Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Raining money.---25.5.14. 10pm

The latest news that govt is getting back crores in Augusta deal .Again i am liking to my reactions to news which are yet to be blogged,yesterday i wrote that sg will naturally head Cong as she would be able to face corruption charges with ease with political power.

Why did Italy return the money? Were they afraid that next govt will pursue the case and therefore decided to bail out one of their own?I am alluding to sg because of news reports referring to family and AP ,that suggested their involvement.

Did Italy return coz of my inter natl diary in which i refer to sg's reason to be at helm?

If so to this govt that has tortured me so  i am its luckiest star .As they wind up i seem to make foreign countries like Russia, US   and Italy shower their munificence on them .OK our country and also bail out their high command from a tricky situation just by writing in a 25 rs note book ,but of course writing on and on like one demented, the result of screws being applied .

In This shower of gold my pick is that which was given by Russian president . the others are unwanted cover up money ,acquiring of  which is nothing  to be proud of .

When vidat created this blog for me way back in March or April 2007 it was his intention that i should make money out  of it in the strength of my knowledge experience and vocabulary  through advertisements .I haven't made a single paise out of it as i didn't want to and at same time couldn't spend my inheritance due to strict stranglehold over my activities or past 3years by the self serving political class and greedy and hungry  media..

Its obvious  that the blog which Vidat created for his mother has not led to her enrichment materially speaking but has enabled her to enrich the mother of all  of us  viz mother India.

It is a pity that no one  will ever acknowledge ,as this shower [ the one i liked] was the  result of  an operation that  was  so shrouded in intrigue, mystery and tragedy  that even the outgoing pm cannot take credit if he wants to for the fructification of his one and only pet project nor credit me for pulling it off .

i have still preserved the letter of appreciation sent by Indira Gandhi to me and my teen aged  friends for contributing rs 100 [a great sum those days] to the relief fund at the end of bangla desh war in 1971 but will not   have a  letter of  appreciation for securing 33 000crores rupees  , to nestle along side ,in a   time worn  leather bag as it can never be sent by  her d-i-l and her appointee .


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