Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Yesterday i was made to wait for an assessment on my wrist watche/s worthiness . I glanced around .The room was crowded with middle class youngsters.Not one of them had black ink on their left index finger nor did those of same age group working inside the glass partitioned service room .

Is it indifference and cynicism or some underlying fear?That .once their votes become valuable there can also be such times when they or some of them can become expendables ,at the cost of their lives and liberties?Playing it safe.Wise kids.

My husband votes religiously , an middle class man with deep interest in politics and look where it has landed him--right into the hands of politicians some of whom he dislikes, hates and some of whom he adores and hero worships,who are all merrily ,without a jot of conscience are exploiting the ability, and ideas of a person he has sole claim over-viz his wife [me] by successful delusional control coupled with his powerlessness .

I  am  even more powerless except for the fact that my grand father 's MA iyengar's contribution to this nation is too great to be trifled with ,beyond a point.this is from my point of view.An view that evokes derisive laughter from my immediate family that finds it amusing that whilst the real descendants of Mk Gandhi the father of the nation ,a man of extraordinary stature are consigned to total anonymity  i must be reeling under grandiosity by clinging to such a  delusive and romantic belief.

My gf looked after me when i was a toddler  when he was the speaker of lok sabha ,since my mother couldn't handle two infants in a row as my brother was born within a year and quarter of my birth.When i was taken back after a period of 2 years or so my gf  unable to bear the separation named an transistor as 'sujata'  in my memory and would often ask his college going sons to fetch sujata --or hand it over to him whenever he  wanted to hear it .Be it news or songs.This practise of calling a transistor sujata continued even in his retirement since that particular transy was serviceable for a long time .This time around his grand sons who resented me and were jealous of the pride he took in my academic achievments had to fetch it.

I too hear  music and news from a transistor at bedtime and of late the songs played have meaning and so does their sudden interruption .

What a seer my gf was when he so aptly named that transistor sujata 54 years back.His pet has become a broad caster like that transy and also is clinging on to the transy and gets inputs and broadcasts rather narrow casts.
I have tied all the loose ends in the latest blood splattered politics.But i will not divulge it as no bloody politician is on my side and they would use me only as a pawn taking advantage of my useless fury and frustration .

note --evening news--Trilateral meeting between Australia, china and Malaysia in Australia over 370 airline's recovery.   


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