Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Deal done.

Saw the news ticker on TV that US court has dismissed the case against sonia .g in the anti sikhriots case.

so what i had grasped and was ranting about was right.An deal has been struck between Cong and us and big brother has landed in Delhi.

That UN project which is ostensibly for changing the thought process and mind set of Indians .Is it possible to change 1ooo's of years of mental conditioning ?did they achieve such remarkable changes in Arab and African countries?The UN backed by the us knows that fact very well but doesn't the US  need an excuse to enter India and put a spoke in its development? cold blooded diplomacy for domination and control.

why am i feeling so much about this piece of news whilst it has been totally ignored by all and sundry? I was the most important pawn in this ostensibly liberal vs ill liberal warfare and probably the  middle class perception gleaned out of my blogs by  all those who refuse to acknowledge the fact  or turning a convenient blind eye to it that i am being constantly worked upon ,thirsting for such manna from heaven , the blog on kasi , can be  put  into mischievous use to tarnish the image of rightists , and it might have  turned the tide.

on the brighter side the vexatious problem is over ,at least for the time being.

It is my most sincere advise  that the next govt on assuming office must scrap that UN project.and if Sikhs pursue the case adapt the typical Hindu attitude of allowing the workings of karma to take its  natural course.One reaps what one sows.That is allow Sonia.g to face the consequences of not condemning but of condoning her party men's role [if Cong has  evidence to prove otherwise it can be tendered in that court]in Sikh riots.
Put a full stop to this emotional blackmail which jeopedrised lives and tried to stall the country's development and also has the potential to do so in future.

written on 29.4.14  9 am 



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