was perplexed at this pinpointed attack .On hearing from me about the social media and its unfathomable impacts he concluded that this was nothing but the continuation of a feud that started with my grand father-MA Ayengar ,whose friend was Rajendra prasad and mentor Sardar Patel the staunch Hindu faction of the Congress ranged on one side and Nehru and his staunch aethiest communist co's on the other.The two factions of the Congress at the time of Independence as well as there after! So he gave me this bit of on the political history of our family which i was unaware till now.Though our guiding philosophy was strictly communism, a life shorn of rituals and a condescending attitude towards Hindu way of life andNehruvian socialism in our formative years of growing up,thanks to my father who was a Communist to the core,I suppose the genes i inherited from my truly Hindu Grand dad surfaces now and then of its own and is primarily the cause of me being roasted alive in the current set up.

Sounds like a interesting film or a Shakespearean drama or mafia vendetta or a Alfred Hitch cock thriller?.Well facts are stranger than fiction.History has repeated itself and now the feuding groups are solitary KC vs RG and his grand entrouge'.Grand daughter vs great grand son! Mm dynasty sure has its firm hold on politics in our country.And i learnt it in a bitter way,being on the receiving end.

How can one rule effectively over the subjects, the vast majority, one fears and not loves and is wary of and not identifying with?

I really wish that i am only fantasising like the perverted pale faced Charlie on the upper floor is fantasising about me in a black burkha [ he has mentally converted me to islam] ,on a pilgrimage to Mecca and blogging about it and trying to control and restrict my movements in my flat which he is imagining to be his jenana..
Every attempt made by my husband to get a private experts to inspect the house has been blocked. The phone calls are diverted. Everything is fixed.

What lays ahead? Would i become a purdah nashin woman or get embroiled in court cases seeking not less than 100 crores in damages?Let's see.

Dear virtual friends , one's who really care, do drop by my house and show me that you care.

PS.If you have it in you , u perverts , publish this post for public consumption.

PPS.Pilgrimage to'Ayodhya' a divya desam is next on my itinerary. Though my fingers may twitch to tap out my observations on Ayodhya I hope to curb it and merely upload decent photos, since the fact is that in the current set up any one apart from me in India can visit Ayodhya and write about it , but if i do it would be considered malicious, instigative as well as blasphemous at the same time!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Picture of Neighbourhood terrorist.

I was of the view and imagined till recently that a terrorist would be tall with eyes burning in their sockets that would send shivers down one's spine,an unruly flowing grey beard ,a gruff deep voice and a huge and menacing gun slung on his back over muddy and grubby kurta pyjamas and a huge and dirty turban wound on his head ,but the reality has proved to be otherwise.

The neighbourhood terrorist[pervert] , on top ,is short with a squint so one doesn't know where he is actually looking,neatly trimmed moustache,every single grey hair ,on the crown as well, dyed carefully jet black,has a high pitched squeaky voice,face scrubbed white and clean and plastered with layers of heavilly scented talcum powder, always dressed in clean and well pressed western attire carrying a helmet and plastic shopping carry bags that are in all probability filled with latest electronic miniature spying items and on the whole looks as harmless and comical as Charlie Chaplin.

Indha poonai paal kudikumma?

Mm terrorists come in all shades and forms.I suppose that they can be mail ordered as per specifications.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Hey you 'brown sahibs' [half and half,neither here,i.e Indianised nor there i.e Westernised]my grand dad's incarceration by white sahibs pales to insignificance at front of your third degree perverted [video taping through pin hole cameras of my entire house and more perversely of bathroom and bed room as well]methods meted out to me.

May be you see me as a threat to your power as did those Englishmen ,of my granddad.

Yet creepies the Britishers though a world power did not stoop to such low levels ,maintained their dignity and decency and treated their challengers of their authority honourably .They even paid stipends to the affected families during the entire period of detention but you perverts are more like the Nazis and most of those communities held together by fear of the majority, your storm troopers,who do not feel the slightest twinge of conscience to unleash this revolting,inhuman and perverted form of house arrest.

Toadies those white foreign invaders appear as saints at front of your dark and devilish perversions.

P.S.The outcome of this on going sordid episode of my life is that i am more recognisable by all the Muslims in this area than any Muslim leader could ever hope to be! Either due to 'fatwa' issued by an ill informed mullah who wouldn't have even read a single post of mine or due to the free circulation of the tapes taken of me in my house that is maintained by the honest sweat of my husband, in various poses from the candid cameras.

PPS. This is not Bangladesh but Bharat.And i am not Tasleena nasreen to be hounded out by the majority population for expressing her views and opinions.In fact it is the converse in here.A sizeable majority of the readers of the majority community,going through my posts on Hinduism and temple travels would definetly appreciate them though the very vocal virulent and hypocritical minority viewers are critical and allergic of them .Nor is this separatist Srinagar but cosmopolitan and inclusive Chennai .The very fact that brahmins, non- brahmins and muslims live together in this flat complex proves it.

Get your facts and perspective ,right or get lost.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

To perverted peeping Toms and tormenting mobs.

Padu pavingala yennai pol 'Putra sogathaal' avadhipadungal, paradesigala.

Puriyum , appozhudhudhan yen iru thalai kolli nillai.

'Pidi sabham'

Monday, June 4, 2012

Civil society.

I find the arguments currently doing the rounds that one has to enter politics to talk about issues affecting the nation , hilarious.

Is there seats in legislatures and the executive for half a billion population?Every Amar ,Akbar and Antony's favourite past time in the length and breadth of this country,be it a bustling metropolitan city or a remote village ,is to talk about politics.

The only difference between them and me and few others is that we have the means to let know the world at large [if they are interested] through a contraption that connects to a crawling web and maybe posses a higher degree of writing and communicating skills ,whilst millions don't.

And what is this coinage 'civil society'? By its very definition it seems to imply that there is another society,viz-criminal society and is further suggestive, that whilst criminal society is free to discuss politics ordinary citizens classified as 'civil society' are decent and there fore shouldn't babble and dabble in this quagmire!This indirectly vouchsafes the criminalisation of politics .

Granted that things can be done and laws passed only by political power .How ever it is also the sole discretion of politicians to either pay attention wholeheartedly or turn a deaf ear completely ,to demands made by articulate sections of the 'Civil society' ,instead of throwing gauntlets every now and then as well as trying every trick in the book to shackle and gag us.

Punching bag.

Secularism as embedded in the constitution according to me means that the government should be free of religious trappings.Is it so?

Why are coconuts broken when a new railway route or engine or ship is inaugurated with great fanfare?Isn't this a Hindu ritual? Why should a train or naval ship common to all be subjected to a particular communities belief's and is not objected by other communities?

Are govt premises private space that Ayudha puja---during dussera is celebrated and minorities take part in it without a murmur of protest?

Why should' kuthuvillakku' an auspicious lamp of Hindu's be lit in all govt sponsored meetings and functions? Won't this hurt the sentiments of other communities as well as that of the majority community by this abhacharam of lighting the sacred lamp with foot wear on and with candles that are made of whale's blubber?

No it wont. Even if it did,[ though the self appointed leaders and their 'secular'supporters protest vehemently for honouring mother earth by singing Vandematram ,i mean the non religious few lines ,though in our neighbouring Islamic country the first thing a exiled political leader [N.Shariff] did on reaching his land was kissing the ground at the airport itself unmindful of whatever blasphemy laws they may have,that to on his return from a holyArabic country!],they dare not protest .That would be so improper and nonsecular!What is actually being done is what the proponents of Hindu rashtra wants,but the govt servants belonging to the minority communities have to swallow their ire ,especially in here and show their resentment on a easy punching bag like me.

Mine is a typical case of sexual harassment.An outlet to their frustrations .The frustration of not being able to raise their voice against their non brahmin male colleagues for the fear of being shown the door to Pakistan.

Where as when i blog neither inviting any one to read them nor has any one has to pay for reading them , a totally personal affair and not govt sponsored nor paid by anybody else, control is sought to be exercised on me because i am an easy target ,as one belonging to the weaker sex ,that to of the much reviled caste in here --Brahmin with active connivance of the fake defenders of minorities ,the despotic dispensation at the top,at the centre,that hates my guts---[a mere woman that to not rich and with no party affiliations has to be subservient to authority and must be shown her place no?]is actively fishing in the troubled waters at the cost of peace and harmony,shamelessly.

Hey all of you who are peeved at my blogs ,take on the mighty 'secular' govt and your male colleagues who are flaunting their Hindu badge brazenly if you are really upto it instead of showing off your bravery and fury on one wearing bangles ,sari and types laboriously on the computer's key boards.

Friday, June 1, 2012

How much ever i type my plight at the hands of these terrorists they will see to it that they are not published .

The date is 11th June monday .How did it come in Mozilla whilst i typed this using explorer?As usual filthy tricks the halmark of perverts.who spy bravely enconsed in the the attic cowering under purdahs on unsuspecting women as they bathe and dress..Creeps .Let all the choiciest curses of hell fall upon your heads.

If you are really upto it either let bygones be bygones or go to Gir and beard the lion in his den instead of showing off your ire on a doe --me--a soft target who has mentioned him but once in her posts that to in passing whilst top journalists openly heap praises upon him .Corner them if you hate him so .Frankly i donot hate any one even u ,you perverts , so ,Why me?
Dear friends once again i have been cut off from publishing from internet explorer.Shows how gutsy are the guys around me no?Fit only to terrorise a soft and mild woman interested in history and hinduism.

Dear friends ,

Three of my latest posts regarding my harrasment at the hands of my muslim neighbours as well as from the local Muslims is not found in this server or what ever it is called viz internet explorer. it is in mozilla and chrome.even now as i type this i am getting a red tap that my request could not be processed .Terrorism on me is being let loose in all forms . Help.