Thursday, May 13, 2010

Namkaran and prayashchit.

I was spared of the task of wading through Vikatan and Reader's digest for jokes or scanning the net for funny blogs ,my daily dose of laughter ,since it landed pat on my plate , courtesey -prime time politicians .

Whist one set of politicians have just ended their sabre rattling against each other within their own party on policy matters another set of politicians of opposing parties have gone on a Namkaran and Prayashchit mode !

An portly politician ,probably furious at being stabbed at the back in the parliament on a cut motion has vent his ire on the offending duo of 'fodder' and 'whistling' fame by calling them 'canines' ,who were faithfully licking their master's[madame's] toes, from the ramparts of a public meeting, tickling the nation to laughter!

The cherubic veteran who was conferred with this honorific tittle' HML[ His Master's Legs]' 'appeared on TV to air his views on the matter.He appeared unperturbed at the recently acquired nomenclature .

He questioned the wisdom of the opposition party in plucking an unknown person and planting him on the platform .And demanded his pound of flesh from his baptiser who had 'pug'naciously demoted him to the level of the panting four legged mascot of Hutch .The prayashchitam to pander his offended sensibilities must be tendered by pulling his ears!

How school boyish ! A teenager's heart ticks merrily within layers upon layers of age and wisdom !

My day was made !It started and ended with laughter .This will keep me afloat for quite some time!


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