Friday, July 13, 2012

Fundamentaly wrong.

The confession has been extorted .My sincere apologies have been tendered.The carnage is over My outrage has subsided ,even if it didn't would any one care about the damage done?

To the one who bears the name that rhymes with the word mirage,who is ever fixated on my visage from his upper perch , the unwanted baggage that continues to barge into my life,
'Are you paying the telephone bills or for the TVs recharge or the rising current bills?.Did you buy the heater, fridge, fans, AC and the computer?Are you paying for my upkeep? Will you pay for my health and shopping bills as long as i live?

Who is doing all this for me? What and from where do you derive the right to control my emotions through the gadgets my spouse has paid and is maintaining.Just who the hell are you to have 24 hours access to my privacy? God?

My being on this public platform , doling out snippets from my private life now and then ,doesn't automatically cancel out my private life.

How can my home become the home of a ministry and source of information to a party or a media house that is heavily funded by western coffers?If i am such a raving nut according to surmises made by all and sundry and am being avidly projected as such to world at large with so much labour and resources, which itself renders the supposedly altruistic motive behind it a suspect, why should my loony observations and blabberings be given credence by esteemed ,sane ,sensible selves that every trick is played that it doesnot see daylight?

If this is some kind of house arrest where is the warrant? Or if i am under any threat,Why haven't i been informed?

Are we living in a communist regime where the fundamental right to property and the right to privacy does not exist and brain washing techniques are overtly and covertly allowed to be performed on non conforming individuals ?Is all this insolent assault on my independance ,individuality and basic human rights done to bring me around for a 'inter faith dialogue' since my repeated posts on Hinduism makes me a 'fanatic' and my extremity has to be chipped off to render me socially acceptable and politically amenable?I believe that spirituality is common to all human kind ,but my faith is my own and the interest in my country is inborn and personal .I have no appetite for discussions on religious faiths or on politics.

India is a democracy that guarantees fundamental rights to its ordinary citizens.What a joke the constitution has been made of by those very people who swear an oath of allegience to it,derive their powers from it and pay mere lip service in upholding it.

I will not seek political protection or knock on the doors of the courts but continue to fight for my rights through this blog.

The million dollar question that arises in my mind apart from my 'brain washing' bit, is for 'whose 'benefit and 'why' such a carefully monitored choreography of manufactured events without a let up on such a massive scale to project me as a person of basically unsound mind suffering from delusions and paranoia is still being carried out ?When i very well know that i do not suffer from such extreme mental disturbances and so does the perpetrator.Is it to blunt my deep thoughts by keeping me perpetually diverted?Or is it with the hope of convincing some one --very important person or persons that my observations must be taken with a pinch of salt?Funnily enough i am in total consonance with my tormentors about the last bit.I always rely on scientific reasoning,individual research and analysis and my own inferences, and my judgments are formed from them , and maybe to a certain extent on faith, instinct
and actual experiences but not on 'blind faith'.I recommend the same to my viewers.

However i lodge my strongest protest at the humiliations heaped on me and make it clear that the series of dastardly acts let loose on me in gay abandon and with utter callousness, arrogance, perversion and in the shameless aggradisation of selfish interests has done irreparable damage to my reputation and standing in the society as well as leaving deep scars of distrust and betrayal within me with attending loss of peaceable enjoyment of my day to day life.

Can these wrongs done to me be ever righted ?Never. Not as long my memory lasts.


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