Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The place I live is home to several leading stars and actors ,both current and yesteryear's.

Bus load of villagers either on a sight seeing spree or on religious tours , from deep south ,on visiting the city invariably visit M.G.R.'s memorial [house] in a nearby street.Then on coming to know that famous kollywood stars and actors are all residing within a km radius ,trot merrily towards their houses with great expectations.

Curious women chattering gaily visit the grand old woman's [ comedian] house ,only to be turned away by a unfeeling watchman . They return to their buses filling the street with their abuses ,borne out of their disappointment in not being able to see their favourite star of the silver screen in flesh and blood.

Middle aged men in white dhothis and shirts throng the gates of the one and only greatest actor of Tamil cinema's palatial house hoping to catch sight of that late actors son who is a star in his own right ,only to return shame faced on being greeted by a huge black gate ,shut firmly against otsiders.

Smart young college students shuffle restlessly around the current stars gate to catch a glimpse of those bulging muscles only to be mercilessly shooed away by the security on duty. The youth vent their disappointment by kicking everything nearby, from garbage bins to stray dogs .

There is disappointment and frustration in not beholding the idols , they prop up by shelving a substantial portion of their hard earned money and also shame at being so summarily turned away.

These celebrities though a full fledged public figures cling tenaciously to their privacy and thus fritter away the goodwill of their adoring fans.

I am reminded here of the darshan accorded to train and busload of fans of N.T.R.,who would first visit the august deity at Tirumala and complete the religious circuit by making a trip to Madras to catch a glimpse of the 'devuda' --- NTR the late Telugu actor famed for donning the role of Krishna and Rama in many a film.
He good naturedly acquiesced to their demands and longings by presenting himself at the balcony of his house every day ,humoring and satisfying his fans and gaining their immense good will and wishes!


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