Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Secular liberal perverted set up .

Maximum audience yesterday was from Italy .69! Probably Vatican is rejoicing over its minions attempts to convert me/us to Christianity
They must be smirking & even jumping with joy that the jamming of my head and earlier balsting of my mind has not only  made me unemotional but has also made me lose the emotional connect with my land &its rich ancient past.I was handed over to them on a platter by our own people  viz ,practising  Hindus !Traitors  No one came from outside our country to do this to me so thoroughly.The bogey of foreign enemies neccesitating such conversion  is just a emotional blackmail.
Really their unfettered freedom to do this to me is astounding .Even more astounding and despicable is the way people over here and  the 'Secular government agencies ' have actively helped  and are still helping them in their communal agenda .

Govt agencies are secular and liberal  because they have given a carte blanche to persons of other religions  and sect and persons from  low dregs  of society to control a Hindu family at a very personal level and convert  a Hindu woman to  other religions .


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