Friday, October 30, 2009

Youth !

Ah youth!The fragrance of youth is like a breath of fresh air. It is scented with optimism,idealism ,hopes and ambitions.The youth are like freshly churned cream soft and impressionable but at the same time posses the resilience of a steel wire ,bending only a little under pressure and bouncing back to its tight and unshakeable forms and belief's in a matter of seconds!
Do the 'youth' still carry with them the freshness of contact with the creator that a child undoubtedly has and a middle aged person has lost and is it that what make's them so special?
Youth in its pristine form is a intoxicating cocktail of innocence,vigour,beauty,stength and the capacity to brush away blows that life springs in every turn, the inner feeling that he is the ruler of the world though not owning an inch of land and that she is the sweat heart of millions though a poor cousin to Cleopatra.
The middle aged as well as the old people argue that youth is in thinking .No ,it is a inborn feeling that induces every male to feel that the world and its bounties has been created only for him to enjoy and rule and induces every female to feel that every other man is a slave to her beauty and who would do the impossible to please her!
Youth is definitely associated with age and no amount of youthful thinking can make a person young . It is just there and is sure to vanish when one steps on to middle age.
The youth owns the world . They don't know that and when they do get to know that they are no longer young . It is when one is aware that one no longer owns this earth that one is sure that youth has slipped away quietly and noiselessly.
Youth you come only once in one's life but you are there to be appreciated ,envied and admired in full resplendent form in each successive generation!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

continuation of 'change of heart' pg 2

Rakesh drove the bike furiously and Rima wondered how Shoba endured such rides which was really nightmarish.At this juncture she blinked her eyes rapidly for she saw Shoba standing in all her beauty at the pavement and realised that the bike had stopped and that glum Rakesh who had given her a cold reception and had driven like a maniac was turning to look and smile tenderly into her eyes and spoke gently though audible to all human ears standing nearby ''Reem sweety will you get off .I have to park the bike.I'll meet you at the ice cream parlour''.
Rima was dazed at this sudden change in Rakesh .whilst getting off the bike she saw Shoba standing in the shopping centre and staring at her and Rakesh in particular. Suddenly every thing fell in place .The trouble that Rakesh claimed to be in was that his lady love had left him to find greener pastures and he was trying to show her that he was not hurt by the ruthless jilting by flaunting Rima to show Shoba that he was equally capable of acquiring new girlfriends in the speed in which she acquired men friends.
Rima knew she had to act and that to ,quickly for had she not offered to help Rakesh out of his trouble? So she boldly placed a possesive hand on Rakesh's shoulders and noted with satisfaction the darkening of Shoba's face and jumped out of her seat.As Rakesh turned towards her , Rima ruffled his hair,patted his cheeks,twined her fingers in an astonished Rakesh's hand and gave him such a wicked smile that Rakesh was stunned and before he could recover she said '' ok my dearest love don't spend too much time parking the bike ' and then a bit more loudly ''for every second you spend away from me is sheer agony'' and walked away towards the parlour stopping to smile at a equally stunned Shoba!
When Rakesh entered the parlour he saw Rima sitting on a stool. He was very disturbed by the drama enacted outside . He went and stood at front of her and running his hands through his hair looked down at Rima and asked ''why did you behave like that outside?''There was puzzlement and anger in his voice .Rima replied pleasantly ''look here Rakesh I know why you have taken this sudden interest in me.Is'nt it to show to Shoba that you are neither hurt nor care for her although she callously discarded you for an obviously rich man?I acted the way I did outside to further the image you are tying to project to Shoba. I succeeded did'nt I as your dear girlfriend definitely look's put out ''.At this juncture she stopped as she realised that her tone was getting warmer and the emotions churning within her were too much to bear.It hurt her to realise that Rakesh's sudden change of heart towards her was only a pretence and it hurt her more to think that he was doing all this to impress an totally unworthy Shoba.She lowered her eyes and bit her lips and said ''Don't worry you will have her soon and your troubles will be over''.
By bending her head she missed the look in Rakesh's eyes ,they had softened to see the obvious distress of Rima He cursed himself for his ego and was aghast at the realization that for his own selfish ends he had twisted the heart of a young and nice girl. As he looked at her silky black hair and the neat parting at the center and the long eyelashes lacing an oval face he wondered how such a pretty girl had escaped his notice?
Whilst thus musing he heard a familiar voice which not only made him jump but also provided the answer to the questions he had posed to himself.It was Shoba yes the beautiful Shoba who haunted his dreams and taunted his sleep. She came near him and placed her hand on his arms.Rakesh quickly prised away her fingers and was surprised at the revulsion of feelings . Shoba's face became set and Rakesh thought' she is still beautiful but why am I not melting?'Then he heard Shoba speak in her musical voice''Rakesh do you know how much I missed you all these days.Where were you ?''and ended with a complaining tone'' Really you have changed a lot ''.
At this Rakesh retorted ''where was I ? Did'nt you know or don't you care? I was following you like a shadow but you were too busy with your rich catch to spare me a glance'' and glowered at her at which Shoba replied in a subdued tone ''He has left for a younger girl ,do you know that I played upto him only for his money, you are the only one I truly love ,come with me you are my future ''and extended her hand.
Rakesh found himself thinking of Rima . Rima at the stop offering help,Rima sitting on the speeding bike without a protest,Rima not letting him down at front of Shoba and Rima sitting few feet away quietly. He looked squarley at Shoba and said ''sorry you are not my future''and turned his back and walked towards Rima eager to talk to her.
Rima watching Rakesh and Shoba talking thought to herself ruefully '.There I have brought them together I might as well go home'.She got up and walked out into the night ,After taking few steps she turned back to see who was calling her name.She saw the tall form of Rakesh running towards her saying ''Rima wait for me ''.
As he came nearer and smiled into her eyes and said ''Don't leave me Rima don't ever leave me'' ,Rima felt her head clearing ,her heart cheering and her eyes twinkling like the myriad of stars scattered above her and she whispered back ''I won't Rakesh I won't ever leave you ''.

the end ................[written in 1980 at 23yrs ]

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Change of heart . [short story] pg 1

Rima looked around the bus stop .She spotted Rakesh sitting on the bench inside the bus stop shelter at the university campus.She would have looked away had not the expression on Rakesh's face arrested her attention. Rakesh didnot look his usual cheerful self ,there was a look of utter defeat and sadness in his face .He wasn't looking at any one but was gazing at the black tarred road with such a look of utter dejection that it wrung Rima's heart.
Rima wondered at the change ,for Rakesh who lived in her neighbour hood was a happy young man.He never walked without whistling to himself cheerfully and drove his motor bike at a exhilarating speed!Rima knew that he was a final year student of Msc and also that he would never show interest in her because he had a beautiful girl friend whom he openly flaunted as a prized possession!
Rima glanced at watch ,it showed 1pm.She thought what am I to do for an hour for surely no public transport bus driver would forgo his lunch hour to provide transport to her.Rima peered at the horizon shielding her eyes from the glare of the hot sun, but no ,not a single bus was visible.There were cars and trucks moving on the street but not a single green painted corporation bus. She let out a sigh and decided that if she had to wait for the bus she might as well make herself comfortable.With this view in mind she turned and searched for a empty seat in the shelter.
Her frustration somewhat abated when her eyes alighted upon a empty seat.As she moved towards it eagerly and quickly as she did'nt want to lose the seat to another and get roasted alive in the sun, she realised that the seat was next to Rakesh's. This made her stop on her tracks and thought ''oh no how can I sit next to my idol? would I be able to bear his nearness?''.Then the thought occurred that Rakesh was totally ignorant of her presence for the several times they had run into each other ,which was not surprising as they lived in the same colony and studied in the same university ,he had never acknowledged her presence .The fact that he had always looked at her indifferently as he would look at any casual passerby ,and also the fact that the heat was so unbearable that Rima doubted her ability to withstand it for an hour strengthened her resolve,and she went inside and sat on the empty seat.
After settling herself Rima couldnot resist the temptation of having a quick look at her neighbour.She nearly cursed herself for doing so for he looked even more handsome at close quarters and even more unattainable.He had a straight nose and thick black and slightly wavy hair.His complexion was good and his eyes were fringed with dark lashes and were steady. At this point Rima's mental assessment of her companion was rudely jolted and the thought flashed into her mind that she was aware that his expression was steady because he had turned and was looking at her.
Rima caught staring blushed and averted her eyes trying vainly to fix them on the moving traffic.She failed miserably and thought what the hell I did no crime and boldly looked back at Rakesh.Rakesh was still looking at her,but thoughtfully and Rima sensed a sudden rush of pleasure coursing through her from head to foot. Her facial muscles seemed to work their own volition,because to her horror she realised that she was smiling at him.
Rakesh returned the smile with a wry grin.Emboldened,she enquired 'excuse me are' nt you well''and hoped that he would'nt take offense .Rakesh shook his head and said'' I am ok nothing wrong with me physically''. At this Rima thought to herself may be some sort of mental tension what am I doing B.A. in psychology for if I donot help a fellow human being. So aloud she said ''If you don't mind can you tell me what is bothering you?''She raised her hand to stop him from interrupting and continued'' Please don't think I am being inquisitive .It is just that I have seen you around my colony and and would geniunely like to help you in any way I possibly can.''
On hearing these words Rakesh turned his face and looked straight ahead. Rima studied his face for any clue to his thoughts but could find none. Rakesh then turned towards her and Rima thought he has come to a decision and she caught her breath and looked at him expectantly.
He said 'Rima , Rima is your name is'nt it?''and stopped and Rima nodded her head and thought oh he knows my name and felt curiously happy. He continued'' I am in trouble .Will you help me?''Rima on hearing the question she nodded her head in quick acquiescence .On seeing her eagerness to help Rakesh seemed to lose some of his tension and dejection. He gave Rima a brilliant smile and Rima aghast by the thrill of happiness that smile evoked realised too late that she had committed herself without going into details for Rakesh had said he was in trouble but not what the trouble was .
She heardRakesh saying ''since you are willing to help me ,I would be grateful if you can spare an hour from7 to 8 in the evening today ?'' Rima could'nt believe her ears . Rakesh ,that handsome ,unattainable man of her dreams who did'nt even speak to her even in her dreams wanted ,actually wanted to spend some time with her!Rima repli ed ''ofcourse I can spare the time''. Just then all those people sitting near her in the shelter got up and started rushing out . Rima looked up to see the cause of commotion and realised that it was a bus , the one she needed to take her home.She got uphurriedly and so did Rakesh .They went towards the bus and got into it after fighting their way through the crowd that had collected at the entrance.
Rima moved towards the ladies seat and luckily got one near the window. She looked around trying to spot Rakesh in the mass of people spilling all over the bus.Her heart turned when she spotted his tall figure pushing his way through the swirling mass. He could definitely not get any seat ,he would be lucky enough to get some space to stand . Rima was pleased to note that he decided to stand beside her seat ,though not near her as she had seated herself near the window of a seat the one next to her occupied by an obviously over worked teacher.
The bus moved and with that wind came rushing in bringing relief to all those inside. Rima looked outside idly at the landscape ,and the traffic.The bus suddenly stopped and Rima craning her neck realised that ,it was obeying the traffic signal. As she had nothing better to do she let her eyes linger casually on the waiting traffic and she froze when she encountered the sight of Shoba ,the beautiful and delicate girl friend of Rakesh sitting in a cream coloured volkswagon. The man at the driving seat was dark ,plump and looked prosperous. He was laughing at something which Shoba said.
Rima looked up quickly at Rakesh wondering whether he too had spotted the pair.He had and she tried to read his expression anxiously. He betrayed none but when he averted his eyes she saw some pain in them.As Rima turned back her gaze fell on the laughing pair in the car and she suddenly realised that all her happiness brief though it was had evaporated.
The signals changed and the bus moved on and the volkswagon was lost to sight. As her stop neared Rima got up from her seat .As she passed Rakesh he said ''see you at 7''.She had quite forgotten the date in the mad scramble for the bus and the drama enacted at the traffic signal. She said ''ok''automatically and wondered why he thought it necessary to remind her in the bus was'nt he getting off?.Rima got off and watched the bus move away. He had not got off the bus and she wondered whether he was avoiding accompanying her .She started walking towards her house .
Rima was readyand waiting at 7. She had taken bath and had worn her white terrycot suit with small flowers embroidered at the neckline. She had brushed her hair till it crackled and shone and was silky to touch,its blackness contrasting with her white dress.
Her father was amused at the preparations of his only daughter for normally she never troubled herself to dress with such care and was also anxious lest she got hurt as he was not sure of Rakesh not at all.
Rima ran to open the door no sooner did she hear the sound of a approaching motor bike . She had guessed rightly it was Rakesh's and as she opened the door she saw him get off his bike and was in the act of pulling the stand when he sighted Rima .He said ''oh hello''and Rima smiled at him shyly and happily but Rakesh did'nt return the smile and said flatly ''if you are ready let us get going''.Rima nodded her head and slid into the pillion afterRakesh kicked the machine into life .As he swerved and and turned the bike onto the main road Rima did'nt know how to keep herself from sliding on to the road and thought to herself 'what have I got myself into?'

to be contd........

Monday, October 26, 2009


I am very sure that all those poets ,artists,philosophers and laureates,to name a few Subramani Bharathiar ,Buddha, Adi shankarachariar, Shakespeare, Vangog , Da vinci would have either plumbed great depths of sorrow or ascended great heights of ecstasy or both to shower fellow human beings with pearls of wisdom or weave and knit delicious words into poems,dramas and stories or express their inspirations arising out of acute mental activity on canvas or create tunes that takes the listener to unknown realms.
When Bharathiar cried aloud ''Parashakthi why have you created me with so much intelligence'',it is not to be mistaken as arrogant pride in one's own ability but a cry of sorrow,for having been chosen by the creator as a outlet to rapidly succeeding creative impulses and inspirations that prevents one from leading a normal and serene life.
What immense mental pressures and agonies these highly creative people have to endure.Their writings,paintings etc are a source of entertainment to common people,but to those producing them ,it seems it has been clearly wrung out of years of mental activity with very little opportunities or means to entertain themselves with.
They burn so that others may enjoy the glow left behind by them for ages to come!


I dont have to hang a painting in my hall as I only have to climb a few flight of stairs to see beautiful paintings drawn and coloured lavishly when the sun sets on the Western sky ,that to a different one each day!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Amitabh is amitabh--the unbeatble

I read Jalsa Bombay a blog written by Amitabh on 9th oct 09.For all his talents familybackground,name, fame ,wealth,and power he comes through as an ordinary individual beset with emotions and insecurities that plague an aging person.
On the eve of his birthday he has made a touching appraisal of a mother. It fits every one's bill.His keen and sensitive observation of motherhood brought tears to my eyes.
I could also glean the insecurity of a aging person [he is 67] when confronted by the youth and vigour of his children.Very touching .His writings are simple and true. No wonder Vidat , I and millions of others liked him and continue to do so .To sum up he is like a mirror to one's feelings and thoughts .

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The scent of T nagar.

All those who say that T nagar is a overcrowded ,dirty and a highly commercial place are right but there are certain streets which are clean,quiet and home to several shady trees that bear beautifully coloured and scented flowers and provide dense leafy platforms for the shy koel birds to coo melodiously and sing uninhibitedly.
The end of the month of February [mild winter season] and the beginning of April [onset of hot spring season] triggers the tall black branches that are closely knit and are covered with dark green leaves to profusely bloom into small yellow flowers on the tree tops like as if a huge boquet of sweetly scented flowers are being offered happily and gaily to celestial beings and bodies thanking them for their bounty to earthly beings in form of sunshine and water and begging them to rest a while and feast themselves on the fruit of their labour and recharge their energies and thus enabling them to continue afresh with their eternal cyclic duties!
To us ,lesser beings who donot even reach the height of its lowest branches nor posses the vision to oversee the tree tops are graciously allowed to inhale the intoxicating scent of the flowers blooming away riotiously, which reaches the earth like a fountain ,thanks to the gentle breeze that fans the scent all around.
This treat lasts the whole of April and when these superbly scented flowers slowly start wilting towards the end of the month the neem tree the favourite herbal tree of nearly all households in India starts flowering!These tiny flowers are visible to all . Its pleasantly pungent odour is like a digestive palliative after our senses are over gorged with the sweet smell of the April flowers.
Do those pretty yellow flowers that grow in abundant clusters in a tall shrub on fragile twigs that are ready to snap at the slightest pressure of human hands ,require 40 degree centigrade heat of the month of May to laugh at us from their perches?Sadly, t hey are like beauties without brains -they have no scent.
In total contrast are the plain Jane white flowers of the Jasmine creeper ,whose scent is so superlative so as to be spiritual.They also choose the unbearably hot months of May and June to bloom and bloom to all its hearts content and add beauty and grace to a scalding summer.
June is not only greeted by jasmine, but also by the alluring and eye catching flame coloured flowers that transform the universally accepted fact that trees are green, to a fiery flaming red a total anti thesis owing to the roguishly blossoming of the orange red flowers of the flame of the forest tree. The flowers are so profuse that the poor green leaves are totally hidden from view and we have trees that are red!
June seems to be a competition of sort s between brightly coloured flowers. The Bouganvillas cascade with magenta ,red and orange flowers and it is rivaled only by purple and mauve flowers of short trees that hang like lanterns which glow and sway welcomingly at every nook and corner.
Summer is hot, dusty and weary in T nagar,but the flowering trees and shrubs are such a treat to the senses that fresh spirit surges through one's being to tackle the blistering heat and make's life more bearable and pleasant .

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

continuation of the storyThe shoe that stole theshow

Nalini looked around the room and thought what now? She glanced nervously through the window hoping that none of her friends would catch sight of her in their arch enemy's house.She didn't want to be made fun off.She turned quickly back on hearing footsteps and saw Romesh walking towards her with a parcel. He said "please take this''.Nalini hesitated and seeing her hesitation he replied ''your sandals, the one's you abandoned on the road side this morning''. Nalini's memory raced back and remembered how she had thrown her quite expensive sandals carelessly on the road owing to her hurry in the morning rush. She said ''oh'' and took the parcel ,careful not to touch his fingers. The newspaper covering them opened up and she saw to her amazement that the straps had been neatly mended. She was touched and feelings of remorse and regret washed over her .
Romesh watched her, his face softening. Nalini looked up and said ''oh Romesh how very ,very kind of you.First you lent me your sandals at the cost of yourself walking barefoot and now this,do you know that it was your sandal which clinched the job in my favour?'' He smiled and Nalini thought gosh what a wonderful smile ,how black his eyes are and how deep and she dragged away her eyes when he said 'is it?''Nalini concentrated her look on his shirt buttons, for emotions new and strange were churning within her and couldnot meet his eyes and thought to herself how very tall he is. Aloud she said ''yes it is so ''
Then summoning her courage she looked at him and said ''thank you Romesh, thank you for every thing'',and then smiled at him,and walked towards the door .Romesh followed her and said ''will I be seeing you again Nalini?''Nalini turned and smiling into his eyes which had suddenly gone serious said softly ''yes you will'' and walked away feeling light headed with her marvellous discovery!
The end : written on 4th july 1980 whilst awaiting results of LL.Bfinalsem's at the age of 23:[reproduced as it was written then]

short story contd......

As the auto reached the entrance of Comfort's shoes office she quickly glanced at her watch ,it showed that there were only 2 minutes to 9. She paid the fare and hurried into the building. An polite receptionist pointed the direction and gave her a reassuring smile . Nalini nearly ran all the way to the hall .
On entering the hall Nalini spied several men and women primly dressed and sitting on the chairs lining the wall. Her heart beats subsided and she felt like laughing in sheer relief when she saw that her name was at the tail end of the contending candidates exhibited on a notice board.
She sat down on a chair and drew a long sigh of relief and stretched her legs and saw the sandals loaned by Romesh ,and her thoughts flew to Romesh. How could a dandy like him lend her his sandals? Was she mistaken at her assessment of him? How very kind of him to come to her aid at such a crucial time. How could she judge him to be weak by his outward appearance of careful dressing?The peon's voice calling her name intruded her thoughts and she got up .
As she entered the room she saw 2 women and 2 men sitting at a table quite some distance away from the door.She wondered whether there was any deliberate design in leaving so much walking space.Nalini walked towards the table and smiled at each one of them and wished them all a' very good morning'. She felt happy when her greetings were returned with smiles. A woman was actually beaming at her .
One of the men commenced questioning and Nalini answered them effortlessly and with precision. She actually started to relax and enjoy the interview for her answers were received with smiles and glances between the interview board members which seem to say 'aha this is the person'.
Then the beaming woman whom she later came to know as the M.D said after a brief consultation with her colleagues ," Miss Nalini you are chosen for the job , you will get an initial pay of Rs 800 per month ,and you can join our office from tomorrow."On hearing this pronouncement Nalini stood up as she could'nt control her surprise and excitement and with a slightly dazed expression thanked them all round.
One of the men then spoke and said"you may leave now Miss Nalini but in case you want to know why we decided to appoint you from all those equally competent 20 candidates is because you are the only candidate who has worn the product of our shoe company"!Nalini looked down at Romesh's sandals thankfully.
Later that evening Nalini stood at Romesh's house and rang the bell .The door opened and Romesh stood framed in blue jeans and light blue shirt . He smiled and before she could speak said "won't you come in "and stepped aside. She had no intention of entering his house but she couldnot churlishly walk away. She entered a room tastefully and comfortably decorated .
Romesh indicated a chair for her to sit . Nalini said "I have'nt come to sit , but to hand over your sandals " and hesitated to thank him as felt reluctant to do so . At this Romesh took the bundle and said "please wait for few minutes" and disappeared into the house.
to be contd......

Monday, October 5, 2009

The short story will be contd........

continuation of short story.....

Romesh was taken aback ,for his early encounters with Nalini hadnot evoked ,alright even if it had evoked sharp replies they were not discharged with so much fury.
Seeing his surprise Nalini experienced a slight satisfaction and would have continued attacking him had the circumstance s been otherwise but she had a more important task at hand.So instead of going in for the kill she bent down to examine the sandal which had let her down so treacherously. The straps had all but wrenched away except for a little strip from which it dangled . Then she heard Romesh's voice asking ' what is the matter Nalini ?' Nalini staightened and looked into Romesh's eyes and said'what is the matter you ask well I have to be in a interview within 15 minutes and my sandals has broken .satisfied?'Nalini felt a terrific anger towards Romesh .He was as usual spick and span ,with not a hair out of place and she who had to attend a interview was with hair flying all over , face full of perspiration and to top it all was saddled with a broken sandal.Oh how could she go to the office in this state,won't her interviewer smirk to see a candidate dragging a sandal? She could feel tears collecting in her eyes, she brushed it and looked at the auto ,it was still there ,the couple had passed it and were strolling on the side walk!
Nalini thought what is the use of it now? Romesh who was watching the distress of Nalini coughed politely .Nalini turned towards him her tears drying at the irritation and dislike she always felt in his presence and looked at him as if to say 'what now?'Romesh said quietly' listen you may wear my sandals ' and as Nalini's eyes widened he added 'they are the sort which are worn by men as well as women'.Nalini glanced down and saw that what he said was true and looked at him quickly and said 'how can I' and before she could complete the sentence Romesh cut her short and said 'you can neither get your sandals mended nor can you go home and change it within 15 minutes,so hurry up and wear it'. He removed his sandals and without a backward glance took few long strides and Nalini heard him hail the auto in a surprisingly deep and authoritative voice.She knew she had no other alternative but to comply with the suggestion as she recognised the truth in Romesh's observation.
She quickly removed her other sandal, kicked the offending sandals away and wore Romesh's sandals. They were a little big but not too large .By then the auto reached her side and Nalini got in forgetting her sandals lying on the road side . She gave the address to the inquiring driver and settled down on the seat . As the vehicle moved Romesh waved his hand and said 'best of luck'. Nalini was too disturbed to respond and before she could gather her wits the auto sped past a smiling Romesh.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

short story

Nalini glanced at her watch it was 20 minutes to 9 in the morning.On seeing this her heart beat fast and her face broke into perspiration.She told herself relax ,you cannot get back the lost time by panicking. She then scanned the road for the sight of a three wheeler. There was none in sight, Her hand became clammy as she clutched her hand bag. Thoughts went whirling and knocking in her brain . They screamed at her saying' you have to reach the Comfort Shoe's office by 9 for the interview as sales representative ,if you are not punctual even on this crucial day all your prior efforts of studying and getting a diploma with honours in 'sales propagation is a waste a sheer waste' .At this juncture Nalini's thoughts were too much, so she stopped and massaged her forehead and shook it to free herself of such thoughts and searched for a scooter in vain.
Her eyes thus searching fell on a beggar and on seeing him again felt panicky for she wondered whether her plight would be ~ to his in few days time when her funds left by her father ran short. She shuddered and looked away and sighted an auto few yards away . She stood there turning a merciful eye towards heaven and heaved a sigh of relief. During this salutation she saw a middle aged couple crossing the road and it looked like as if they were making their way towards the auto.
Panic returned and adrenalin surged into her body sending the message from head to foot 'run,run catch the auto before those two do'. Nalini started running towards it ,she was half way through when her sandals broke making her stumble. She stopped as she had to and could have cried in sheer frustration.Just then she heard that familiar and irritating voice, full of cheer calling 'Nalini wait for me '.She didn't have to turn to see who it was for she knew already.It was her neighbour Romesh the dandy of the colony. He was always well dressed,whether one saw him early in the morning or late at night .He didn't conceal his love for Naliniand followed her like a shadow using every opportunity to talk to her.
Nalini and her friends had often laughed at his dandy clothes and his unceasing devotion towards her and made use ofevery opportunity to brush his advances aside with insults and sharp words.
Romesh came and stood at front her grinning and said 'good morning Nalini'. This was the last straw and she burst out 'to hell with your morning and glowered at him.

to be contd......