Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sister cities. from my diary.28.4.14 6am

Read the news yesterday in Hindu that obama  along with japan was funding UN project on women protection in new Delhi.
After spending  a very restless night it  dawned upon me that a deal has has been cut with Obama and i am connecting it to me and sg's ,most probably that tonsure business has or will secure sg's  release from us courts clutches and allow the Americans in

bjp wouldn't mind since they love to ally with the us and are pragmatic [tho it involves the torture and exploiting my totally helpless position under this psychiatric control]that this vexatious issue is solved  or going to be solved and accept Obama munificence whole heartedly

Ah!Modi put a great show on oppression of women on TV a few days back .Wow!That could have clinched the deal.
I am not for us or un's stealthy intervention into India via delhi  and am totally ashamed that i fell into the elaborate trap set by Cong, bjp and toi and let them in .If so it was under trickery and my complete isolation from social contacts and rigid control over every second and every space of my life.I was quite taken aback when modi said on that show that he wouldn't mind anyone reading even his thoughts,for the same does not go for me having been brought up in  a manner that respects one's privacy.well he is in politics and a public figure  and i am not .May be that he is really that confident or has the skill to project a clean image.

Maybe bjp wants to offset china's influence on Maoists  etc but even then it is shameful to depend on a foreign power or allow them to do the job the Indian state has and owes to its people.
Just for what are all these people casting their votes?some cash& TV or fridge? No it is something more , for security, a good living as a Indian/bharatwasi with self respect.

Really if that tonsure piece is used to secure release through me and which i had thought i had successfully  guarded against by  deciding not to  blog about  it till may 21 ,as  i was nicely tricked into thinking that my diary no longer counted as elections have commenced [and i also went a reported to EC --a joke was made of it by all--]and only my blogging would.i have tripped and feel sorry for all those young fans of mine in the Internet as also the people of India.

I wanted very much to resist till the next pm took over so that ,if that pm strikes a deal as his party stands for India first they would have to secure a better deal from us in this sg issue which would benefit the whole of India in a open open manner.[though this issue could be submerged within]if they wanted to secure sg's release and maintain the 'prestige and honour 'of a political leader.I also resisted the strong temptation to clear my name sullied by rumours that i am a woman of easy virtue when my instant reaction was the relief i felt that i had no baser attractions ,since i reasoned since a slur has already been cast on it by politicians the only tool in thier hands against me as well as any woman a man cannot get to submit and is secretly in awe of , which is itself against their own ego ,i can bear it for another month for the sake of country's prosperity.  

The sudden 'mottai ' of pf/kgb was a brilliant move .no doubt as it elicited the exact reaction hoped for that on my seeing it i would feel a flash of relief that typifies a conservative illiberal Hindu woman whose very private moments had been so boldly  invaded wasn't a Muslim,but  a Hindu and i felt it and wrote it Further i show cased my illiberality by viewing my tormentor /rapist etc as a brother in that instant reaction, an elder one who often tonsure his head in tirupati after fulfilling his vow . Had i been a true liberal i ought to have hated him for what he did and not exhibit even that pinch of relief at his religious identity .second i ought to have accepted my interest in him sexually and not give it a platonic relationship.That is what true liberals would ,but i didn't and my relief that i didn't feel any such attraction made me doubly ill liberal , I provided an excellent proof of indian woman's illiberality to us courts to act upon .

On realising this i corrected it saying that i shouldn't be taken as the sample example of Indian women's ill liberality and it would be unfair to scores of other liberal women in India.

I wanted the cake and also eat it .Having secured the nuclear deal by holding out that penultimate week i also was greedily hoping to secure a very good deal for India as a whole from us if bjp assumes power and puts this  emotional evidence of tonsure to use and give them the choice to use it when i blog this tonsure piece after may 21st .
of course the politicians will be laughing their heads off at my temerity to play power politics just by writing and not winning even a single vote whilst they are on it with seriousness.The fact is i was not going to use the power for myself and i never asked or it and after being conferred with i was going to be doubly sure that i would use it to benefit of my country as a whole and in a open manner.

I thought that i had held on but Obama announcement in japan has shown that i haven't.
The politicians have done me in.Enjoy India! All the best when you go out and vote trustingly.i Voted for nota.

Your outgoing pm and beloved' annai sonia t'he lady bountiful have effected a mini partition as they leave and your ,'India first 'sentinels have stood guard .

Maybe the pm was nostalgic about his partition days and wanted a reenactment and annai being a true  liberal  with the notion of countries without borders seeped deep within couldn't care less about the fate of Delhi and Indian security .Wow her stock must have risen in international arena and so has bjp's liberal image.
It was the bjp under s. sushma who were in the forefront of spearheading women's harassment [which could Be political .]So were right libs journos cum politicos like k.gupta and so on .And modi took the cake with his sivaji ganesan like performance on TV with tears filling his eyes and voice choking with emotion  at the news of women being harassed  all over India after sg  guiltily/ungratefully spilled the beans on TV  after that aborted Andaman triangle plot [aborted by me],by castigating the very party under the leadership of that illiberal brute was helping her ,since as far back as Nov DEC 2013 itself !Hence the vociferous reaction by sandeep defence of modi. I was totally forgotten or brushed under the carpet  in  this mega political cum diplomatic drama.
Are the courts in us or the law makers so stupid to act on a emotional evidence collected by deliberate provocation by both major political parties of India  even if i keep on writing and blogging about how they are extracted?Nothing but manufactured confessions in police custody in a sort of solitary confinement. Is this blocked?or those parts that reveal the truth are blocked whilst the rest isn't?I also realised that my reaction was purely a Stockholm syndrome and also wrote it.

That woman will beat Helen of troy hollow.

On the brighter side of Andaman triangle Putin got Crimea and india got nuclear energy whilst Obama has entered Ukraine successfully  to contain Russia through that Geneva accord and the world can enjoy China's squirming and failing to comfort  their citizens by not being to unravel the mystery of mh 370 for all its super power claims. .i have emerged from this triangle alive though i couldn't care less but to that plane load of innocent passengers to be alive, did matter.

I suppose i am reacting typically like an commie or the rss since this UN deal would be a good gift to bjp--1.solving sg's problem their dear pal
2.A step forward in alliance with their natural ally ,the us in  future .

But again New delhi  is not kiev that its  keys  be so liberally handed over to washington

Relevant Excerpts from my diary.
19.4.14 Saturday

 night glanced down and saw an unbelievable comic sight . pf/kgb  had tonsured his head that means his penance has been fulfilled.was curious to know as to what he achieved so met him on the landing.the same innocent act and said he had gone to mecca for  umrah and was not here for 15 days.clearly lying.i saw him just 2 days back with all his crop. i mentioned it but no use.only came back and went hurriedly through the papers.did he get his imp mission --sg's release .no news.

yesterday or day before i exonerated him saying he was successful in both episodes viz  making me parrot but since it was a lie and not what i thought and felt to be  truthful so i kept correcting it.
so that must be the cause of his mottai.freak. liar.thank god is ill liberal conserv,communal but i couldn't have stomached it if he was a Muslim it was al humiliation but this makes it a bit more bearable.
so i gave my 2 year long tormentor a god conduct cert the fact that it meant so much to him is itself my revenge .
The fact that his kudumi was in my hands at the end whilst he was always the one who had nearly completely controlled my life ,environ etc is sweet revenge which i ought to havae extended a bit further to keep him on tenterhooks strange unfair encounter.whilst he knew everything about me i do not know anything about this mystery man.a weird crazy, humiliating chapter in my life.

20.4.14 sunday  6 am

Just why was this clearance cert so im p to this ---

1. for self aggrandisement--a promotion-very selfish motive restore reputation amongst peers in here if he is a pvt practitioner give true picture of the institute-viz-cbi or restore its reputation in the eyes of the world since this is an in natl diary?

To me the 3 rd reasoning and option is more acceptable .the first 2,not.he presented himself to me as atheist but even then if he has prayed and fulfilled his vow --in a temple[which one?]and if it was for the third option ,it is OK with me.that apart from me ,in this whole sordid episode -the final one there is another person who has put his nation first that is not lower its image, abilities of the ins ti of our country in the eyes of the world.

21.4.14 The news that sg cancelled her election caught my eyes plus that she was star campaigner for Cong as Muslims identify with her and not with rg and has a relapse of her mysterious illness.
i felt imme that it was to do with my reaction to pf's tonsure.
so how is this connected to sg?

1. if i am the model citizen it means i prefer to be humiliated by a Hindu party like bjp than a mus party [under her] like Cong--pol speaking
2. or if she was identifying herself with me -some what a liberal outwardly she had a jolt that inside at core i am a conservative Hindu who cannot and will not cross the dividing line.[could be true --saw AP patel her poli adviser on TV today---27.4.14,he looks exactly like pf , only older ]

woke up early in morn .lay on bed and heard hanuman chalisa sung beautifully by some was also easy to understand it moved me.Rama has that effect--on emotions[does any one require more evidence than this regarding my ill liberality as is understood in here?].and gita is for the intellect.

got out of bed feeling sorry for sg .if she is suffering from ocd and is obssesed with me it is beyond her control.i spose she wanted to convert my deep Hindu unwanted obsession.that explains the brain washing techniques.but my instant reaction to pf's tonsure that i forgave him for that instant for him being a Hindu only must have broken her illusions.but my heart was already broken way back when vidat was taken down these very steps on a pall there is no turning back------
Relief he is a Hindu.Relief that i saw him only as a brother and nothing more.Relief that just like that brother [ govt servant retd] who stood by me in my darkest hour he was also standing by me .

23.4.14 6 pm
Parrakai has made me cry after a long time.after writing reams of analysis relaxed at savasan then it suddenly struck me that he is in cbi ,the pet of cong he was registering his protest by tonsuring his head [he could done it later] at the shabby treatment given to me by politicians and rewarding me for my determination to hold out ironically against his pressure tactics,for the sake of the country and people.
some how i couldn't this kindness and it touched me so much that i had a good wonder that he reminded me of my brother who consoled me when i was totally isolated and ignored by my hubs family when vidat died.
funny that i could bear every humiliation he heaped upon me but not this human gesture.

24.4.14 6 am

My flood of tear is nothing but result of stockholm syndrome .Cong offered  a carrot to douse ill will of powerful poli up north specially in sensitive bihar because of the thimir [arrogance] of its own in its hey days-politics
2. and yet again continuing attempts to free sita from clutches of ravana in us.

emotional blackmail.
To those who masterminded Andaman triangle this would be child's use vidats favourite phrase--jujupi.
25.4.14--9am wrote about reaction to modi's cavalcade in kasi[i have blogged it]

12 pm .----Since kgb is still hanging around it means he still has a mission to complete viz rescue sg .If i blog the above 2 pieces 21and 23 and today's that of even mentioning his tonsure who ever he is ,which is my obssesion with his personal whim she may be released .But i am reluctant and hesitant to blog [i think writing in diary no longer counts with nancy removed]coz i have no idea as to what the stakes are and what is the deal?And that ukraine is still smouldering.
Having held out then why not hold out till 16 and play it safe? why boast over myself in the net so as to clear my name and establish my sati savithri image? when such gloating can boomerang and give emotional evidence which those lib Americans jurors will drool over ?
I am cleraly expected [pressurised] to blog about the greatest surprise in past 2 yeras in my life that of tonsuring of kgb/pf .Why?
1. If he is in govt to restore its secular image
2.If he has been put by bjp to assure the delusional rights that the person they put to control me is a hindu and thus douse any hard feelings.would any hindu tolerate one of thier woman being put under the  direct and total control of  a muslim man and his family specially after the rise of my stock amongst all those hindus  who would have appreciated my determination to hold out for the sake of the country to secure that nuclear energy deal ,an living example of india first ?
3. If he has been put by cong/sg/nac +bjp etc and if he is a muslim to show that some muslims are liberal enough to tonsure thier head and show me as the conservative of the two.
no idea except that i have to blog about it and i am not going to for some days.
If he is realy a hindu and if he realy wants me to blog my reactions so as to mellow and assuage any tough hindus heart he has to ask me and i will only if there is no under hand deal with us.Till then i won't mention it.

4.i donot know who he is .Does he exist at all? He is not supposed to exist. I am the one who is delusional right?Ask my husband he'll tell every one  that he is a useless mus neighbour. My hub is sane man .Not me

All  above excerpts from my diary barring 24,4,14  are the  deliberately manufactured  emotional evidence needed to abrogate that law in us and i think it has been used forthwith as the munificence of Obama to UN project in Delhi suggests the correct analysis and if both parties have taken out pieces of emotional evidence from my diary  or if they take it to secure release, they  are once again clearly using an situation deliberately created by themselves.This will never stand the test in a proper court of law.It is against the principles of natural justice which i was taught in law school .one cannot take advantage of one's own wrong doings.

i am sure 100% that the mysterious disappearance of 370 has to do with the mysterious illness of sonia .g .i feel thoroughly ashamed that people of our country has put  such a person in power who hasnt shown even a drop of remorse except for that sudden guilt ridden appearance on tv which was more as a defence .And she is going about her election works gaily. whilst when i allow myself to make a connection between me  the blogger,sg  and that plane i stop short in my tracks and feel a knife twist within me and  i shake my head  in regret.

In which world is she?Does she  think and hallucinate that i am jesus christ who has to bear  the cross for her every time she bloodies her hands.?



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