Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dog struck.

I had actually gone in search of another author's book when I spotted this book 'Sarama and her children' in the non fiction section of the lending library.
At a first glance the heading of the book put me off .Who wants to read about dogs and what is there to read about them?But the author's name made me pause and leaf through the pages to decide whether it was worth taking home to read.

I have seen this author on TV and had read 2 of his articles in Pioneer on line , long ago.I liked the article on a dog than the one that was on a cab and GDP.
The mention of Vedas and Upanishads by anEconomist academic caught my attention and made me decide to get it issued.

The book is all about dogs, dogs and dogs beginning with their origin in this earth and their role in various societies since ancient times.The wealth of information is breath taking . It is more like a doctoral thesis. Philosophy stated casually in one line or in a paragraph is a sure give away of the scholarship and wisdom of the author.

But the recurrence of dogs in every line of every passage of every page is a bit too much for me to lap and crunch.It made me woolly and groggy.Yet I stuck on doggedly to this doggy book which even a dog lover with a dog like devotion to that canine would not have, just to read about history for which I have a unquenchable thirst.

A funny thing happened .I started noticing every stray that came in the line of my vision ,which previously I wouldn't have even spared a glance. It was like seeing a long lost friend.Hmn every dog has its day!.

The author's magnificent obsession with a animal that is treated like a dog ,comes through.


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