Monday, January 29, 2018

Thanks to the right

For the past several weeks i made the following observation .

Iron tools carried by labourers near me when i  go for a walk + any shining  steel on me or near me  is capable of giving a terrific jolt to my heart  Then  it is followed by unbirdled emotions which i have to write it down .i may prevaricate but ultimately  i have to sound off verbally and in writing I learnt from red line that this was done to extract reactions from me
Other means of shaking my heart is 1. Thick set persons with limp or waddle coming in front of me with a man in specs behind my back
2.Transparent  Water cans filled with water carried in two wheelers or iron carts or vans taking a bend towards me from front also shakes my heart
3.The transparent water bottles kept in fridge for drinking also shakes my heart when i lift it to drink
4.Hefty persons jogging at front of me or behind me also shake my heart
5.Scooters taking a bend towards me from front with girls in specs walking . at front  of me towards me also shakes my heart
6.When all this is done a plane is always visible and its roar heard
I recently did a echo on my heart and Doc was amazed at its strength.He said it was as good as his 35-40 year old heart
 So my heart  at 60 is perfect and i cannot buy the argument that people in front or behind me either on foot or scooter or labourers carrying tools can perse shake my heart  Thousands of people with weaker heart than mine walk around with all the hazards i have listed,without any such micro heart attacks Even i did till i guess 2011without all this shaking of my heart
So there must be something more to make all the above to jolt my heart could be  micro waves  or some invisible rays  .

Top on this list of giving me minor heart attacks is the combination of iron tools used by labourers +steel It pays off for the doer .It makes me write or blog with a mixture of intellect and emotions .
  Topper of this is death in the family + above combination viz ironThis gives maximum reaction to those  wanting to capitalise politically or monetarily on it .
The succesive deaths of my b-i-l & and my brother in 2014 could have been  executed cold bloodedly to make me react. blindly hitting out at anyone i may have received the suggestion from whilst half asleep or meditating.It was my brother's sudden death that bothered me more &; probably those who may have engineered it made rich pickings
After jamming my head in 2014 June reading my thoughts has become very easy it is done instantly .So i need never write also .Those who have the power & know how can skim of my thoughts and even make me even forget those thoughts or divert me so that i donot put it in writing and induce lathargy in me so that i get cynical  thinking what is the use of blogging nobody cares and so drop the idea of blogging

Since deaths are also used after engineering it by easing out the weak or by accidents it is logical to hold that for mega reaction seekers from me the prime target would be my surviving son In all probability his life is in danger .

There is mega industry around me for my reactions  .Free lunch  to many with no questions asked Those whom i question about ethics etc think i am out of my mind as they are  used to helping themselves to public resources  without any qualms and therefore  find my objections  amusing It is not only the known corrupts who are extracting .anguish soaked  reactions  from me but also persons and party who are seen as incorruptible abinitio!

I am blogging  may be becuase i painted all the rusted alimirahs in my house recenrly and that has freed me from the grip of rust and i was also subject to heart shaking by tools for a week and even today

Ok how does rust affect me ? just rusted overhangings or huge garbage bins with rusted screws or rusted doors of my almirah,

1. Doors of almirah as i open and shut them gives a irritating sting which causes lesions in my lower part .Painting has only reduced it & has not stopped it
2.rusted overhangings.In this republic day i attended  flag hoisting in our flat .Very few had gathered Of which upper floor muslim neigh and lower floor hindu neigh were present.As my husband was waiting for others to arrive i walked up and down when i reached rust and turned  leftthe muslim neigh smiled at me and i also responded though i had determined to ignore him as he had tricked me to write degrading stuff  about myself  from 2012 onwards .when i next turned right next the lower floor appeared with his caste mark smiling .i nearly responded though i had determined to keep aloof as i remember him walking swiftly at front of me  towards me taking a turn  from 2012 onwards till 2014 .i was wearing specs then .I thought he was plain rude.Now i realise that he was shaking me heart before i set out for my walk preparing the ground for shadowers .

So my determination was pooh poohed .Heard a squirril screech gloatingly in the back ground.Squirrel their code language

I realise that i have been set up thus ,with help of rust and other stuffs  in this manner

Muslims in cap or burkha or  pant &;; shirt will please me ,They will make me see beauty of nature .They will also make me pity them .They could be frowning woman in dirty burkha or men in dirty lungis or frayed shirts and i will feel arush of belonging to them.Hindus will provoke me to irritation and anger and make me rage about how i have been short changed in life  .Their presence and thier loud mouth  is irritating .

It boils down to this i should see only beauty when muslims and  even with Christians  around and also pity them  I am made to feel pally and a lot of commadire with muslims be they poor or rich but feel irritated by hindus of my class and be cold and hard on them but more tolerant to lower ones and also feel kinship with them on and off  thus alienating me from my own community and my strata of society

It all started at micro personal level which has assummed mega proportions.It started in following manner since 2012 onwards----I should never get angry at my Muslim neighbour residing above our flat or get angry at neighbour with Christian links who live just across in our floor nor get angry at the shakthi bhakt  residing in lower floor of our flat who all chetaed me out of my normal family life and used me &still do to write as per thier agenda .
This perverted technique  has been  so thoroughly perfected  that .even after realising how my feelings have been unnaturally changed and the way i was degraded and my writings  exploited by all the three flat neighbours i still cannot get angry   at them when i come across them .i ll set out with determination to show my hostility if i come across them but it would always fizzle out when i suddenly come face to face with any one of them

Heard parthapatai as i wrote the above paragraph.In code language parathapatai=left .A code language i am deciphering due to my observation  .So this perversion injected into my life is the handiwork of the Left.They seem to be gloating at my observation  at the  perfection of the perversion imposed upon us .!They are taking it as a compliment  for  playing with our lives and  our freedom  shamelessly and sadistically!

If this rust &; its effect on me , viz fixing my concentration on Muslims, tilaks &; Sc. is the work of left it is contrary to my &;general  view on communists . Communists have no religion or caste.They are concerned only about workers .This is the general notion of communists .If communists in India are behind this then how can they call themselves as communists?Muslims ,Christians &; tilaks[hindus ] have a religion  If they are taking up thier case which i happen to see on tv &;papers dominated by indian left then they are not true communists They are recognising religion and caste and even giving it a very high place. in thier list of causes to be taken up .Muslims causes that dominate thier public views are people who  follow thier  religion ferverntly, so do Christians , who not only follow but also convert others ferverntlyand SC .s are also have a  religion &; are caste based.   Which means Indian communists are a bogus lot .They are not non religious but very much pro religious..
Foisting thier obssesion on me for whatever ends is puzzling as it is futile .The secular parties who ape the communists in this do it because they will get a political divident.What will communists get it return for perfecting thier bleeding heart techniques on me  in here? They will never get voted to power here at Tamilnadu So they are  helping the Dravidian parties  foolishly.Nor will they be voted power in India.By making me react they are only helping thier arch enemies at the centre to do exactly opposite to my bitter reactions and win the hearts of  the secular lobby   Another politically foolish move i would say this of secular and Dravidian parties as well .They are digging thier own  political grave .by making me react to  minorities   in thier  need or greed for  appeasment and in that process they  are giving a chance to those ruling at centre  to strenghten their secular credentials which will finally come to threaten the old hats at  the Indian  brand of secualrism

Had i been a aidmk or a dmk or a congress i would have made sure that a blogger & writer  like me never comes across muslims christians and SC's  in my house, flat or outside,safeguard me from heart  attacks inducing reaction ,techniques  so that i donot get provoked or moved and bring back my life to its normal  pre 2012 state and integrate  me with my near  family and stop the hypnosis. and conversion Being thus would be political savy  of them.Being otherwise like it is now is asking for trouble on one hand and on other giving chance to ruling party at centre whom they constantly refer to as communal polarising etc a  seat in the lofty realms of Indian secularism which they have been riegning all this while.

Aidmk is ruling here where i live and congress at Bangalore which i visit .Both  are not showing this political safeguarding.Aidmk has gone one more step by allowing  and presiding  over attempts at my conversion giving 'communals'  who are not bothered about me personally but would love to use this and my bitter protests  

A message to the right. are well educated and who read  my blogs , writings &;tweets and use it and even act upon it .Your lack of trust in my character is traitorous.Do you have the mental ability and the courage to take  various risks i took &; still take in order to piece out this perverted change that overtook my life?
No investigation , no scientific analysis ,but ready to jump to conclusions regarding my character and assasinate it and even paint all Brahmin women as lusting after low life muslims   taking me as a example.Did it nevet occur to you all that how can a woman of 54  and mother of two grown sons and a husband of long standing be  suddenly struck by cupid? Are you all so stupid  as to swallow  the illusion created around me ?

 Your lack of trust in me hurts me more than left's perversion .It was precisely this lack of trust and instinct that ceded ground to the left.encouraging and emboldening them to make a mess out of my life.
It was indifference to my plight in 2012 when i kept asking for help when high decibel sounds were streamed into my head for a month ^&; making a nervous wreck out of me that has  given space to left that allowed the left  to impose itself on me and make me lose trust in institutions and my earthy connection to this land i dont buy the argument that it was done because i am a nut .which actual  doc would use such barbaric measures to cure his patient?It was acute mental torture and left saw that it wrecked me and made me pliant and & moved in .
I no longer feel that i am walking on the land sanctified by foot steps of Rama A feeling i always had since my child hood .That thrill and connect to this land   has gone .Thanks to your indifference and revulsion  towards me and allowing the left to throw a purdah over me .

When my tread was heavy i used to feel sorry for Bhuma devi for being a burden on her and marvelled at her patience.I hardly knew any sloka on her then but now i know but i no longer feel sorry for Bhumadevi  for having to  bear my burden .I have translated slokas on her but i no longer have that emotional connect with her .
Thanks to your ominious silence a cross has been planted forcibily in my 2014 September .I am a  hindu by birth and as per my records but after 2014 i am forced to keep on proving that i am a Hindu!I am a Hindu!By blogging extensively the images of Hindu gods and try and guard myself by constantly analysing as to what differentiates hinduism from other religions and practise only that .
Thanks to you all for making me feel insecure about my religious status which has made me make a big show of being a hindu outwardly which is eating away my quiet contemplation of the  Supreme and  to do a honest introspection of my karmas.
Thanks to your indifference and revulsion to me , i no longer draw comfort from the temples i visit which have been visited by my anscestors , aazhwars and acharyas .That reassuring feeling has been scientifically wiped out  since 2014.

I am only a intellectual Hindu now,.I translate reams of slokas read a lot of texts on Hindu religion  but my inherent connect with our sanatana dharma ,vedas, rishis ,rivers and heroes of epics  that made me feel that this is my land wherever i be whether north, south east or west has gone .It is also being scientifically chipped off.

Your silent co operation has made the job of left and minorities easy to take over me
The result of all this is that i am now a Hindu only at the tip of my tongue .

Thanks to you all the Hindu in me has been maimed .


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