Thursday, March 11, 2010

Three men.

Two prime ministers unobtrusive and soft spoken ,standing in the shadows flamboyance and demogogy ,Narsimha rao and Vajpayee are the two men who ushered in a process of economic reforms quietly but firmly and have carried it forward with iron determination that has transformed India, once touted world over as a land of elephants, snake charmers and malnutritioned babies into a voraciously consuming middle class society!They have brought the dream of good life within the grasp of a majority of the teeming billions.

Another man standing away from conservatism ,a superb scientist,a scholar and the ex president of India, is Abdulkalam .An unassuming ,simple and easily approachable person who stokes confidence and pride in young minds, inducing them to reach for the moon ! He is to the present generation what Vivekananda was to ours!


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