Sunday, February 11, 2018

India a Secular democractic Republic,Is it so?

India is a democracy? There is no interference in peoples personal rights?Then why was the following done on me   ?
1.Shattering my head with high decibel sound for a  whole month in 2012  in the morning as i walked up and down my flat as i did my daily chores reducing me to a nervous wreck.I couldn't escape this sound shattering my head
2.Then provoking me to write each and every day and making use of it in name of human rights.My  human rights were gone for a toss but i had to write bleeding volumes  for all and sundry .
3.Jabbing my head with sharp painful jabs for a whole month in 2014 June  till my forehead could be peeled off from my skull  All this done at night when i went to bed and couldn't hide any where to escape it.and rendering each and every thought of  mine transparent so that even a old foggy wouldn't need a magnifying lens to read them .

4.Then squeezing fluids out of me for 3 weeks in September 2014 exhausting me and disoriented and diverted all my attentions since then to only my body and its sudden unnatural changes in it .Thoughts of spiritual ism, self introspection  flew out of the window.It is yet to return

5.This exhaustion was made use of to try and scare me to change my religion from hinduism to Christianity, sects for all the three weeks at noon when i napped  by beaming messages/orders  right into my head  after securing my attention by drilling softly into my left ear, with enticements that had  caveats  and  was woken up early in the morning to hear to these crazy stuffs regarding my character dinned into my head .one of which was this --That my husband was too weak to take care of me and incapable of commanding me who according to them is a  shrew and too egoistic  to obey him .Hence my neighbours [married men of various communities and caste]are rendering thier  husbandly services in setting me right!
That is, my head strongness couldn't be stomached by these persons who then broke and weakened me with sound ,technique and then slipped into my husbands place.Various types! So now instead of handling or adjusting or tolerating just my husband i had to adjust etc with these  honey trappers [who did the trapping with help of rust  + micro waves  for bringing ;daya'-affection in me  towards only and only  Muslims and dark skinned persons maybe SC's and Christians   after threatening me indirectly that i had to obey them] forced on us. Their excuse was that  unsavoury elements were doing this outside so they had to rectify it! I see .how did outsiders get a hold over my mind and body without it being allowed by those who have the power to allow or disallow such unsavoury or any one to abuse my mind and body and my property A sick excuse after weakening me and hypnotising me 

6.Any Tom dick and harry can have hot line connection to my ears and mind through phones with internet.
It was facilitated and encouraged

7.The  Iron tools technique is often used to shake my heart to get reactions in writings in the pretext of making me a better person To reform me and and make a better person  with a melting and compassionate  heart is the excuse to squeeze as much out of me as possible.for free .No one objects to this every one  with a agenda has a go at it  Naturally they are all getting some monetary or political benifit or the other from  this sadistic torture

8 Auditory masking is done extensively to speed up my heart Planes , vehicles and people-/flat neighbours , slum tenants , watchman and workers  talking is used in this after blocking my ears  so that i will hear only these sounds in  my ears and respond to it like a dog Coordinating each  and every activity of me and my hub every day for past several years with planes landing and take offs as well as daily analysis cum hypnosis sessions when we nap.It also continues through night.

9 i have been  weakend  by such sadistic tortures then i am also held   responsible  for being weak , teased about it .and advised  to stay put in the house ,destroying my reading habit  by making use of specs i use for reading as a tool for squeezing fluids and diverting my attention back to my body.Discouraged with watching tv with similar diversion  that makes me irritated at the new changes in my body ==viz, upheavel of my abdomen, irritating stings as well as unnatural discharges  Discouraged from wearing even simple daliy use  gold ornaments  lest it block off transmissions  .Turning my life- i had been leading for 54 years topsy turvy viz my normal routine, my hobbies my past times and what i adornment i wore The purdah imposed on me has been lifted as i put my foot down but disrpution in  my life continues with a vengence .                                      

10 A lot of hue and cry would be made over me during parliamentry sessions .I would be chased and shadowed  around hoping that  one word in writing from me would disrupt our" peaceful 'parliament sessions [like as if our parliament is peaceful hall of discussions]   since disruptions started a decade or two back i was the prime cause for it .I wasn't even blogging then Is our parliament so fragile?Are our politicians  so dumb and lacking in acumen that they have to latch on to my views to  create a uproar ,if so i am truly ashamed of them .They have the media , dime a dozen which are doing a thorough  job in nitpicking much much better than me and blowing up news to extra ordinary proportions to embarrass   and  am also  surprised at  politicians  ,the real tall ones hedging around and dawdling  to tackle such people who are clutching at straws.

Can all the above or even one technique be done by ordinary persons without special training and backing of state?
 This is the under belly of  the famous Indian democracy that cherishes its constitution that has no place for such autocracy!There is total intrusion into my mind  and , body. Forcible  multiple conversions are carried on over a person, me  with total impunity   But India is a secular state.And our media is very 'liberal' hence  it is beneath thier dignity to take notice of  attempts at forcibile conversion of a middle aged middle class Hindu  woman to other religions and sect .


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