Saturday, February 3, 2018

The latest type of no touch torture wreaked on me

Was wondering and pondering as to what my next torture would be to dumb me down and make me lose my memory., train of thoughts provoke me to hyper activity  .It was staring rather booming down over my head all these days/couple of years  and i didn't, realise it .So obvious yet innocuos.

The loud sound of Aeroplanes taking  off over right over my flat /Till middle of 2015 there were only the low  sound of planes landing.There were only a lot of landings seen from my window in east to south direction ,The only take off which  i remember was at 2 am at night from South to east

Since middle of 2015the frequency of take offs have multiplied tremendously and landings are very few..In 2017 there was no let up  to this shrieking mind blowing sound at all and is still continuing .the whole day now in 2018 The take offs are all in all directions  All starting from south side .The ones flying right over my flats are the worst of the lot They successfully needle my  mind. and make  me a  nervous wreck .

The following are the no touch tortures i was subject to

1Severe pain in my molars followed by painful rootcanal surgery in 2011.

2.Severe pain in my left knees in 2011must have been  caused by using the  technique of iron tools + shining metals
3.Making me hear ,only me and none of my family members around me , piercing nerve wracking sounds in my head for two weeks and more in the morning s as i walked up and down my flat whilst doing  my daily chores--in 2012
4.Piercing my head  all over with painful  intrusive shafts like as if a corkscrew was being drilled into my head This went on for 3 weeks at night when i went to bed or napped in the mornings In this also the technique involving iron & metal could have been used All my alimirahs have steel doors and edges were rusted  and there is one in each room .Shining metals are dime a dozen A  rusted table was close to my  head  when i slept .
5,Making me eject fluids whole day for 3 weeks in 2014 sept that not only exhausted me but also made me every nervous and anxious.
6.Simultaneously with this fluid ejection was coercive conversion to other 2 communities and shakthi sect was going on through a unique mind to mind orders which only i could grasp.Before the talks i would feel a tingling sensation in my left ear like as if a bud has rotated in it , woken up and made to see what ever the converters wanted me to see to put forth thier point viz emotional black mail.This was done early in mornings around 4 -5am and when i napped or just relaxed at day time. Christian conversion with a lot of emotional blackmail and threats was the longest of the lot .It went on and on for all 3 weeks

7.Take off 's thundering over my blasted, pierced , dehydrated head  which makes me lose my balance mental and physical.Mental---black out followed by anxiety Physical--loss of balance  owing to spinning of  my head .There is a sudden rush  into my head that makes it too light and disoriented,If don't stop on my tracks  i could fall down .

Currently the mind to mind talks disturbing my sleep all through at night periodically and relaxation at day is going on .wrecking my mental peace.and tranquility.These orders to mind is always before a take off
currently take offs over my head and around are dime a dozen

So this combination [7]along with iron tools in hands of labourers ,sweepers and  scavengers is the latest no torture done to me.

Making flight  change thier   path drastically  cannot be decided by private players or the enemy neighbour That power lies with the Government.Isnt it easy to guess as to who actually wants to make a nervous wreck out of me and  cause physical injury to me  and shut me down?.


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