Sunday, June 1, 2014

Of,tackling the problem of sponteneous movements by youths. ---1.6.14
                            My very very publivc /political/civilsociety diary.

No soner ditd i decide yesterday night  to stay off for 3 months in a row and also off this addictive diary writing to get out of my hassles and constant pinpricks than i felt my father making constant apperance as i drifted of to sleep .hypnotist at work ,surely.
after a walk to ward of the urge to write early morning itself i sat in a lush park meditating over the situation i am in and i decided to write and try and solve the problem that te govt at centre as well as in hereare liable to face viz anger of centrist and radical youths against the system.
Since i am being used mainly [tho fgn affairs is another of mine] to deal with tensions arising out of sensitive centrist youths  civil protests  i ll write my view on that subject.
History.---I observed in my ealier forays into net ,that whenever i blogged on hiduism --that is slokas or my view point ,toi would immediately come up with blogs on corruption. I linked the two and concluded that it was toi/secularists attempts to deflect youths attention from religion  viz hinduism/communal[from thier view point]who may be lapping my blogs .[i had no idea at my outreach except that a young  right  humorous blogger whose blogs had  over a million hits was thrilled by some of my blogs on hinduism and anecdotal  reminisesnse from my past and posted them in some other website.and then he quit blogging  after it was hacked and blocked ,cited  boredom as a cause with  a,follow up invitation from other rights to join twitter ],to secular subjects  like corruption --secular because it affects all equally.

But ofcourse it finally boomeranged on its patrons  or the side of politics they preffered ,with birth of anna movt that brought corruption to the attention of all youth  .Middle agers like me and others were not too bothered about it but youth being youth they got all fired up causing quite a few jitters in politiacl class .The opposition being in opposition weren't much bothered and maybe some of them  even enjoyed the discomfiture of the ruling party.In that famous debates on lokpal viz sense of the house all the parlimentarians looked like as if they were fortifying themselves within those halls   from the verbal  darts and glares  of resentful youths on the streets  outside.

Belive it or not i did give the solution  a very obvious and simple one , a courtsy that one politician extends to other as mater of routine,to make anna break the fast  and defuse thesituation .Just abandon ego and come down a peg or two  if one is truly intereted in upholding insitutions and are truly  bothered about india's name abroad,that is all.

Ok. my troubles started theneforward . i'll not go ointo it again except that those who had burnt thier fingers in that annamovt had become wary of such eruptions and i was zeroed upon for 1, supporting that movt2. and contradictorily for providing the solution as well  .
Since i proved successful in toning down the movt and sort of help transform it into a political one and also provided materials un wittingly ofcourse to deflect youths anger from  against state to society in nirbhaya movt i was regularily worked upon to provide emotinal evidence to the leadership to take decisions  which th eparty managers/leadership had alreday decided upon or were in a dilema to act upon with regards to correct course of public preception .

My blog s,diaries since 20 12 are replete with such incidents where i was made to cough the much neededemotionalevidence.
After burning htier fingerson corruption that swept away their patrons, benefactors and inclusive party to which seculrists owe their alligience they have latched upon women's issue..rape of minor girls is  extremely emotive .And it is being used extensively by the same duo toi and times now apart from other channels as well probably with the motive as usual ,to divert the energies of youth from becoming communal or anarchist.

Apart from this issue there are other weakesses in  the system and political parties which is galringly visible to ordianry educated youth , but the parties cannot overcome all those flaws if they have to get and continue in power .like criminaisation, oestentation'.keeping aloof from educated public once in power ,compromisung on principles , ideals etc., The politiacal parties have become so deadened to the ordinary sensitivities that they tend to jerk out of thier cosy circle only when youths take to streets

The media is playing a major role in mobilisation of such protests and sees to that the hysteria doesnot abate Pure business .In democracy how can they be censored?Now that the opposition bjp is in power they have to tackle this whilst cong and others can leisurely enjoy the ruling party bjp'sdiscomfiture.
How should the gvt/ruling party tackle this sponateneous gathering? My observations and suggestions--

There is always the potential of such protests taking place in future and this will have to be tackled with seriousness  and not on adhoc basis  , if the govt truly wants to save itself from such embarassments and get ahead with the task of governing.

suggestions---Appoint  non partisan   persons who are totaly impartial and committed only to thier job, that of succesfully solving the issue of youths sponteneous , leaderless protests.
They have to be alert to news and to all those campaigns being made non stop on tv, net ,paper etc.
Find out as to what is troubling them .Try and solve it with sincerety, sensitivity and immediately without bringing politics, authoritanism ,egoand avoid being judgemental.

This cannot be adhoc .It has to be 24/7 .

If i am going to be relied upon then it is not scientificand logical handling of the issue.

I may react immediately or may noy.i may write my observ ations or maynoteven if i am heavily nudjed.
My forcible co operation cannot be relied upon even if it had proved succeful till date.If thegovt is smart and wakes up to the urgency of this problem and puts in place a team --media anlysts, impartial inteligence, pshycologists, socioligist, mediators, nurtures and teachers who are not too loyal to the party or leadars[ but on the side of the party in power] as that would cloud thejudgement , as soon as possible , it can tackle this .

I am writing all this because i know that i wouldnt be let free till i the solution giver comes up with a solution to this vexatious [i donot have the heart , unlike politicians to call it vexatious since i feel that youths like every one else have every right toe xpress thier views and protest in civil viz non violent manner.And i have given it .
.It is for the govt toact upon it.

To accept or not acept is a call the govt has to take.if accepted it would be putting a system in place .if not it will be adhoc ,relying solely upon the vagaries of emotions and indvidual efforts and initiatives,

Former reliable ,latter un reliable.




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