Friday, February 9, 2018

scooters and cyclists one of the slow death causing weapons.?

Few days back my husband left for Tirupati by train.[i wouldn't have mentioned  or linked the religious place  in this blog if not for the  forcible conversions carried on me in 2014 .It was only then through mind to mind or rather some ones hidden  mouth to  my left  ear -orders .talks most probably through mobile &; special electronic frequencies , that i got to know that Christians are allergic to  the temple town of Tirupathi Tirumala]

When i waved  him bye him from my first floor balcony at 5.30 am  i saw  the f-i-l of lower floor tenant whose wife once told me, were residing at Police quarters at Teynampet ,came inside the compound in a blackish grey safari suit holding the handle of his scooter  which was running!He was not pushing it but guiding a running purring scooter by walking along with it!It looked odd  and was  a strange  thing to do .
He came just as my hub turned right and walked towards the gate exposing his  heart to this scooter and its owner .

As he reached the gate and street i saw  a handicapped /lame man pedalling his shining tricycle with his hands on the street ahead of my hub.So my hubs heart was surely targetted  by the person walking down the scooter and the tricycle pedaller .Why?.His political opinions are well known .and  has always been  in favour of supremos of state[late cm] and centre.Yet it was targetted.He is most vulnerable of all three of us as his heart is weak and is sort to be weakened further.Very sadistic and very ungrateful,to one who is so loyal .Was it to do with my blog on  my  forcibile conversion ? where i hold the ruling party of this state guilty?

In 2014 when i confronted the neighbour with Christian links on my floor to know as to what was going on around me that has changed my life so drastically since 2012 and even more after 2014 as i knew that he as playing a role in it ,He in a way admitted reading my diary writings by   pointing  to his wife and saying that she may have several faults but i see only her good ones and you to should be like that .[few days earlier  i had called both late cm &; pm some names in my diary  for not allowing  me to have my  basic freedoms ]He pointed to a woman and not to himself and a woman  was ruling this state of TN then.
2,Whenever i blogged about all the strange going ons around me and mentioned Jayalalitha in passing as a guess work , her name was always underlined and even heard 'It is her doing' Maybe heard coz of  that special frequencyand also the fact that my left ear was blocked soon after 2014 GE

Further he nodded his head in agreement and approval when i said didn't i  bring  Koodankulam deal through? By bearing with great determination the excruiting  mental torture for 3 weeks to make me write and i refused to do so lest it harm the deal?
So i assumed that it was the state's ruling party's handiwork   But i donot rule out role of shadowy agencies of centre and defence in this month long torture cum conversion .I am unable to find the rationale behind this conversion attempts which are still going on .How  can conversion be a punishment for my views or derogotary references to political leaders in my diary ?How can my conversion solve the neighbouring countries malafide intentions or naxals intrusion into my life as is often hinted ?

Is our Parliamentry democracy so fragile that it can be sabotaged by my diary writings or blogs or tweets?Amusing ! Parliament was up on its feet within a week of attack by gun totting terrorists  but a lot of hue and cry is being made about my potential to harm its sessions by merely writing some thing or the other ! Real politicians get their feed back of ground realities  from people meeting them with petitions for help .That is how my grand father a politician kept his ears to the ground Sensational news items dominating for a week and then fizziling out and dying a quiet death can never  substitute the contact with  common people  .  

What ever the reason may be the fact is this---

1,My freedom to be the sole possesor  of my body was taken away in 2012 by  making me hear month long high decibel  sounds  over my  head

2/My freedom to have privacy of my thoughts ,and voluntary introspections was taken away by  one month long painful
shafts driven into my head in June 2014

3.My freedom to pursue my religion peacefully was taken away by month long squeezing out of fluids out of me simultaneously with  multiple conversion attempts as well as that  chup chup==the signal of reversing cars that my analysis has been taken as well as signal that i was forced to go over my past   happenings and forget it .

4. My freedom to remain silent or speak only when i want to or to whom. was also been taken awayThe urge to speak is   to my near family is forced on me  only when persons of other communities are in my vicinity.

5. The freedom to control my bodily movements , bowel  and bladder movements was taken away .Sound of overhead flights play a major role in this loss of control

6.The freedom to like or dislike persons as per  my nature was taken away I was made to pine and feel a unnatural kinship with persons of other communities since 2012 Overhead rust plays a great role in this ,It made  me like dirty and deceitful people and made me  feel alienated from my society , my past This  feeling of feeling distant from  my Hindu country, people  and society,reached crecendo in 2014 and there after till recently.

All the above happened to me. Still happening.i can never forget it .Most important result of all this was my total loss of trust in the decency of my flat neighbours, some relatives  and people around me as well as in integrity of  the highest offices of this state and country.Why should long time flat neighbours against  whom i had no animosity walk speedily towards me or come running down the stairs  to shake my heart or stand or walk  behind  me deliberately   to make me view   men of their community or caste with unholy affection ?

The word neighbour is often underlined though spelling is ok .hinting at  role of neighbours of india that justifies all this shadowy tortures wreaked on me.This is getting on my nerves.                                                What military  or civil secrets compromising this nation's security can be dug out from me?If   they are really  after me for some sort of analysis ,why was i progressively weakened to make it easier for them to whatever they are upto ?I was weakened by persons in this flat and not from""neighbouring"countries.Does it mean that some persons in my flat have links to neighbors?.Why not inter  them instead of trying to dumb me down and make a fool out of me by constantly confusing me?

                                                                             My hub came back with a chest cold .yesterday when i set out to  get a otp for linking my mobile with aadhar saw that the lower floor tenants had vacated! A noisy family but have left silently.I had written the above i my diary few days back and now the empty flat is undergoing a lot of repair works which has brought all those deadly iron tools very close to our hearts  Those wanting to damage our hearts/specially my husband;s  and get reactions must be rubbing their hands at glee as we have to go up and down  with those tools poised readily in workers hands !.The sadistic reception committee .
                                                                                                            This linking  is getting on my nerves .Am i terrorist  or  will do some terror acts past 60 years  of age or am i a illegal immigrant ?First my thumb impression is no longer there due to age so have to do a lot of procedures  if i have to hold on to my mobile. It reminds me of the tedious  bureacratic procedures of days gone by to get any thing .That time around i was young and was used to it so didn't grumble but now i am old and having got used to other way round for a 2decades   like for eg getting  a phone  connection off the counter instead of waiting and waiting for it for years  as we had to in my younger days ,it is tiring to do so much just to retain my phone connection .

Note -'After blogging this i went to nearby mobile recharge shop with old sim of phone number to link my present one with my  aadhar  number,  [sim which i had preserved] as directed by airtel office.grumbling at having to run to pillar to post to retain a mobile which i scarcely use but cannot let go off it  owing to its usefulness and hoping that at least this would click and i need not go to E seva  for further procedures etc 
There the salesman brought the thumb impression machine without listening to my explanations  that i had tried all my twenty fingers at Airtel office after climbing head spinning steep steps leading to its office twice and at both times my impressions didn't tally .He placed the small machine .Then i thought ok i;ll give it another try and placed my thumb ==No link a red message came ..Then i tried my index finger and lo behold a green message came and the sales man did the rest in no time and said your mobile has been verified.     

I couldn't believe it .Was he sure ,He said yes see your verification has come .Rubbed my eyes haven't my impressions washed away by age  of which airtel was sure or wasn't it done properly in 2013?

No nothing of the above .I was simply being harrassed /obstructed   all these days in my quest to link it .

ok if really my impressions had changed with age  then i would have had to go through a tedious procedure  with a deadline of March 2018 hanging and i would have grumbled at the govt  for making the retention of a mobile so difficult  And fumed at it for throwing hurdles at the ease of life i have been habituated so far the way i fumed at the earlier one to make me stand hours in a queue in a poky room for getting photographed , biometric etc for aadhar card  when i already had so many identification  cards in possesion  like election etc That to at an age when all these procedures are  too weary  to undertake.'----[10 th Feb evening]

When i blogged now about my hubs loyalty ,centre was underlined.He is a known Modi fan.and unstinted loyalist.His adoration and loyalty dates back to Modi;'s CM days Any thing wrong with it?He laughs and cries with him . Is it a crime? Whether his heart is moved so as  to  make him emote politically  in centres favour or to simply weaken  it to ease him out slowly, his basic loyalty can never be shaken.The thought readers know this He with stood the 2012 onsluaght aimed at scaring him off this loyalty and didnt let go.So it is a futile excersise of those  who are doing this...

I have no such hero worship for any political leader .My only hero  is  Rama .

Similarily the forcible  forgivness sessions can never wipe out my basic Hindu beliefs .I donot believe that forgivness would liberate me and make me attain moksha I have no faith in that concept which is so central to Christian beliefs.I strongly believe in concept of karma and that i have to face the consequences of deeds done by me.Deeds done  owing to my inherited gunas  /nature  from my  past and and previous lives as part of my anscestors  and that i can never escape the workings of Karma  even if 1000 forgivness sessions  were forced on me or ,forcing me to surrender .i believe that i was born in a family  well versed in Vedas , upanishads ,Gita owing to my good karmas and this life is a step to attain better karmas and even moksha .
Taking birth as a human being is  boon and not a sin .Making proper use of birth as a human being  so as to reach the land of no return Moksha is solely dependant on that individuals determination to achieve it through , penance, discipline , , detatachment  to fruits of work, knowledge ,Vedic  rituals , devotion and so on .This is not a easy job .It cannot be acquired in a single birth ,There is no hurry in Hinduism  .It says you can achieve it any succeeding birth.

Next i may have lost touch with the sacredness of this  soil forgetting to remember Rama or Bhudevi when i walk on it or those scores of rihis  and acharyas who have traversed it  in past sanctifying each clod of earth .This loss of touch is becuase i am constantly diverted by passerbyes , scooters and the unique but perverted type of telephonic messages that has disrupt my peace of mind and tranquility and made me over alert to all these insignificant minions .When i am restored to myself i will again get back my touch with this country, its Hindu religious sentiments and my Hindu  heroes of its  past /  
When i am prepared to get my seat in heaven or  Moksha in any of my succeeding births will i accept these fellows  time bound hurried [forcibile ] liberation on me ? That to in a highly childlike simple manner ==I forgive you .Now my seat in heaven is assured?That would be believing in miracles and i donot believe in miracles.I may have some superstitious beliefs but i have no belief in miracles..

Yesterday whilst meditating in my room heard a scooter speed down  and immediately my left ear opened.Felt great .I guess the way to control my thoughts or to put in suggestions is to block my ears to external sounds and make me hear only  my own voice or messages beamed through some special frequency and even internet .No wonder i am always compared to 5 year old girls or a dog on leash.If i have to be chastisied  either for writing or grumbling at my freedom less state & at the conversion attempts the 5 yr old girl from lower floor would be made to cry loudly .Dogs on leash are brought out hurriedly when i walk as if to tease me to say that my every movement is being controlled and monitered .

This total opening of my ears has happened only twice or thrice since 2014 . So today i set out wanting to clera my block and deliberately walked on opposite side of oncoming traffic and went near scooters exposing my left ear hoping the sound of the scooters  would clear the block .At two places where i saw scooters coming towards me in the morning traffic motorbikes and scooters whizzed by me from behind pushing those scooters away and also making those scootersits curse these rash drivers for  breaking traffic rules and endangering thier lives..So no luck My intentions/experiment well read  and and actions taken .

I observed that two wheelers mostly motor bikes whizzed past me in places where the traffic slowed down and scooters came cruising towards me slowly due to signal and a cut in the road .

If slow scooters or vehicles  coming from opposite direction causes some jerk or shaking of the heart or abdomen  then the cut in our street is to attack our heart ,specially my hubs when we go out and come back from walk Why should there be a unrepaired cut on the main road when we turn into our street? The main roads of tnagar are always kept in good condition  so why is this break in the main road yet to be smoothened?Is it to slow vehicles ?It serves two purposes .Avoid skidding of  vehicles  due to my gold bangles and also shake our hearts .

How much ever i blog my travails and observations  nothing will be done to give us back our normal life.That is for sure,


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