Sunday, March 27, 2011

Those were the day's.

I always enjoyed the run up to polls in the place where I live . I could see all the top leaders one normally sees only on T.V, right out of my window, live!

There were elaborate preparations days ahead . The entire area was swept and scrubbed clean, thoroughly sanitised and poles bored in the road with gaily flapping flags. Ear splitting party songs eulogising their departed and current leaders , sung with quivering emotion , rent the air.

Burst of 5000 wallahs , shower of gorgeous rockets and convoy of vehicles---white sumo's, posse of policemen , jeep loads of NSG commando's, with minute to minute commentary on the imminent arrival of the dignitary,blared on huge stereophonic loud speakers, would drum up the suspense and expectations to a high pitch , culminating in the arrival of the noble personages themselves.

I couldn't believe my luck and was thrilled [ I do admit sheepishly] when the CM's, ex and present, union ministers, leaders of various political parties , all those powerful persons came right to my doorsteps--[rather the entrance of the flat] with a smile and folded palms and even acknowledging and nodding pleasantly at us ,-- insignificant creatures!

They would even pause to deliver speeches from the stage erected on the road, with a Kollywood film star or two thrown in , luring youngsters in droves.

Pshaw! It is a tepid show now. All the fizz has gone out.

A candidate of the ruling party , looking more like a junior advocate than a politician slipped in and bounded out like rabbit that has taken fright, without much ado, with a woefully small bunch around him,mostly women, and went unnoticed with all the male inhabitants, sitting glued to a crucial cricket match on TV.

Today the candidate of main opposition passed by addressing none in particular except those few, who happened to pass by from a nondescript three wheeler,bleating like a lamb that has lost its way .After castigating the rulers roundly he made a quick get away.

Hmm! 'Those were the days'.


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