Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I have been scanning the letters to the editor for the past few days for a comment on the plight of a small farmer written in a novel and poignant manner in the open page of a leading daily. But none is forth coming.Where as there is a deluge of letters on that vexatious m-i-l vs d-i-l fights over a man's attention and affection[that appeared on the same page] than on a or the man's survival itself!

The way to pass through death to immortality --'moksha' as per Iasavasyo upanishad.

The first two slokas of the 17 slokas that constitute Isvasyo upanishad delineates the path.

**Om ! Isvasyamindham sarvam yatikinca jagatyam jagat!
Tena tyaktena bhunjita magradah kasayavid dhanam|

The entire universe is pervaded by Brahman .Enjoy and experience that which is allotted to you.Cast off the desires that rise in the heart for example the thought of possessing that which is enjoyed by another.

**Kurvaneveha karmani jijivisecchatam samah|
Evam tvayi nanyathethosti na karma lipyate nare'|

'O' human live the entire span of your life [100 years].But do your work in a detatched spirit dedicating everything to Bhagwan.Only then you can escape the taints caused by your actions.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The relationship between Brahman and individuals as elucidated in the Isavasyo Upanishad.

Aum!Poorna madhaha poornamindha poornathva poornamudhchayathe!
Poornasya poornamadhya poornameva vashishyathe'|

That is whole and this is whole .The perfect has come out of the perfect!Yet the perfect remains ,as before ,perfect!

The part that makes up the individual comes out of the whole and the material of which it is made is such a transcendental nature that the whole remains whole in spite of something taken out of the whole.

**Tade jathi thannai jathithadure thadvanthike |Thadantharasyah sarvasya thadu sarvasyasya bhayatah|

Meaning: It moves . It does not move. It is far away yet most near. It is the internal spirit of everything that we know.

Commentary. The supreme spirit is the essence of individual Atman.When we do not realise this ,it is far away and when we realise this, it is near,within one's own self!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Prayer from Isavasyo upanishad.

**'O' Sun ,who art our nourisher , giver of knowledge,dispenser of justice, giver of light, son of the creator, spreading rays far and wide, draw in your dazzling light ,so that I may be enabled to behold Brahman's beautiful form,who is within you . I am the same person as he that is in you!.........16.

Vayur nilammritam yeksham bhasmath shariram! Om ! Rhito smar kritam smar! Rhito smar kritam smar!....................17 .

**My breath will join the deathless moving winds. My body will be reduced to ashes. But I and my deeds will not disintegrate. Oh mind remember this always, remember this always!

The above prayer for gaining strength is addressed to the morning sun , which an aspirant for knowledge and peace is taught to feel and say.

This prayer occurs in the last of the slokas compiled under the heading 'Isavasyo Upanishad' .These slokas were taught by rishi Datyana Aadarvana to his son .

A daily repetition and contemplation of the truths embodied in these slokas [sanskrit] is prescribed ,to lead a life of detachment and to become free of the repeated cycles of birth and death.

Courtesy----Upanishads by C.Rajagopalachari.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thoughts for the day.

Makuru dhana-jana-yauvana garvam,
Harati nimesat kalah sarvam,
Mayamayamidam -akhilam hitva,
Bramhapadam tvam pravisa viditva.

Bhaja govindam bhaja govinda,
Bhaja govindam mudhamate!


Boast not of wealth or of friends and followers or of youth.
Within seconds these can be stolen away by Time!
The entire world is a illusion.
Bramhan is the only truth.Know this and live accordingly.

Worship Govinda, worship Govinda,
Worship Govinda , foolish one!

From Adi Shankaracharya's Bhaja govindam.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


A major cause of unhappiness is over estimating the happiness of others.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The near perfect mother.

She knew more about children and their ways than I did.A working woman, an accountant of my age , of similar set up but without kids.She never wore this emptiness on her sleeves and was as gay and happy as any one could be.Yet I could detect her envy , though very subtle when topics as it often did amongst a group of women ,though i was doubly careful not to rub it on, veered around children , their whims and fancies.

All through the long years of expectations and its destruction she had lived every thing , delivering, rocking, raising ,whacking a child and also laughing with a child, her child in her mind, as a perfect mother whilst i had actually done all those with a lesser finesse.She let this out through her insightful observations into children's behaviour, that always startled me.

I saw her one day on the landing whilst i was going through a crisis , absorbed totally in my children's problems .She was leaving for work.Her face unlined, uncreased and tranquil.There were no dark shadows under her clear eyes , her steps firm and quick. She had the usual smile.

I felt a twinge of envy at her cheerful countenance and at the college girl like, spring in her,though she was deep into the mouldy, middle age .It was now my turn to think 'how lucky you are'. For living only the happy part of being a perfect mother and not and ever, the sad part.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The new din-illahi

Elections, cricket, bollywood and railways are its basic tenets.

I have no quarrel with its adherents only that I am too old nearly 5000 years of age, to change my fold.

Photo:An Mohenjadarao seal.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The pampered lot.

In quest for easier access to children's tutorials, entertainment, and to be near relative's circle,coupled with the fatigue of maintaining an independent house with a garden in the suburbs,we landed in this placein central Chennai.

I first saw it in mid afternoon and it looked very neat and clean though a huge slum tenements an housing board initiative of the govt was just on the opposite side, masking the dirty cooum river from eyesight.Beguiled by this and its affordability ,made me ok it.

Little did I know what was in store for me.Early in the morning the loudspeaker of the nearby temple [an encroachment into private property]would blare devotional songs in high decibel without single devotee nearby.Even the most pious would find this irritating in the stress laden morning hours.Then the verbal fights between the women pumping water would break out. Choicest curses which i have never heard before in my fairly long life , that to from women would fill the air.Rama!
After this dose of devotion and curses the evenings would be enlivened by fist cuffs between youths ,with their mothers,and sisters,who had just finished the verbal assaults on each other ,would intervene wailing aloud and dragging away their dear one's fearing for their lives.

Then there is the regular tamasha' s during election times.Parades, party songs, handshaking and smiles.Every politician ,the top ones made it a point to grace this street.So I had a ringside view of their personage and eloquence.

I fear the annual Thiruvizha's most and would make plans to get away from the noise pollution but never did.So go around with wads of cotton in my ears ,bemoaning my fate and lack of foresight in trading a idyllic quiet suburb to this hot spot.

Now all this has subsided to a large extent except the racket during every death, an daily occurrence, the loud beating of drums, whistles , drunken dancing and bursting of fire crackers.Ofcourse the hand pumps are cranked nonstop but the noise that once grated on my nerves has become a reassuring lullaby.

If one thinks that only New york is lit like day please visit my street.There are street lamps, tube lights, serial lights, mast lights,sodium vapour lights,blazing all through the night dazzling one's eyes.I have several windows but never get to see the stars, these lights eclipse them with their brilliance.I have to use heavy curtains to turn night into night!

The worst and nastiest deal handed out to us the middle class flat dwellers is the dumping of the garbage generated by the 1000's of residents of these tenements ,without batting an eyelid ,at our doorsteps.
From the amount of garbage generated it is obvious that none are poor any more.They have kept their own front clean and tidy and spoil our fronts daily.
None from our side dare question this insolent behaviour of the vote bank.Can't they dump their garbage on their road side or hand it over to corporation workers when they make their daily rounds?
In this rainy season the stench arising from the mountains of garbage piled and flung around [the pvt comp has removed all their bins] is terrible.

Why is it that the middle class ,the hardworking and tax paying section but voiceless section of the society has to be in the receiving end of every inconveniences foisted on it, in name of democracy,whilst the rich and the urban poor are deriving their own dividends?They can encroach on prime lands ,shut off dissenting voices either with the financial clout or the ability to gather huge vocal and belligerent crowds in a jiffy,whilst the middle class dies a hundred deaths at the very thought of encroaching or sullying others neighbour hood or in evading taxes.

The conscientious lot, with no conscious benefits, to alleviate its lot.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Time's change.

I was advised by my college mates to read the editorials of all dailies to pass the IAS exams, 30 years back.

To do so was like swallowing a bitter pill. What a bore to wade and read through all those boring stats and analysis of some disgruntled middle aged foggy on matters with which i was least concerned with.
My poor brain was already crammed with dates and exploits of men and women down the ages as well as the laws made by them.Dailies and weeklies were meant only to read what the stars foretell and the scandals revolving around stars.I had to literally force myself to read the editorials , like one mugging up before exams.It was only to clear the Gk papers and nothing more .

When I dropped out of the race soon there after it was with a huge sigh of relief that the torture of reading all those editorials and articles had become a thing of the past.Now the first thing i read in the dailies and weeklies are the editorials and centre page articles.I have no exams to pass nor any position to hold, yet here i am poring over them!

I have finally reached the correct age to read and understand and at times relish them for what they really are

PS. Oh yes i did clear the Gk papers [as well as the history ones] twice, in pre lims.

Join the club.

They irritate and provoke me.The editorials, articles and prime time tamasha's,are a constant pain in the neck.
A new scam unearthed every day, the crying of wolfwolf ---china china and copy cat news items and views [at times even mine ] are all so blase'.

Yet my days and evenings are incomplete without their exuberance and presence.Regulating their content and conduct will make them lose their pep just as the bloggers [me included ] already have.
Try as I might I am unable to crow in delight' serves you right' at the 4 th estates state at front of state's might but am also unable to curtail my humming this old Hindi film song [from my teen years] sung by Bharat towards his Anglo Indian heroine---

Khoyi [katju ji] jab tumhara hridaya thodidhe , aur thadaptha hua tumhe chodidhe ,tab tum mere pass aana priya ,mera ghar khula hai khula hi rahege ,tumhare liye.

meaning..When some one breaks your heart and leaves you floundering ,then come to my house [club] ,the gates are wide open and will always remain open ,for you.

Welcome to the monitored club.You are assured of our company and hospitality in there.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some snaps of Mahabalipuram.

The shore temple carved out of rock at Mahabalipuram.
View of shore temple from far.
Side view of the shore temple with its tank and rows of bovines bordering the temple.
Siva the presiding deity of this shore temple is facing east and the sea.There is the black lingam at his front.
The Bay of Bengal sea bordering the shore temple.
There are 5 rathas carved out of rock dedicated to each of the pandava brothers.This is Dharmaraja 's Ratha.
Bhima's ratha in the centre, and Nakula and Sahadeva's ratha's on the left.
Arjuna and Draupadi's rathas side by side at the back.
Arjuna's tapas.The severly emaciated form of Arjuna in a yogic posture seeking boons in form of astras from Siva,who has appeared and standing next to him on his right, before the Mahabharat war..
I bow to this sculptor's skill who has captured the docility as well as the magnificence of the biggest and best loved animal in Bharat since time immemorial.The calves nestling underneath ,adds to the beauty.
The rock cut way to the light houses both old and new.
The new light house.
The old lighthouse on top of the rock.Below is the rock cut temple enshrining Siva, vishnu and Durga in 3 different sides.
The seated form of Siva in the central and main sanctum.
The reclining form of Vishnu in one of the three sanctums.
The Mahishasura mardhini panel. GoddesDurga slaying the buffalo faced demon Mahishasura.
According to me this panel is the best of all the carvings in this place.It is crackling with a vitality that age has not dimmed.My pranams to that annonymous sculptor's skill . He has captured the immortal energy driving all life forms in a lifeless and heartless medium ---stone!

'Kalile' kalaivannam kandaan' ! ----These lines are from a old Tamil film song.
Meaning--'He [Narsimha pallavan the Pallava ruler who commissioned these works] saw beauty in stone'.

Hymns in praise of perumal at Thirukadalmallai.

Bhoodat aazhwar and Tirumangai aazhwar have dedicated few hymns in praise of Bhagwan enshrined at Kadalmallai or Mahabalipuram.The following hymn is Tirumangai aazhwar's

Pullvai pilandha punidha!Yendru azhaika ulle nindru yennulam kulirum oruva!kalva! kadalmallai kidandha karumbe!Vallal! Unnai yenganum nan marakken? 7-10-1 1551.

**O pure One who destroyed Bhakasuran by assuming the form of a crane!
O incomparable One! Who is within me and assuaging and cooling me!
One who confers great benefits without any one's knowledge.
One who is sweet as sugarcane and is reclining at Mahabalipuram.
O generous one ! How can I ever forget you?

photo.The mirror hall at the Stalasayana perumal temple at Mahabalipuram.And the palanquin that carries the deity.


My take on the upkeep of Stalsayana perumal koil.

My photos of the darkened Vimanum as black as the soot inside a chimney is much more evocative then what I could ever spell out.

Abhishekam of Bhoodat AZhwar in avatara utsavam

The abishekam that had sacred rituals like pouring milk, ghee, honey etc and then pouring water and then wiping the deities dry and then showing sambrani,mirror and then aarti though a bit long winding the chanting of Vedas in a sing song tone side by side by two rows of temple priests and the clear musical rendition of Aazhwars pasurams [hymns] by a lone Brahmin priest was very touching ,conjuring up the images of Bhodat azhwar andTirumangai aazhwar singing them with deep devotion before the deity,and made the time fly!

The rending of the air now and then with the sacred names 'Govind'a and 'Narayana' by devotees assembled there was electrifying.
At 6.30 pm the main aarti was shown to all the deities. and bits of tulsi from the garland adorning Ulaga uya nindra perumal and the water sanctified by the mantras chanted so far ,was given to all as prasadam.

How fortunate is Bhoodat aazhwar to be feted thus even after 1500 years later and how lucky we are to be the recipient of his wisdom.And how very important are these temple rituals in fostering bhakthi as well as keeping ancient history, traditions and memories alive ,I came to know in this felicitation of the saint of yore.

Then the crowd of devotees, dark and light skinned, urban and rural, men and women, Brahmin and non Brahmins, rich and poor, who had all come to witness the abhisekam sat down on the floor of the temple in rows in a orderly manner.I too took the cue and did the same.Then two young Brahmin priests scooped piping hot peppery delicious ven pongal dripping with ghee on to our leaf plates.There were some more to come, both prasad and rituals but due to time constraint i left and proceeded back to Chennai.

Photos.On top:The abhisekam of processional deity of stalaasayanaperumal known as ulaga uyanindra perumal and nilamangai tayar.
Below .The abhisekam of Bhoodat aazwars idol.Near the lamp.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thirukadalmallai--Ardha setu or Mahbalipura Sthalasayana perumal koil.

This temple which is fairly medium sized was built according to Agama shastras by Parankusan , a emperor of Vijayanagar in the 14 th century AD.Since then it is constantly in use ,to worship .

In the sanctum Vishnu is lying on the floor itself and not on the bed made by Adisesha.Brahma is also not to be seen . The sage Pundarikaksha munivar is seen seated at the foot of reclining perumal with folded palms.The sacred feet is fanned by lotuses,1008 in number.

The reclining form of Thalasayanaperumal in here is well adorned and constantly worshipped.Nilamangai is the name of Thayar [mother or lakshmi]and is enshrined in a separate sannidhi.

The legend surrounding this place which is a divya desam is that in ancient times there lived aRishi by name Pundarikakhar whose deep faith in Bhagwan and austerities was rewarded by Vishnu appearing before him in a reclining position,adorned with the lotuses the rishi had plucked from the nearby pond and filled his basket with,for worship,whilst trying to drain the water off the sea with his bare hands in order to reach Ksherabadra swami [Narayana]reclining in the middle of the ocean!

Vishnu has been since enshrined here as Stalasayana perumal

This is also the birth place of Bhoodat aazwar.The vaishnavaite saint of 5 th cent AD.The nandavanam which is right opposite to the temple is his birth place.
The circumbulatory passage on right side of Bhagwan .The sannidhi of Thayar is on the left side.
The Vimanum of Nilamangai Thayar.
The Vimanum of Thalasayana perumal.
The circumbulatory passage around Perumal ,on his left.The abishekam of utsavar and bhoodat aazhwar can be seen at the back of the photo.
Pundariga pushkarni.The temple tank ,full of lotuses.

Shock and awe.

The article in a leading national daily alleging a creepy curse on Indra in the Ahalya episode ostensibly sourced from Kambhar Ramayana has served the intenteded purpose ---to shock!

I would have been suitably awed if the exact Tamil lines or the passage substantiating this wild claim had also been published.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Thalsayanaperumal at the shore temple of Mahabalipuram

I discovered the Sthalasayana perumal of Pallava period in a niche in the shore temple, facing east and sandwiched between the two sannidhi's of Siva.
It is a very small and dark sanctum that could be reached only by squeezing through a narrow rock cut corridor. The place in front of the reclining deity can barely accommodate 3 or at most 4, people at a time!
This deity sculpted from rock is no longer worshipped .Though it was once .Seeing the reclining form ,without any adornments was sad,yet sacred and holy.God seemed to be relaxing ,taking a break from public gaze.I felt that I was prying into his privacy,in that tiny space hidden under rocks and forgotten by the world. The only sound that could be heard is the crashing of the waves on the shore that is close by.The only sounds to disturb his meditative stillness.

It was relaxing as well as a moving moment and I was reluctant to leave.

But I had to ,presently,so as to be in time to witness the abhishekam of the processional deities and that of Bhoodat Azhwar in the 14 th century temple ,a few yards away.
The lore goes ,that in this shore temple that is dedicated primarily to Siva, Vishnu was enshrined as a after thought to tame the raging waves of the nearby sea and to protect the temple. He has ,ever since ,did precisely, that.

The shore temple.The smaller one at the front houses a deity and Vishnu right behind that deity.The bigger one at the back houses a lingam and Siva.
The front view of the shore temple enshrining Siva and Vishnu.A woman accompanied by her son seen at the back, an villager had come here only to have a darshan of Thalasayanaperumal.Whilst I got to know the existence of this sannidhi through books she not literate,had this knowledge, handed down from her ancestors and folk lore..
The very narrow passage cut in rock leading to perumal sannidhi.It is also the circumbulatory passage.
Thalasayanaperumal or Vishnu in a reclining position on the floor in a niche' facing east and behind the main deity Siva.He is lying on the floor and not on adhisesha.Resting his head on his arms.Since my flash is not working this is the only clarity, in this dark alcove.
The small rock cut vimanam of Thalasayana perumal at the shore temple.
The tank at the side of the shore temple built by NarsimhaPallava that enshrines Vishnu in a reclining position.


Who wouldn't have visited this sea shore, famous for its rock cut temples and sculptures ,after having taken residence in Chennai for long?At least once in one's lifetime either as a school excursion or as a family outing.

I have visited this place on and off since my childhood and the most recent being a couple of years back ,a few months after the Tsunami .

The entire complex looked exceedingly neat with well designed pathways, lawns and all encroachments removed and was free from pestering hawkers.It was totally transformed from my past recollections ,of a collection of drab, and decaying stone monuments to a lively , enticing and shiny and well maintained open air museum.The lack of tree cover then was the only drawback making the trip around , hot and tiring. It had been declared as a world heritage site by the UN in the intervening years, hence this magical make over.

There were Western tourists in large numbers . I even remember the the jealous look on a very well turned out and good looking English woman when her equally rich and handsome husband [ we always assume that couples to be married] or her boy friend ,stopped to capture on his camera a group of dusky young women labourers and thanking them with a smile and few notes. Human nature is same all over. the world.The straying tendencies in men and the jealousy and possessiveness of their women!

Now I have strayed away from the observations of ancient monuments to timeless emotions.To get back , I also visited the nearby Thalasayana perumal temple .An temple built in medieval times by Vijayanagar emperors.

It was smelly, unkempt and looked like a beast near the beauty of the well maintained shore temple.I also recollect seeing groups of pigs grunting and running loose in the perimeter.After a quick darshan we beat a hasty retreat.

A free weekly delivered at home informed me that Bhoodat Aazhwar's birth anniversary was to be celebrated in the last week of October to the first of Novembers at Thalasayana perumal koil.The nandavanam at front of the temple is said to be the birth place of this Vaishnavaite saint.

Of late having become very familiar with aazhwars through their hymns, my interest perked up and I decided to visit the temple, which I found so offending in my last visit, with a new insight and understanding.How could i not heed Aazhwar's call when his extortion to all imbeciles to stop flattering people who are constantly engaged in the task of only enlarging their stomachs and go on a pilgrimage chanting Naryana at every step and sanctify this land, still ringing in my ears?

How ever the week long nagging rain put me off from embarking on this trip. Dark clouds kept massing without fail every day and I didn't fancy getting stranded in a waterlogged street or to be drenched to the skin .
Today [4 th nov] being the penultimate day of the 'Bhoodat aazhwar avatara mahotsavam I decided to risk it and attend the festivities at Sthalsayana koil at Mahabalipuram.
We skimmed through the famous cum infamous ECR --east coast road [ smooth roads cum accidents] that was dotted with quaint ,castle like beach houses at every quarter km,and reached the place in a hours time.

My original plan was only to see the abandoned sannidhi of Shtalasayana perumal at the shore temple of the Pallava period---7 th cent and then visit the present temple.But some how I landed in other areas as well.In here, 50 kms away, it was clear blue skies and bright sunshine without a patch of dark clouds unlike Chennai that was dreary and rainy!I stopped to observe details and to take some snaps as well.

Believe it or not or call it history repeating itself or dejavu!When I came out of the shore temple a group of middle aged Westerners were making a beeline to it. A balding and spry man broke the ranks to photograph two dusky young woman labourers who were carrying a load of sand on their heads to fill up some wet patches.A plump woman , probably his wife waited for him and looked on .With a indulgent smile .

Photos.Top .The shore temple at Mahabalipuram. It is a world heritage site.
Below.The sea --Bay of Bengal near the shore temple.

Ps. The complex is well maintained .The only jarring not and a important one is that the public conveniences are under lock and key.


She always greeted me with a wide smile and fawned upon me when I was in the frenzy ,constant cycle of buying the latest type of sarees ,use them for 6 months and then throw them.

The sweepress at the park ,the place of my early morning exertions ,came home twice ,to gladly take my cast aways. I had succumbed to her persistent yet pleasant requests and stored them for her use instead of bundling them off to orphanages or old age homes.

For the past few years her smile dwindled in exact proportion to that of my diminishing interest in the shopping sprees.

Today when i saw her after a long time the smile was totally wiped out, a frown had replaced it as she acknowledged my greetings indifferently as she swept the leaves off the path mechanically. She had staked out my sari's worth from afar and her attention was engaged elsewhere.. Two middle aged women , permanent residents,in maroon and mauve Kanchipuram sarees with elaborate zari borders and butta's were walking towards a nearby marriage hall.

I too was wearing a pattu sari ,the style, a decade or more earlier and not the latest that those marriage goers were wearing.

Her face lighted up and there was a gleam in her eyes . She had found a new quarry!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Brain washing.

I know that i am beating a dead snake since the book containing 300 versions of Ramayana has been removed from the curriculum of history UG's of Delhi univ.Nevertheless the ongoing sparring on TV, dailies and blogs has successfully goaded me to blog my opinion on this ticklish issue.

An under graduate student is a very young person and like all those belonging to that age wants a hero, an idol to emulate , to follow and guide them through his or her troubled teen age years .

We hear and learn from our crib , on our mother's lap and in the crook of our father's arms that Rama was an ideal man.A truthful, honest, valiant generous and just individual and that Sita was the embodiment of all that is gentle,forgiving,compassionate and good.And this idea lingers on and guides us through to and in adult hood as well.

If a confusing version of a man we consider as 'Purushotama '---the perfect one is prescribed for young minds to study and ponder who do not posses the maturity to flick or laugh away such absurdities as a middle aged person may,would only serve to shock and disillusion them . At the fall off their idol from the high pedestal.Naive' youth and even us---the middle aged one's who have experienced everything and soured by life's bitter and raw deals require an ideal person to emulate and follow.

Great men like Rama,Buddha, Jesus , Prophet and other religious heads are a source of inspiration in this fetid world. A breath of fresh and fragrant air.Their noble nature and exemplary life reinforces one's belief in good and higher things of life Their true worth can be grasped more so, only in times of unimaginable sorrow.

By flinging mud on them with crazy theories is nothing but mocking and squashing all human endeavours for a virtuous , sublime and spiritual life.

We need to revere such men as they are rare to come by.

I am not advocating fanaticism only observing and cautioning that young minds are way too impressionable to be taught that Rama and Sita are siblings or that Sita was the daughter of Ravana, too naive to analyse that such versions may have emanated from faiths opposing the Hindu faith.That such theories may smack of supercilliousness and have an inner agenda.

As far as my knowledge goes Kambhar and Tulsidas have not deviated from the main narrative of the original Epic--Valmiki's Ramayana.They have no where struck a discordant chord . In fact they have further embellished it with their poetic skills.

The history students can always read these 300 versions if they have the patience and interest to do so at their own free will instead of have it thrust down their gullet ,and preferably in their adult years.

I 'd rather prefer that young minds be brain washed with the teachings of Rama, Buddha, Jesus or Prophet or any other religious and spiritual leaders than that of the likes of Lennin, Stalin,Maostetung or Polpot.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My take on Madhuranthakam temple's upkeep.

The temple is neat and nice.A fresh coat of durable paint would make it look even nicer.
A little bit of weeding on the outer circumbulatory passage is needed .Presently it seems that only cows are doing a regular job of it.
The temple tank just opposite to the temple is very dirty.It looks more like a garbage dump rather than a pushkarni.It needs to be dredged , cleaned thoroughly and filled with fresh clean water.

**Supported by observations also drawn from-BBI---[Bloggers bureau of inputs.]