Saturday, April 9, 2011

Art of giving.

The 'art of giving is much in news these days.Billionaires from abroad are pledging a sizable share of their wealth towards charity with a lot of fanfare.So are politicians within , though not of, their own wealth.

Giving in charity is not new to Bharat's society.The epics Ramayana and Mahabharata are replete with stories of the enormous amounts of gold,food, cattle's and various other materials distributed to poor and needy by kings and people of wealth .

Mahabharat gives a list of 16 persons in Drona parva, who gave away their tremendous wealth and riches to the needy, with a full heart! An shining example is that of a ancient ruler Sivi. He had conquered the entire world . He performed 1000's of sacrifices in which he gave away as presents the number equal to rain drops showered on earth or equal to the number of stars in the sky or equal to sand grains in the bed of Ganga or equal to the rocks that constitute the mountain called Meru or = to the number of gems or = to the number of animals in the ocean. Milk and curds was collected in large lakes and rivers of drink and honey and white hills of food were ever present to give away, in his compound. 'Bathe , eat and drink' were the only words heard in the 1000's of sacrifices and rites he performed!

The creator himself has not met and will not meet within past ,present or future another king capable of bearing the burden Sivi bore!--------------- So states sec.lxxi of Drona parva of Mahabharat.

Bhagwad Gita has the following to say---On charity.

Yajna dana tapah karma,
na tyajyam karyam eva tat|
yajno danam tapasc aiva,
pavanani manisinam|| chapter 18 ....5

Work like sacrifice , charity and austerity ,
should not be abandoned ,
they should be performed ,
As sacrifice,charity and austerity are indeed purifying for the wise!

Gita delineates the nature of man into 3 groups viz Sattvic, Rajas and Tamas.

Noble , intermediary and indolent respectively.That is being calm and controlled is Satvic, being ambitious and aggressive is Rajas ,being lethargic and mean is Tamas.

Chapter 17 verse 20, 21, and22 explain the 3 types of charities associated with the 3 types of nature inherited by all.These three verses observe in concise and lucid form and set the parameter as to that which constitutes' giving' in the truest sense.

The first and best form of charity, Sattvic, is as follows.

Datavyam iti yad danam,
diyate nupakarine,
dese kale ca patre ca ,
tad danam sattvikam smrtam||

The gift which is made out of a sheer sense of duty,
without expectation of any kind of return,
At the proper time and place ,
To a fit recipient,
Is said to be of nature of Sattva.

Next down the line is the Rajas type of giving

Yet tu pratyupakar artham,
Phalam uddisya va punah,
Diyate ca pariklistam,
Tad danam rajasm smrtam

The gift which is given in consideration of some gift in return,
Or with some fruit to be reaped in future,
In a grudging mood ,
Is considered to be of nature of Rajas.

Finally right at the bottom , is the TAmasic type of giving

Adesa kale yad danam,
apatrebhyas ca diyate,
astkrtam avajnatam,
tat tamasam udhrtam||

The gift that is made at an improper time and place,
To a unworthy recipient,
Unceremoniously and in a slighting manner
Is said to be of Tamasic in nature.


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