Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some snaps of Mahabalipuram.

The shore temple carved out of rock at Mahabalipuram.
View of shore temple from far.
Side view of the shore temple with its tank and rows of bovines bordering the temple.
Siva the presiding deity of this shore temple is facing east and the sea.There is the black lingam at his front.
The Bay of Bengal sea bordering the shore temple.
There are 5 rathas carved out of rock dedicated to each of the pandava brothers.This is Dharmaraja 's Ratha.
Bhima's ratha in the centre, and Nakula and Sahadeva's ratha's on the left.
Arjuna and Draupadi's rathas side by side at the back.
Arjuna's tapas.The severly emaciated form of Arjuna in a yogic posture seeking boons in form of astras from Siva,who has appeared and standing next to him on his right, before the Mahabharat war..
I bow to this sculptor's skill who has captured the docility as well as the magnificence of the biggest and best loved animal in Bharat since time immemorial.The calves nestling underneath ,adds to the beauty.
The rock cut way to the light houses both old and new.
The new light house.
The old lighthouse on top of the rock.Below is the rock cut temple enshrining Siva, vishnu and Durga in 3 different sides.
The seated form of Siva in the central and main sanctum.
The reclining form of Vishnu in one of the three sanctums.
The Mahishasura mardhini panel. GoddesDurga slaying the buffalo faced demon Mahishasura.
According to me this panel is the best of all the carvings in this place.It is crackling with a vitality that age has not dimmed.My pranams to that annonymous sculptor's skill . He has captured the immortal energy driving all life forms in a lifeless and heartless medium ---stone!

'Kalile' kalaivannam kandaan' ! ----These lines are from a old Tamil film song.
Meaning--'He [Narsimha pallavan the Pallava ruler who commissioned these works] saw beauty in stone'.


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