Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Flowering Season.

Yellow and white flowers are in full bloom !

The air is thick with the aroma of neem!

Spring is here ! The sights and smells are there for every one to savour!

The following verses of Gita seem so apt and immediately come to my mind.

Punyo gandhah prithviyam ca,

Tejas c asmi vibhavasau|

Jivanam sarva -bhutesu,

Tapas c asmi tapasvisu|| ---------- [ chapter 7]

In the earth element I am sweet fragrance!

In fire I am brilliance,

In living beings I am life principle,

And in austere men , I am austerity.

Brhat -sama tatha samnam,

Gayatri chandasam aham|

masanam margasiro ham,

Ritunam kusum akarah|| ------ [chapter 10 ]

Among Sama hymns I am Brhatsaman [great chant]

Among the Vedic metres I am Gayathri,

Among months I am Margasirsa [Dec-Jan],

And among the seasons I am the flower -bearing , spring!


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