Saturday, May 8, 2010


Two events occurring juxtaposed to each other has taken place .

One is the much awaited death sentence,that was pronounced on Kasab at his dastardly manner of waging war on India . He is said to have under taken this macabre ,merciless killings because of Kashmir.

The second event is that a youth hailing from a remote village in Kashmir has topped in the recently held Indian Administrative services exams! It is his intention to steer his state to the path of progress and prosperity by using the power and resources that will be conferred on him by the Indian state.

Whilst the CST at Mumbai was crowded with relatives of the victims and others ,cheering the sentence awarded by the Judge and distributed sweets ,Srinagar and the village was also resounding with jubilation ,at the outcome of the declaration of the results by theUPSC .

Both,the greeting of the sentence ,with a smile of relief ,by the grieving father of the slain NSG commando ,who said that he often' spoke to his son' and the glow of pride that lit the widowed mother's face [whose husband was felled by terrorists] on receiving the news of her son's accomplishment in the IAS , clouded my eyes. .


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