Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Women I admire.

The women I admire are Rani of Jhansi,Indira Ghandhi, Jayalalitha and SheikHasina.

An ruler must uphold the law and enforce it summoning all the might of the state and protect the citizens from internal disturbances and external aggressions.When at the helm of affairs the above mentioned personalities have risen remarkably to dispense this single most important duty of a sovereign state.

The former two did a admirable job in rushing to the protection of their subjects , citizens in the face of threat from invaders and enemies.Rani valiantly clashed swords, face to face with many a battle scarred soldiers and resisted the greedy Britishers in gobbling up her kingdom ,till her last breath.

I admire Indira Ghandhi at her courage,her refusal to be cowed down by American pressures and threats and unyielding in her determination to send our,Indian army to liberate Bangladesh from the tyrannical clutches of Pakistan.When India was the under dog in comity of nations ,considered to be a nation of beggars ,relying heavily on the doles of Western nations to feed her starving millions ,Indira Ghandhi's courageous stand when confronted by streams of refugees from a neighbouring country , is the stuff real rulers are made of!

I admire Jayalalitha at her strict enforcement of laws and doing every thing a state can to raise the standard and morale of the police forces.Her erudition coupled with stamping herself as the undisputed leader of men who wouldn't think twice to whisk the rug underfoot are by no means a mean feat. Several paeans have been sung in her praise ,perforce for one that has been punctiliously over looked, shelved to be applauded in posterity is enforcing 'rain water harvesting' with an iron hand ,in every building of Tamilnadu. This single act has ensured that 'water' the basic need of humankind is assured to succeeding generations of this state .The gratitude of the future generations is the top most award she is sure to receive for this unsung achievement.

I also admire SheikHasina the head of Bangladesh at her perseverance and patience to avenge the death of her father and family , by first storming to power in elections and then tightening the screws and finally signing the warrant of execution of those assassins ,who were in power for considerable period of time,nearly 30 long years, and had tried every trick in the book to scuttle the due process of law and her plea for justice.

The other two women I respect are KiranBedi and Kanimozhi. The former , at her sincere endeavors in transforming ,cattle shed like prisons into rehabilitation centres.The latter's plain speaking and her tireless efforts in restoring the ancient folk arts ,music and dance forms of Tamils which are withering away out under the onslaught of T.V.

PS :The two men I admire at present are Chidambaram and Putin .

I am amazed at the formers transformation from a light weight F.M to a leviathan Home minister !This portfolio is a vocation close to his heart .He is doing a tremendously good job out of it .He has taken to it as duck is to water or more appropriately a bullet is to a gun .A tough customer indeed !

I admire Putin's iron determination in restoring a chaotic Russia to its former glory ,that had gone into shambles after perestroika and the erratic rule of Yeltsin.


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