Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ooma Durai fort.

We waited at the corner of the main road to catch a moffusil bus to Trichy. There wasn't a single taxi in sight.The long wait was made pleasant from the scent of jasmine flowers and marukhozhundu ,wafting from a nearby shop,selling flowers.

The shopkeeper assured me that a bus would be along any moment, though it took its time coming. And those that did were bulging with school and ITI students ,hitching a ride home after school.So we waited for a bus that could be boarded.

As I got talking to the flower seller enquiring about the history of the fort that looms over the temple we had just visited ,he said that the fort was the place of refuge --Ooma Durai the brother of king Kattaboman, who had stood up against the unjust demand of tributes from the Britishers and fought several battles , valiantly against them, ultimately to be captured and to be hung in public.

According to the flower seller who patiently answered my questions amidst a brisk business , added that the OomaDurai fort is under ASI and that film shootings take place, frequently after the film makers secure the requisite permission from authorities, with apparent ease.

Earlier motorbikes whizzed past me , when I walked on the path leading from the arched entrance of the fort guarded by canons , to the temple . They were using it as a short cut to reach the main road.


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