Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Fruitless bans

In this New India i can't wear a wrist watch to see time.
I can't take mobile phone along with me or even keep near me  .
I can't wear specs , so cannot read without fatigue.
But i have money to buy watches , mobiles and specs .I am not a illiterate that some one else should read for me.
I can't hear music specially religious songs and slokas in my CD , transcend or from you tube ,though i can afford all the above and have the interest to hear , lest my brain gets fried

I darenot keep a mobile a must these days  , near me lest i am bombarded with suggestions, or enhancement of sounds and voices and put me under undue influences and commands
Have to be careful whilst using the remote of the TV lest it cause me pain and scratches in my abdomen , heart and limbs .
What is this world around me? The progressive state?New India?Laughable.
With my affordability, interests and flexibility i am forced to live like a woman in a primitive village though i am living in  the heart of a huge metropolitan city .

These are the  bans on me --
1.No TV.
2.No specs.
3.No mobile.
4.No religious trips to temple.
5.There should be no gold on me.nor any diamonds .
6.No wrist watch
7.No zari edged sarees.
8.No internet.Browsing strictly discouraged.
9.No emotional contacts with my family.
10 No meditation .Sricktly prohibited
11No walks.
12.No entertainment like going to film theatre or kutcheris or dance concerts
13.No hand bags with steel zips or clasps
14 Standing near
 windows and balcony discouraged,
15.Walking  on terrace or on ground in the compound discouraged
16.Ban on exposing  my body even in the privacy of my own house  Exposures of parts  body  like waist etc which are very normal ones for any hindu woman wearing a saree
17 Ban on using mirror
                                                                                                                                I can do all the above but it will be followed by unpleasant pains, scratches , aches , frying of my brain, uncomfortable swelling of my torso so i will be and am forced to stick to the bans .

From 2012 to 2014 all the above barring the ban on wearing of specs and ban on metal on me ,was hinted at and was duly informed through a steady stream of messages  right into my ears in 2014 September .

To the above bans few more were added  viz--
1.Donot purchase from shops owned by minorities.
2.Keep away from ragpickers, scavengers and dark people.
3. No venturing out at night.Change of dress should be done by dusk
4.Ban on exposing my body became even more stricter.
5. The ban on claiming the company of my husband  and son  was strictly enforced
 after 2014.with orders that others would be substituting thier place This is the most repugnant ban of all the bans listed above which came with a with a revolting  excuse that my husband was too weak to control me and several of my flat neighbors have substituted his place in my life.Are these fellows Indians or foreigners that they are not aware or bothered about Hindu culture and social norms?.

Reason behind these bans on me must be due to politics. 

All the gadgets that were  once a source  of comfort , rather necessity of daily life became a source of discomfort and even life threatening .

All the bans barring the ban on claiming rights over husband and son are exeprienced naturally and as a every day affair of a woman living in remote villages 

Their mind is free without any unnecessary  information and fruitless thoughts .Their main thoughts would be as to what is to be done next Sweep, cook, wash , work in the fields or collect twigs etc .No agitations from civilisation like news paper, TV .books debates , discourses etc.
Ban on me is fine provided i actually live like them after being habituated to living  thus down the ages.

To feel mother earth on my entire body when i sleep or sit on the mud floor and feel one with this earths solidity and permeance.
I have never done this in my entire life .It is either a cot or a chair that i rest .

To see the sun the eternal  luminary rise early in the morning and see the sun set in the evening without any concrete jungle blocking of this  heavenly treat and get aa feel of the natural indicators of time .I have always relied upon clocks for noting down the time and this reliance has taken away the naturalness in passage of time and has infact even created panic at times .at the paucity of time .

To breathe in pure air at all times is  great! I have breathed only polluted air of cities all my life

Though living in small huts the space these women get to view and enjoy is vast.Acres of flat  fields till the horizon!The only feeling of vastness of   space in  my life is a patch of sky denying me my sense of feeling of my insignificance in the grandeur of creation .

In my days of routine reading till 2014  i wanted to cull as much wisdom as possible from  the thoughts and experiences expressed in writings by philosophers , thinkers , classic story writers and essayists of  not only from my country but also of this world down the ages .I used to pity illiterate villagers wondering how they can live and die without expanding and strenghening  thier minds from wisdom found in such books.

Now i am more or les like them .All the wisdom i gleaned from various noble  authors have been  shrunk into nothingness and lost in constant activity with sole aim of filling my stomach .My identification with those principles , feelings and experiences of people of world which were same as mine or educative   has gone but the village woman 's contact with the basic elements of that makes this world is still intact.

In this reversal  of fortunes a illiterate village woman is scoring more than me.It is she who should be pitying me for neither being earthy[ like her] or  other wordly. .


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