Wednesday, March 23, 2011

To Rameshwaram.

Our next destination was Rameshwaram, 50 kms away. The temple famous for its corridors. It is the place where Rama is said to have worshipped Siva after his victory over Ravana.

The landscape is barren , stunted thorn trees with scarcely a field in sight.However there are a lot of fresh water bodies like lakes , tanks, ponds and several road side ditches.Some ponds were smothered by pink hued lotuses blooming in gay abandon whilst others were carpeted by magenta colored lilies ,swaying in the breeze blowing from sea,that ringed the entire route.Most of the ponds were confiscated by white and black cranes and water birds in large numbers.Simply stated it was sun ,sea and sand with a pond full of birds at every corner, thrown in

Many old women were sitting in groups on the road side casually ,chatting or haggling in petty shops . They were wearing the sari in the traditional village style and had gathered their spartan hair in a koppu. Their earlobes, long and elongated with globs of gold [ear rings] swaying in tune with their movements.

There was also the disagreeable odour of drying fish that clung stubbornly to the salty air, all the way ,through.A smell [nauseating to some and appetising to others] somewhat dissipated on nearing Pamban bridge ---the bridge over the sea ,connecting Rameshwaram an island with the mainland.


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