Monday, May 26, 2014

Celeberation of democracy.-- 26.5.14.--6am

Was woken up with a start .now at 5 am by that morbid sound of bells chiming and announcement of time like as if in final count down and followed by a kural and its explanation.all of which has been going on for past 3 days.
Definitely i wrote my diary at 10 pm yesterday [haven't reproduced,maybe later]  like as if the whole world is on my shoulders because of an irresistible urge .That is my  right side of the brain felt squeezed with electronic or some such waves several times yesterday.The works from above and it finally paid off by my writing something in this time the reaction to a interview of a journo on tv about the reasons for defeat of Cong.

I gave in because there is  no nefarious deal to my notice, that could be sealed

OK the kural today was --if there are 2 enemies it does one good to choose one of them .this made me write this feeling it was directed against me, before i forget its messaging.

So i have 2 enemies politically.Cong and bjp.and i have to choose one.well i already did when i joined bjp last June and stuck to it fighting off suggestions to resign that came coupled with the  indifference shown by that party[maybe many in there couldn't stomach my being too frank and my  lack of motivations] to my plight.And i am still sticking to it .not for posts etc , just that i can identify with bjp's ideologies than with any other party .That is all .And in my own personal experience for the past 3 years out of the two evils cong  is worse  evil as that chattisgarh incident revealed to me and became the turning point  in my life and forced  made me to take a side when i was keen on maintaining my equidistance from both parties . Cong's idealogy is fuzzy, it seem to resort to  band aids to fix problems as when they arise  .
But being its member doesn't mean that it as license to control my private life .not a slave.what applies to cong also applies to bjp in this matter and i expect and naturally demand that the constant monitoring  of me and others in my own house without my or my hubs permission as well when i go out be removed and ,make me feel that i live in a democratic country and not in a totalitarian one  .I had always felt that i did live in a democratic country till all this started in full steam ,to my knowledge in 2012 April though i am sure it was going on without my eyes being forcibly opened to it in 20 12 , even much much earlier.

The sun has risen as a reddish orange ball at the horizon .an rare treat after a long long time.

As the tv's are running a non stop commentary on the run up to the  oath taking by new PM Modi, it makes me chafe at the pettiness and pique shown by nearly all the secularists and am appalled at their hoity toitiness since not one has come forward to congratulate this man whole heartedly  not only at his stupendous efforts , capacity and success  but are also being blind to the fact that his very election to the top most post is what the founding fathers of the constitution  and  democracy in India envisaged and dreamt of --treating all equally and granting every one and any one equal opportunity in the say and running this great nation breaking away from very many  shackles of past  like caste, religion , class ,lineage etc.In a way i to belong to that supercilious group[partly] but i at least realise and acknowledge this feat and made sure to congratulate sri modi on the day of his victory itself .Am glad that i registered my emotions immediately.The continuing indifference of the self styled secularites does prick me.

And didn't modi prove me right of what i have been harking all along ,by prostrating  himself in the parliament before the portraits of all those who sacrificed a lot and made it possible for a man of ordinary family, means  , and native thinking but with more than ordinary  capacity and ability and commitment to be elected  to the top most post?
When he choked at the speech in Parliament overwhelmed by emotions it brought to my mind that Tamil song i heard on may ist  early in the morn.

yenno radha indh poramai yaar dhan azhgilmayangadhavara?

Radha! why this jealousy? Just who in the world will not be fascinated by beauty?


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