Thursday, November 26, 2009

In my entire life spanning half a century I have 3 poems written on me.Two of them were good and one of them was nasty.

Am I as beautiful as Cleopatra ?or as ultra feminist as Martina Navaratilova or am I the epitome of mother hood that Mother Theresa was? All the three poems, waxed about me were from the hearts of three teen aged poets who have alternatively regarded me as such.

The first poem ever written on me [or known to me ] was in Hyderabad when I was 14 years 0ld .It was penned obviously by a love struck teenage Romeo living in the same colony as mine.It was entitled 'A Typical Beauty' written on a piece of paper in English and handed over to me .I had preserved it for several decades but lost it in the course of life's meanderings .I don't remember the lines but it was highly complementary.

The very next year, when I was 15 years old a English limerick was written by my male classmate in a Delhi high school on the black board calling me a tom boy and comparing me to a old man [thatha] . A horrible piece of writing publicly displayed that destroyed my confidence and shook my psyche and plunged me into gloom for several years.

The third poem in Tamil about me, as recently as last year was created and recited over the phone by a blind orphan in his late teens on Mother's day. It was a heaven sent manna, whilst mourning the loss of my son.
This is the translation: :
A three lettered poem you are mother.
The sweetness found in three fruits [mukkani] is in you, mother.
Comforting and soothing you are mother.
You are an angel and worthy of being felicitated by all all gods , mother.
Even the gods bow down before your capabilities, mother.
Oh Mother , mother, mother !
[poet :Munniappan]



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