Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pancha Samaskara of Sri Ramanujar.

On my earlier visit to this temple,that is the Kothandaramar temple at Madhuranthakam ,a bearded young priest had on his own accord without any questions from me had narrated in detail the various momentous events that occurred in this place,centuries ago.

Apart from the visit of Sri Rama in ancient times ,Sri Ramanujar , the foremost acharya of Sri Vaishnavism and proponent of Visishta dwaita philosophy,had stopped at this very place on his way to Sri Rangam on meeting Peria Nambhi,another eminent acharya of his times ,who performed the 'Pancha Samaskara' of Ramanujar, initiating him formally into Sri Vaishnavism.

The tiny silver idol of Krishna worshipped by Peria Nambhi as well as the metal used for embossing Shanku and Chakram on Sri Ramanujar's arms [it was not used on another after that] is carefully preserved to date,nearly 1000 years later in a sannidhi built for Sri Ramanujar in the temple.

The maghizham poo tree under which the initiation ceremony was performed is still there.At the outer circumbulatory passage behind Andal's sannidhi.Further this is the only place where Ramanuja appears in Grihasta apparel of white vastram and not in saffron robes ,as is the normal attire in every other temple where Sri Ramanujar is enshrined.The reason, he was yet to renounce the life of a house holder when he had met Peria nambi in this place.
The vakul or Maghizham poo tree under which Sri Ramanujar was formally initiated into Sri Vaishnavism by Acharya Peria nambhi ,who performed the samsriyanam.The small mantap at the left side commemorates this propitious event.
A closer view of the Vakul or Maghizham poo tree behind Andal's sannidhi
A closer view of the mandabam.
The spot where the pancha samaskara of Sri Ramanujar was performed by Peria Nambhi
View of Pancha samaskara mantap.
Ramanujar sanidhi at Madhuranthakam temple where the silver Shanku and chakram used in performing the panch samskara on Sri Ramanujar and the small silver idol of Krishna worshipped by Peria Nambi is housed.


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