Thursday, May 6, 2010


We keep hearing of child abuse in its worst form -sexual abuse.The other equally horrendous abuses presided over by society ,govt and laws ,stunting the growth of a child are...

The force feeding of toddlers with exotic foods like soya flour ,tofu ,cerelac etc the smelly and tasteless branded baby foods by mothers with the fond hope of becoming the proud parents of 'Glaxo babies'. The harsh practise of bathing infants in scalding hot water and even harsher method of the extracting flum from tender throats, physicaly by calloused fingers are the heights of ignorance and sadisim.

The sadistic practise of packing of children at the age of 3 to KG schools and forcing the child to learn and write words and tables when it is too tender mentally and physically to grasp it.
What a reprieve it would be to our innocent children if all LKG and UKG classese are banned and admission to schools , directly to class one is allowed only on reaching 5 years of age.

The heavy school bags the children are made to carry which even a mule will find it difficult to shoulder! The over loading is generally caused by meaningless number of note books and heavy text books.What prevents the minimisation of notebooks to a general rough note book, few class work note books and light weight text books?
Didn't our generation make do with a very few note books and shared text books with our bench mates ? Aren't we all as educated and informed as the current generation?

Pressurising and goading children to score high marks in each and every exam by both parents and teachers. The former ,to compare the score card of their wards amongst relatives, friends and colleagues and to secure admissions in lucrative courses in the best colleges and the latter to raise the prestige of the school and attract students in hordes and shape the institution into a successful money minting machinery. The end result ,the child would suffer panic attacks when confronted with exams.

Sending small kids as young as those in LKG to tuition's !A surfeit recipe to loss of confidence and self esteem.

Involving children in a string of non stop activities like music ,dance ,Casio, painting classes and so on , and cornering every second of the child's day by demanding adults and not giving it time to play or even to be just by itself. An clear abuse of right to liberty and freedom of an individual.

Abuses are galore in our society . It is a lucky child, that escapes unscathed !


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