Who is he?

My handbook on self improvement advises me not to get provoked by other's words or deeds with the admonishment 'You are not their toy'.If I were to follow this sage advise in its truest spirit I would have become a Gyani. I wouldn't be blogging then ,would I ?
O.k the source of my latest provocation, that has become quite the norm these days, is from the chattering class on the English news channels on TV.
I am not a aficionado of cricket, though all my life I have witnessed its magical grip on the young and old[ male populace] alike.The ecstatic reaction of youngsters around me to the victory at the world cup finals , has induced me to follow the debates pertaining to the world cup matches and its aftermath , on TV.Naturally youngsters , the true full blooded fans are all too busy , slogging long hours at IT companies --[slave driver's, our generation had it easier with lesser competition] and then de-stress at Gym , to watch such Tamasha's on TV. It is left to us, grey heads with plenty of time at hand and no other diversion ,to grin and bear other grey heads --[whose voice is guaranteed to be drowned elsewhere], voicing their opinions .
The discussion centered around granting Bharat Ratna to Sachin . Whether he deserves one or not.
I suppose that he does deserve to be decorated with one . The unflinching loyalty that Sachin commands from the youth is such that if I were to suggest otherwise I may even be packed of to a old age home at the earliest.Jokes apart, he does represent the sporting and patriotic aspirations of all youth of India. To be of 'world class' consistently .He has never let them down and has united all the youth in a manner that is seen only in times of war!
A shining example of Karma yogi!
Ok back to the source of my provocation . The socialite with shaggy hairdo and blasphemous views.His brushing aside two recipients of Bharat ratna ---Sri MGR and Sri V.V.Giri as non entities unworthy of the title bestowed, with a flippant question 'Who are they?' that had my hackles rising . It also brought to my mind a Western philosophers observation,
'If you do not know it does not mean, that it does not exist'.
MGR is the first leader to introduce a systematic and regular noon meal scheme in govt schools , that attracted the poor , who sent their wards to school so that they may get at least one full meal a day. The attendance increased and consequently the employability of large sections of people from the lower strata of society. MGR was the role model for other leaders across India to introduce this noble scheme in their states.
Sri V.V Giri belongs to my grand fathers era and there fore I haven't much information regarding his contributions . What I am aware is that he was a freedom fighter as well as union leader who strove hard for the upliftment of labourers.
Then this jack of all trades or rather hack of all trades questions the wisdom behind the request to grant Bharat ratna to Sri Vajpayee.What did Vajpai do?Was his question.
All along I was of the opinion that Sri Vajpai represented a party that primarily promoted the interests of the well to do business community, till I interacted with poor blind students in the age group 21 to 28, hailing from far flung corners of Tamilnadu , as a reader. Every one of them possessed a mobile phone , which according to them was their life line , the only means of quick communication and there fore the greatest source of security in their visionless world.And that though they were poor , thanks to Vajpai 's policies they could afford to own one and use it at will![Second hand one's being available at Rs 200 ]
That unanimous gratitude of handicapped poor young people from the depths of 'Dravidian' nadu to a leader of far off alien 'Aryavarta' ,speaks volumes in favour of the deep respect Sri Vajpai commands in present day India.
Now back to this loud mouth with a permanent seat in all TV studios.
I have often been nettled by his omnipresence in all these channels and the question on my mind is
'Yeh Mauclay putra TV wallahas ne inhe kahan se uttakhar apne studio's me bitaliya?'
Who is he?
For all his high flown language and widely trumpeted high levels of GK and IQ he sounded as superciliously ignorant, as some, small time traders , uneducated house wives, ill informed persons and adolescents , I ran into, up North.
"Ugh ! These Madrasis are all blackies and have become more dark by consuming tamarind daily[imli kha khakar kale hogaye].They are all cunning, mean and money minded . They speak rapidly --'kit bit kit bit' like as if they are fighting one another and for ever exclaiming loudly 'Aiyaiyo' . They are all good at only one thing that is ,making tasty masala dosa and sambhur!"
Ps : I neither hold any brief to any political leader nor am I antognistic towards N.Indians nor am I a 'Tamizh' fundamentalist. This hack, who was given a free rein by his 'amiable anchor'only when politicians from the south and the opposition were in his firing range ,simply irked me and I had to let off.
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