Wednesday, March 30, 2011

War of the worlds.

Has there been a curfew clamped [ I have no living memory of such dampener in here] or is there a full fledged total solar eclipse in progress, scaring the pious and rationalists alike to huddle within ,four walls?[ there was no such news] .

Then why were all the roads , the busiest in Chennai---the corridor between Tnagar and Mylapore deserted, where I was, 0n my way, in the afternoon, on a full working day?

There wasn't even a yee or kaka [ fly or crow] on the streets! But yells and full throated war cries pierced the deathly silence from houses ,lining these streets.

How could I have forgotten that the war of the worlds was in progress, seen and experienced 'live' on TV?

I was jolted awake by burst of fire crackers barely an hour into my sleep.And it went on and on !Is it Deepavali , I thought sleepily? In March !How could it be?

Then it dawned upon me that the' war of worlds' has been won .


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