Slokas on Sri Rama by Sri Desikan -Slokas and -Translation in English.
சீதா லக்ஷ்மணன ஹனுமான் ஸமேத ராமசந்திர மூர்த்தி-திருமலை ஸ்ரீநிவாஸர் கோவில் |
கோதண்டராமர் -கோதண்டராமஸ்வாமி கோயில் வொன்டிமி ட்டா |
ஸ்ரீ :
ஸ்ரீமதே நிகமாந்த மஹாதேசிகாய நம :
ஸ்ரீமான் வேங்கடநாதார்ய :கவிதார்க்கிக கேஸரீ |
வேதாந்தசார்யவர்யோ மே ஸந்நிதத்தாம் சதா ஹ்ருதி ||
Srimathe Nigamaantha MahaDesikaya nama:
I bow to Srimathe Nigamaanth MahaDesika
Sriman Venkatanatharya:Kavitharkika kesari|
Vedanthacharyavaryo mey sannidhatham sada hrudi||
ஸ்ரீ தசாவதார ஸ்தோத்திரம்
Dasa avathar Sthothra --- [12 slokas]
ராமர் ஸ்தோத்திரம்
Sloka on Rama.
8.பாராவார பாயோ விசோஷண கலா பாரீண காலா நல .
ஜ்வாலா ஜால விஹார ஹாரி விசிக வ்யாபார கோர க்ரம :|
ஸர்வாஸ்த ஸக்ருத் ப்ரபந்ந ஜநதா ஸம்ரக்ஷணைக வ்ரிதீ
தர்மோ விக்ராஹவான் அதர்ம விரதீம் தன்வீ ஸ தந் வீத ந :||
Paravar payo visoshana kalapareena kalanasa
jwala jala vihar haari visika vyapar gora karma,
sarvastha skruth prapanna janana samraksha naika vrithee
dharmo vikrahavaan adharma viradhim tanvee sathanveedha na :|
He is capable of leaving arrows that can suck the ocean dry.
[expl--When Samudrarajan refused to pay heed to his request to tame his waves and thus enable him to build a bridge across the sea to Lanka , Rama became furious and was about to leave arrows that could dry up the ocean]
His arrows are capable of unleashing much more heat than the terrible inferno that is unleashed in days of great deluge and cause this world to be destroyed .
Rama is very brave and is full of praiseworthy qualities .He considers protection of all those who have surrendered to him as his primary duty .
Rama who is personification of Dharma and who is also a incomparable archer should protect us and steer us away from adharmic path.
ஸ்ரீ ஆபீதீஸ்த்வம்
Sri Abheedhistvam---------------[29]
These slokas are to remove fear .They are dedicated to Sri Ranganathar. The following slokas refer to Rama.
2.தயா சிசிறிதசய மனசி மே சதா ஜக்ருய
ஷ்ரியா த்யூஸி த வக்ஷஸ ஸ்ரீத மருத்வரத சியகாதா
ஜகத் துரித கஸ்மார ஜலந்தி திம்ப தம்ப ஸ்ப்ருஷ
ஸக்ருத் ப்ராணத ரக்ஷண ப்ரதிதா ஸம்வித ஸம்விதி
2. Dhaya sisiridasaya manasi me sadha jakruya
sriyathyushidha vakshasa sridha maruthvradha siakadha
jagat durida kasmara jalandhi dimbha dambha sprusa
sakruth pranadha rakshana prathida samvida samvidhi.
Sri Ranganathars heart is filled with compassion for his devotees,
Sri is seated in his sacred chest she is inseparable lest his compassion may reduce.
He is enshrined in the mudflats that is between the two Kaveris.
He destroys all the sins of this world,
the beauty of his sacred form scotches the pride of a boastful sea in its beauty,
This Swamy ,when he assumed Rama avatar had made the world wide proclamation that he would protect any one who bows to him , once.
Sri Ranga ! Your sacred form should remain solidified in my heart forever.
![]() |
Rama, Sita Devi, Lakshmana and Hanuman |
19.Gayathuseedha vayasa thiviradha pungava draupadi
vibeeshana ,bhujangama vrajakanum paree shadaya
bwathpadha smasridha bayavimukthi maburyadha
labamehi thada vyam sabhathi ranganatha dyaya.
Leader of Sri Rangam! Those who have surrendered to you totally were freed from their fears ,
Like Prahalada's fear of his father,the crows fear of Rama's bramhaastra,Gajendras fear of the crocodile , Draupadi's fear of Dushasana,Vibeeshan's fear of Ravana,Kaliyaa's misery,Ambreesha's fear of Dhurvasar's curse and the misery of Yadavas.
In a similar manner we will surrender to you and lead a fearless life here after.
15.Sakruth prabhathana sprasa mabhaya dhana nithya vrathi
Na sa twirabhibhashase tvamidhi vishrotha svokthidha!
Yadoktha karanam vidhus tva thu yadhuthan athaya
kadam vidha thamasthu tat kirpana saarve bhoume mayee!
Sri Ranganatha! Once before in your Ramaavatar you made the following clear to this world ,
1. It is your most important and ever lasting duty to protect any one who seeks refuge in you.
2.That you will not contradict or speak in a different manner from what you have spoken once,
3.You will fulfill the promises that you make .This is known by the benefits that accrued to Sugrivan and Vibeeshana owing to your promises made to them.
Since of all hapless persons i take the lead i am the fit person to receive your compassion .There fore can your vow to protect all those seeking refuge in you go naught in my case?
You must protect and bless me.
Sri Dayasatakam
*************** Are 100 slokas dedicated to the quality of kindness and compassion of Srinivasar enshrined at Tirumala.Sri Desikan has personified this quality and calls that compassionate quality by the name Dayadevi and all the 100 slokas are in praise of Dayadevi.
Reference to Rama are as follows--
36.Avatharana Viseshairathma leelabhadesai,
avamadhi manukambe mandha sithadeshu vinthan!
Vrishaba sigari nadas tvan nidhesena noonum
bhajathi srana bhajaaam paavine janma beedhan |
O Dayadevi! Lord of Vrishaba giri [lord of tirumala] under your command assumed many avatars like the fish, turtle ,boar and human being,
During these avatars several foolish men like Hiranyan, Ravana and Sisupala thought lowly of him and disrespected them ,
According to Puranas these avatars are a sport for Bhagwan.But according to me Srinivasar [Mahavishnu ] took such avatars so as to make it easy for lives in this world to surrender to him totally and get released from cycle of re birth and attain Moksham
64.Abham pathyuha shatru nasahana munner dharama nigalam Kripe kakasyaigham hithamithi hinasthi samanayanam,
Vilina swathantrayo vrishagiri pathis twath vihrupidhibhi ,
thisathyevam devo janitha sugathim dandana kadim'
O Daya devi ! owing to your sport Vrishagiri pathi has lost his freedom and is under your control,
Your dominance is testified by the fact that the punishments he metes out to those who deliberately and knowingly does a crime ,ends only to their benefit!
When Samudra raja surrendered before Rama fearing the arrow left by Rama to suck the ocean dry , Rama diverted the arrow so as to destroy enemies of Samudraraja!
When Parasurama overcome by envy towards Rama challenged him as and when Rama was returning from Mithila soon after his marriage , Rama's arrow facilitated Parasurama to reach heaven quickly.
The arrow that Rama left on kakasura took only one of his eyes when that demonic crow finally surrendered having no place to hide from the relentless pursuit by the arrow to Rama and seeking forgivness for hurting Sita
65.Nishadhanam netha kapi kulapathi kasabhi sabari ,
kusela , kupja saavraja yuvadeyo malyakrdhithi
ameesham nimantvam vrishagiripathe rundhimibhi
prapoodhai srodhobhi prasbha manukappe samayasi.
o Daya devi , in the manner in which flood waters flows over ditches and elevations and make them all appear as equal on the surface to a onlooker, it is owing to your predominance in Srinivasar that he moved freely and with lowly people in his avatars and treated them as his equal,
Though Rama was of high birth and a king he made friends with lowly hunter-Guhan, and also with leaders of simians-Sugrivan and accepted without any hesitation the fruits offered by Sabari a tribal woman roaming the forests .
Though Krishna was a rich ruler dressed in finery he embraced his childhood friend the ill clad poverty stricken Brahmin Kusela and made him prosperous.He also turned a hunch backed woman an object of ridicule and revulsion into a beautiful young woman.He also moved freely with illiterate yadava women making them joyful.He also visited a garland makers house and blessed him with all types of wealth.
O Daya devi it is your unabounded flood of compassion that forcibily dragged Lord of universe who is also the Purushotaman- perfect man and who is residing at the higher reaches of Tirumala hills to step down and mix with lowly commoners freely and to enjoy their company
87.Kripe krudha jagath hithe krupana janthu chinthamane
rama sahasaram thadha raghuthureenayanthaya dhwaya!
vyabhajyada sarithpathi sakru thvekshana thathksahnath'
prakrushta bhahupadhaga prasamahethuna sedhuna.
'O' Daya devi ! You do good to everyone living all over this world ,irrespective of their status in this world.
Since you grant all boons to all those who surrender , you are like a rare jewel--Chinthamani,
When this entire country was suffering under Ravana , on the trequest of devas you made Srinivasar and his inseparable consort Sri to assume Rama and Sita avatar respectively.
Rama built a bridge across the sea to Lanka and destroyed Ravana .
By building a bridge across the sea and annihilating Ravana you not only brought peace and happiness to people of those days but also made it possible for people of these days to destroy their sins by merely looking, just once at this bridge that still exists !
Sri Varadaraja panchasath
These are 50 slokas dedicated to Sri Varadharaja perumal at Kanchipuram
The sloka on Rama is as follows--
25.Yenasala prakruthina ribhu sum kshayarthiee
varam nithim varada poorva malngkayas twam!
thum veekshaya sethu madhunasabhi sareeravanth,
sarve shadurmi bhahoolum jalathim thranthi|
O Varadha !When in days gone by you assumed Rama avatar,you built a bridge with huge boulders across the sea so as to reach Lanka with your army to destroy your enemy Ravana .
Even now all living beings that have a body are able to cross the six waves of Samsara by seeing and paying obseince to the bridge built by you.
expla-6 waves of samsara are --desire, anger, greed, ignorance, ego, and well as hunger, thirst, sorrow,ignorance, old age and death.
Sri Saranagadhi Deepika
These slokas are dedicated to Sri Deepa prakasar swamy at Thiruthanka--Kanchipuram .These 59 slokas illustrate and explain the concept of surrender.
sloka on Rama--
18.Nimnonthani nikhilani padhani kaadam,
majjanthi dhe mahima sagara seegareshu|
neerandhara machrayasi neesa janan thadasabhi
seelana handha sisirobhavaneswara twam|
O Deepak prakasha! The leader of Thiruthanka ,your fame has no boundaries unlike the ocean
This entire world is submerged in a drop of your infinite capacities !
All, from the lowliest persons to Brahma are submerged in this drop !
Inspite of your splendour you take support of hunters and vanars[simians] and have a healthy commaradiere with them!
Your easy accessibility to all is truly amazing!
47.Karmathishu trishu kadam kadambha yajanan
kamathi medduradhaya sarasara janthu nithya
vee khaya prabhe visha ya vasi dayasapyaham de|
O Prabhu! I have very little knowledge of 3 yogas like Karma, gyana and Bhakthi .
Since i am full of desire and anger i am always doing lowly and despicable deeds .
How can you protect a lowly person like me?
Didn't you grant Moksha to all including plants and shrubs growing in Ayodhya when you departed this world?
Similarily without abandoning me ,guide , protect and bless me.
I am residing in the sacred place thiruthanka wherein you enshrined yourself.
Note --Thiruthanka is birth place of Sri Desikan
* Sri Pramarthastuthi
* ****************************
These slokasa are dedicated to VijayaRaghava Swamy at Thirupatkuzhi, Kanchipuram .Thirupatkuzhi is the place where Sri Rama is said to have performed the last rites of Jatayu.
Slokas on Rama
7.Avatheerya chaturvidam bhumartham bhavadharthe viniyuktha jeevitha san,
labathe bhavatha palani janthu nikhilan yadheera nidharsanam jatayau.
It is firm conviction that any living thing which ignores desire for the 4 types of wordly benifits and dedicates its life to you,it is sure to attain liberation ,
Jatayu is a good example for the above belief and conviction .
1.Four types of benifits are Dharma, wealth, pleasure and house,
2.When Ravana abducted Sita ,Jatayu an eagle fought with Ravana so as to rescue her and in the process lost its life .Jatayau didnot expect anything in return from Rama .But Rama performed its last rites and sent the gallant bird to Moksham.
8.Saranaghadha rakshana vrithi mam na vihadhum rana pungkavaar twam,
vidhitam buvane vibeeshana va yadhi va ravana ithyudherdhamthe'.
O brave warrior you have vowed to protect any one who takes refuge in you .hence you cannot abandon me ,
Isn't it a fact that this entire world knows the words you spoke to Sugrivan in Rama avatar?"Whether it is Vibeeshana or even Ravana , bring them to me and i shall protect them"
Sri Devanayaga Panchasath
These slokas are dedicated to Sri Devanayaga perumal enshrined at Thiruvayindra puram near Cuddalore.
Sloka on Rama
41 Pashana nirmidha thabodhara dhramatharam basmanth yubhahitha narendra kumarabhavam,
samvahitham tridha sanadha ramamaheepyam samanya thaivadha musanthi padam tvatheyam
O Devanatha .You brought to life a munis wife who had been turned into a stone by mere touch of your feet,,
You also brought to life a prince who was reduced to ashes ,also with a touch of your feet which is stroked by Sri Devi and Bhoodevi,
Hence elders celeberate you as god who is common to all.
expl--Ahalya the wife of Gautama rishi was turned to a stone owing to her husband's curse. She sprang back to life when Rama's feet merely grazed this stone.
Parishad was reduced to ashes in his mother Uttara's womb when Aswathama left an asthra to destroy the feutus .Krishna entered the womb, stood on the ashes and brought back Parishad to life thus ensuring the continuity of Pandavas bloodline.
Achyutha satkam
These 101 slokas are dedicated to Devanayagan enshrined at Thiruvayindira Puram[near Cuddalore]Devanyagan Perumal is also known as Achyutha .
These slokas are written in Prakrit.
In earlier times sanskrit was spoken in households of scholars.women and children who could not pronounce words properly or maintain grammar , spoke a abridged form of sanskrit which came to be called Prakrit.
This language in its inception was seen as childish prattle , sweet only to the ears .In course of time it also developed grammar and came to be regarded as a distinct language.
Devanayaga perumal is the only deity on whom Sri Desikan has written slokas on all languages--sanskrit, prakrit and Tamil.
31** ணிந்தி துமாயோ அச்சுய ண் க்கவிய விவக்க ணிட்டுர பரக்கமணா |
ஸமட்டவிய பரம தம்மா ஸாஹு பரித்தாண ஸப்பலா ஒயாரா ||
31. Nnindhi dhumayo achuya nik kavia vivakka nnitura parakamanu!
sumtavi parama dhamma sahoo parithanna sappala oyara !
31** கச்சந்தி த்வத் தோ ச்யுத நிக்ஷபித நிஷ்ட்டூர பராக்ரமண :|
ஸமஸ்த் தாபித பரம தர்ம :ஸாது பரித்ராண ஸத்ப்பலா அவதாரா ;||
31 Kachandhi dvatho achyudha nikshabhidha vibhaksha nishtura parakaramanu,
samasthbhitha paramadharma :sadhu parithraana sath phala avatara .
One who never abandons his devotees .
In your avatars you destroyed cruel and strong persons .
You were perfect example for obedience to father and protecting those who seekm refuge.
How ever your most important duty is protection of sadhus --meek and good people!
expla--Bhagwan is capable of destroying evil persons from Vaikuntum but he comes down in avatars so as to mingle with his devotees so that they may experience him fully.
completed .
கவிதார்க்கிக ஸிம்ஹாய கல்யாண குணசாலிநே |
ஸ்ரீமதே வேங்கடேசாய வேதாந்த குரவே நம :||
ஸ்ரீமதே நிகமாந்த மஹா தேசிகாய நம :
Kavitharkika simhaya kalyana gunasaline |
Srimathe Venkatesaya vedantha kurave nama:||
Srimathe NigamaanthaMahaDesikaya nama:
I bow to Srimathe NigamaanthaMahaDesika.
Labels: Sri Vaishnavism
very nice post! Thank you for providing all the hindu slokas and mantras at one place for us to to view. Really they are very helpful. I believe in chanting slokas and man
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