Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thirukadalmallai--Ardha setu or Mahbalipura Sthalasayana perumal koil.

This temple which is fairly medium sized was built according to Agama shastras by Parankusan , a emperor of Vijayanagar in the 14 th century AD.Since then it is constantly in use ,to worship .

In the sanctum Vishnu is lying on the floor itself and not on the bed made by Adisesha.Brahma is also not to be seen . The sage Pundarikaksha munivar is seen seated at the foot of reclining perumal with folded palms.The sacred feet is fanned by lotuses,1008 in number.

The reclining form of Thalasayanaperumal in here is well adorned and constantly worshipped.Nilamangai is the name of Thayar [mother or lakshmi]and is enshrined in a separate sannidhi.

The legend surrounding this place which is a divya desam is that in ancient times there lived aRishi by name Pundarikakhar whose deep faith in Bhagwan and austerities was rewarded by Vishnu appearing before him in a reclining position,adorned with the lotuses the rishi had plucked from the nearby pond and filled his basket with,for worship,whilst trying to drain the water off the sea with his bare hands in order to reach Ksherabadra swami [Narayana]reclining in the middle of the ocean!

Vishnu has been since enshrined here as Stalasayana perumal

This is also the birth place of Bhoodat aazwar.The vaishnavaite saint of 5 th cent AD.The nandavanam which is right opposite to the temple is his birth place.
The circumbulatory passage on right side of Bhagwan .The sannidhi of Thayar is on the left side.
The Vimanum of Nilamangai Thayar.
The Vimanum of Thalasayana perumal.
The circumbulatory passage around Perumal ,on his left.The abishekam of utsavar and bhoodat aazhwar can be seen at the back of the photo.
Pundariga pushkarni.The temple tank ,full of lotuses.


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