Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sethu samudhrum.

At the break of dawn we headed towards Sethu Samudhrum ,4 kms away from the Andavan ashram where we were put up at Thirupullani, to have a dip in the sea on whose banks Sri Rama had lain on Darbha grass,meditating for 3 days at a stretch, engulfed in the sorrow of the separation from Sita , who had been abducted by Ravana. He was overcome by the magnitude of the problem of crossing the rough and turbulent seas with his vanara army ,to rescue Sita.

It is the place ,where Vibeeshna surrendered to Rama . He had advised Rama to meditate on Varuna so that ,Varuna would make it easier for them to cross over the sea to Lanka.

It is the very place where Samudhra Rajan surrendered to Rama when an enraged Rama at the non appearance and indifference of Varuna,broke his meditation and lifted his bow to unleash arrows on the unrelenting seas .Samudhra raja assured Rama that he would calm down and allow Rama to build a bridge across the seas to Lanka.

After crossing tiny hamlets on a barren land ,few coconut , palm trees and salt pans we reached Sethu Samudhrum.

Its calm waters should be seen to be believed. It is unlike the restless raging seas at Marina and Eliott's beach. It is like a huge blue lake . Unbelievably calm with scarcely a wave to ruffle its tranquility.The sands white and powdery!

Several families were immersing them selves in the startlingly blue waters and then saluting the rising sun with folded palms. So did I.The water was cool and refreshing and the sun warm and gentle.


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