Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The way to pass through death to immortality --'moksha' as per Iasavasyo upanishad.

The first two slokas of the 17 slokas that constitute Isvasyo upanishad delineates the path.

**Om ! Isvasyamindham sarvam yatikinca jagatyam jagat!
Tena tyaktena bhunjita magradah kasayavid dhanam|

The entire universe is pervaded by Brahman .Enjoy and experience that which is allotted to you.Cast off the desires that rise in the heart for example the thought of possessing that which is enjoyed by another.

**Kurvaneveha karmani jijivisecchatam samah|
Evam tvayi nanyathethosti na karma lipyate nare'|

'O' human live the entire span of your life [100 years].But do your work in a detatched spirit dedicating everything to Bhagwan.Only then you can escape the taints caused by your actions.


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