Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Lament of a poor woman from a village: The elections are around the corner.Last time I got a TV to watch serials. I cried a lot ,no not by watching serials,but because my husband sold it within a couple of days ,as we have no electricity in our village .My friend's husband living in the neighbouring village,that has electricity also sold the TV as he has no money to pay for the cable connection!

This time around my husband is sure to get a mobile phone,to increase the harvest through sms alerts of weather conditions and the price our crops will fetch . He doesn't know what all those buttons are all he knows is to put thumb impressions,and hasn't the money to recharge it. I am sure he will vote and so will I . He will receive the mobile , effusively thanking our leader and sell it off in a twinkling of an eye and be profusely grateful to him ,before I can speak over it to my sister in the next town .

A middle class middle aged urban woman's lament: I literally have to do a tight rope walking whilst treading the streets as it is full of parked vans,autos and tempos. I dare not walk on pavements,since every inch is jealously guarded by hawkers .If I take a ride the roads are so bumpy that I always hurt. If happen to step on street corners I have no go but to reach for my [asthma] inhaler .

Yes of course my husband files his returns every year engaging a CA .And on polling days we also endure scuffles in long queues and vote!


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