Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Interact with the honourable PM.

I went to the site but was either prevented from typing my request  fully or there was some error in it .So i am typing out my request in this blog hoping Sri Modi would see it and take due action .

Respected Sri N.Modi,
Kindly accept my congratulations on becoming the PM of this great land and people .
 The news papers today revealed your eagerness to communicate with people directly through the Internet  and your sincere quest to redress their grievances.This has encouraged me to petition to you directly so that  my grievance would be redressed immediately.
 My flat  is bugged all over with hidden audio receivers and cameras whose electrical feed is in the control  of residents of flat which is immediately above mine as well as in few adjacent houses .
I have this habit of writing my diary nearly on a daily basis and also blog my views and reactions to news items in this blog..
This may have led to my being constantly watched even in my most private moments .As a woman it is terribly humiliating..My direct verbal confrontations with my harassers[it was precisely at this juncture that i was unable to type further] have yielded no results.As also my petitions to authorities.

So i request your honourable self the Pm of India to order the clean sweep of my house ,remove all the gadgets prying into the privacy of my legally acquired house and warn my neighbours to desist from constantly provoking me with intention of making me  write what they want  or make me  react caustically  which could cause unnecessary mischief .As also ask them not to poke their nose  in my day to day life so that i and my family can regain our peaceful enjoyment of our house and environment like any other normal Indian citizen.

My son's marriage is upcoming and i can't imagine putting the young bride in such a  perverse situation knowing fully well about the constant presence of hidden cameras in every room of my flat.that seems to have direct access to media world wide .I am unable to entertain guests and relatives for the same reason.
This is an honest request of a citizen of India and the genuine grievance of a  woman  harassed by neighbours and their political masters and  friends.
Hoping for immediate action .
Thanking you ,
                  yours faithfully,
address; K.C.Sujata w/o T.R. Venkatesan A.5. Srinandan apartments No 22 Dr Thomas road T nagar Chennai.

telephone--24357084, 9884580783


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