Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Illaya raja was once interviewed, in his heydays by a popular Tamil magazine that wanted to record his reactions, to his tunes lifted by Bollywood without seeking his permission or paying him any compensation for infringement of his copy rights .

I was touched by his humility when he replied that imitation was the best form of flattery .And that for a long period of time in Indian film history it always from Bollywood to Kolly wood viz Hindi to Tamil. This reversal was proof, of Kolly wood film songs coming of age !This was his tribute to Tamil film industry . He had given his best to his job and there lay his satisfaction .He added that he wouldn't press charges, though he was aware that copy right infringements could fetch him a tidy sum .

I am not in that lilting musicians level of creativity.Yet when I stumble upon the words and ideas I have used in my blogs in the media and other blogs ,I can't but recall to my mind his simple motto 'let it be'.

Maybe it is just a coincidence . Several minds thinking alike . Maybe not .


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