Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And time rolls on.

I was patrolling the rooftop of my flat for a dash of fresh air and to see the splash of colours in the western sky,when my neighbour's son whose regular beat was--every nook and corner of our apartment complex and included the terrace ,and who would be concentrating on keeping his kite aloft or winding the 'manja' ,acknowledging my presence only with a quick smile accompanied by a deft oscillation of his palm, started talking nineteen to the dozen!

He asked ''Aunty ,are those dried up 'vathal' yours''?I said ''No''. I had quit ,cooking and then evaporating and then storing such things a long while ago.

I inquired''Aren't you flying kites anymore? ''He replied ''No , the season is over'', tugging all the while at the clothesline, swaying to and fro.

I continued walking. Again he called .''Aunty,look at that bird . Is it a owlet or a young one of an eagle?''

I stopped to look where he was pointing. It was towards the adjacent flat. There was a bird sitting on the ledge . So were, several girls of his age giggling and laughing on roof top of that flat.

Now I understood the sudden demand I was in . This boy whom I had first seen howling ,kicking everything and protesting roundly and loudly at being bundled off to school[KG] every morning has grown up!That kid is a lad now.I noticed a faint moustache. He was trying to draw the attention of those gaggle of giggling girls.

Whilst I was totally embroiled in my life ,time has not stood still , it has moved on .


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