Thursday, November 2, 2017


The ancient wise  king Prahalada's observation on forgiveness

 Forgiveness is not always meritorious .
He that forgives always suffers many evils .Servants strangers and enemies always disregard him .
No creature ever bends down unto him .
There fore the learned do not applaud a constant habit of forgiveness

The servants of a ever forgiving person always disregard him and therefore contract numerous faults.These mean minded men also seek to deprive him of his wealth .Vile souled servants also appropriate for themselves his vehicles, clothes, ornaments,apparel,beds,seats,food ,drink and other articles of use.They donot also at the command of their master give unto others the things they are directed to give .Nor do they worship their master with that respect which is thier master's due.

Disregard in this world is worse than death

Sons, servants and attendants even strangers speak harsh words unto the man who always forgives.

Persons disregarding the man of ever forgiving temper even desire his wife and his wife also becomes ready to act as she wills.

And servants who are fond of pleasure , if they donot receive even slight  punishments from their master , contract all sort of vices and the wicked man even injures the master.

These and many other demerits attach to those that are ever forgiving.

The learned have laid down the following about forgiveness which should be observed by all.

1. He who has done you a service even if he is guilty of grave wrong doing unto you , re collecting his former service , one should forgive that offender.

2. Those also that have become offenders from ignorance and folly should be forgiven for learning and wisdom are not always easily attainable by man.

3.They that have offended knowingly but plead ignorance should be punished even if their offence is trivial.Such crooked men should never be pardoned .

4.The first offence of every creature should be forgiven.The second offence should be punished .even if their offence is trivial.

5,If however a person commits offence unwillingly after examining his plea by judicious enquiry he should be pardoned.

From Mahabharat --Vana parva



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