Friday, April 25, 2014

Kasi and father of the nation.

Modi's joyous  cavalcade in Varnasi/kasi yesterday  en route to filing his nomination for contesting the Loksabha election s brought to my mind  and to my lips the Hindi film song and its picturistion that always sends me into raptures and taking me back to the ancient dharmic days  ,whenever i see it or hear that song.even now That song which starts with following invocation--Gurur Brahma gurur Vishnu gurur devo maheswra  and each sentence ending with 'yeh bharat desh he mera ',sung with great feeling by Mohammad Rafi.I sang it aloud as i watched the parade.

Can anyone take Kasi out of a Hindu?

And it immediately struck me as to why mentioning Hindu gods has become an anathema a even amongst Hindus whilst that Muslim singer has mentioned them and sung in their praise without any inhibitions and that song never fails to stir me.He would have sung it 50 years back.

Some how that cavalcade reminded me of the freedom movt.The atmosphere was electric and vibrated with the hope of a new dawn It reminded me of the euphoria my grand father would have felt on Independence day and his impatience to chart a new course for India.

Evening watched a discussion on ndtv on the symbolism of modi garlanding statues of only Hindu icons viz political leaders belonging  to freedom movt  in the midst of which swapan who is said to articulate rights viewpoints interjected to correct the anchor that Ambedkar was not a Hindu icon.
This made my hackles rise up .I know that ambedkar is the greatest hero of Sc's and i consider Sc's as hindus therefore he is a Hindu icon.

I had the same reaction, poured out in this blog when a journo of first post when he sliced away Sc's and Dravidian's from 'mainstream hindus'.A typical liberal view point

I suppose it is precisely for such reactions that libs get offended by my views .whilst swapan, kanchan ,for all thier rightist leanings is always welcome in their circle with reaction similar to them.But such rightists will not be able to influence the real rightists in the manner in which i may be able to since i am the typical, typical right with no inhibitions or guilt about it .

An melodramatic drama was enacted by libs to show case my conservativeness not due to any humanitarian consideration but purely due to political reasons as well as selfish reasons --the battle for the votes and for prestige.I ll mention it later say after 21 may dipping into my diary then . once bitten twice shy.

As i entered the natesan park my loud conversation with my hub venk came to my mind.That it was how very  strange and very toxic is this periyar movt that honours a man for his tireless anti brahmin activism by installing his statue in a park named after him whilst it was these very Brahmin's who fought for freedom and enabled them to make  a rich pickings .Whilst entire country was fighting against British this group was busy fighting for freedom from Brahmin's!

But there are some very extraordinarily courageous non Brahmin's tamilians who have fought against the British for freedom like VOC pillai  --an extremist of Cong and several others  who were how ever unable to influence the vast majority of tamilians in the manner in which periyar and his disciples have.

The notice board on the park read  ' Do not think you are too small to make a difference .be shut in a small room with a mosquito'--an African proverb --again handiwork of libs

Only a person with warm blood flowing will attract a mosquito , not a corpse.which means a person with emotions .The libs are clearly under the delusion that if they tweak my thought process i would make a difference. that is if i am a corpse .
It is my instant reactions of which i am not ashamed of unless i ruminate too much on it which could make a difference.
It is precisely that i am a conservative in a lot of things i can influence the conservatives in certain areas  in the manner in which lib would love to but cannot since their greed is for the entire area,which is totalitarianism.
so if some libs are crowing over their victory of taming me and using me as a tool to chasten rightists [--our conversations can be heard and bought by media  managing modi 's campaign- symbolism in Varanasi --garlanding m.malava an extremist of cong like voc, referring to mirza in blog like  my reference to rafi earlier in the day,] they have to swallow the indigestible ,their defeat at their attempts to convert me  that was show cased in latest drama which i will blog later and realise that it is for their own good or whom they represent that i be allowed to be as i am and remain the conservative if the delusional emotional rights --[from thier view point--of whom they are so revolted of and despise ]continue to repose trust in me and not feel betrayed by me whom i guess they instinctively indentify with .

I have to be myself and not somebody else if the rights-- the ill liberals, patriotic emotionals , harking back to past glories of Hindus so much like me , have to trust me.Didn't i redeem that trust reposed in me that terrible terrible week before elections commenced? 

And a part of my life has been shaped by my mother and her father who were influenced by M.K..ghandhi

.And we all know what he stands for --truth and non violence and practised the dictum 'means justify ends and ends do not justify means' --A very ill liberal view ,right? But he is considered  by all as the father of this nation .

written on 25.4.14. 9 am


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