Sunday, May 16, 2010


I stepped out in the blazing sun for my hot morning walk. At 8 itself the sun was threatening to vaporise me , but I proceeded on as I had to make few necessary purchases.

Inhaling the sweet scent of paneer roses and wondering how bees were swirling around the rows of floral garlands braided by deft hands to be sold to adorn the deity in the temple,with single minded concentration amidst the razzmatazz of continuous vehicular traffic,bleating horns and constant footfalls ,I crossed the street to pay my obeisance to the deity.

Then as I walked towards the shop to procure the necessities I saw women singly or in two's as well as in groups by the ton, decked up in silks ,chiffon's and polyester's , hurrying towards Panagal park. There were a lot of policemen on duty [not those protuberant one's -it seems that they have all retired as I scarcely see them on the roads these days] regulating the traffic .The policemen were so incredibly young that I on first sight mistook them to be NCC cadets!

All this buzz of activity is unusual on lazy Sunday mornings. Then the importance of the day struck me . Today is Akshaya Trithaya, the day of gold rush !

After completing my shopping of dairy products I made a slight detour on my way back ,to visit my green pals.The park was cool and empty save for few creamy butterflies floating around and gardeners spraying the lawns with water by hand held hose pipes.

Refreshing myself by taking deep gulps of pure ozone ,drinking in the golden light glittering through the leaves and enjoying the undemanding and reassuring companionship of the trees, I vend my way slowly, towards the gate.

I walked ,musing at vagaries of life . Few years back I was also part of the herd. Stalking and stocking gold. Where has the glitter gone?

A voice intruded my thoughts . It was that of the flower maid ,from whom I occasionally buy flowers . Not my regular one . She was relaxing with few others pavement hawkers under a clump of trees , having finished their morning sales.

She was holding a plastic cover of paneer roses .and in the brusque manner of Chennai vendors said ''Inda yedthuko''-take it , its for you. I stopped on my tracks , refused her offer and explained , that my morning quota of flowers had already been purchased . But she insisted that I take it .
When I reached for my purse she waved it aside and told me ,it was a gift. She pressed it on my hand . Seeing my reluctance to take from a poor woman her merchandise without paying for it a crone ,her companion cackled ,'what did we bring. what are we going to take '? I took it,not wanting to snuff her joy of giving, mentally making a note to reimburse her later,then waved at them and walked back home.

Back home I opened the cover half suspicious that it would be the disposable left overs of the day trade viz dried or rotting flowers with petals falling apart.

No it wasn't so . All were fresh and in full bloom with rosy blushes and heady fragrance and double the number of what I normally buy!

A gift from a golden heart !


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