Thursday, February 18, 2010

Religious policing.

India is a secular country. Every person is free to practise whatever religion they profess .This is a fundamental right ensured by the constitution.

Hindu's, the survivors of several invasions are a flexible people with a generosity of spirit that is unbelievable and which is in stark contrast to several other nations of the world.

The fact is that some adherents of other religions have come to regard this tolerance as a matter of right!As a bounden duty of every Hindu .By this obtuse attitude these' religious police's 'either create a fear psychosis or needle one to anger.
In this blogosphere also I am coming across this subtle yet menacing' religious policing'

Not a single viewer retaliated at my candid observations and criticisms of Hindu rituals. Nor was I castigated when I openly flirted with sensitive caste issues.But when I started extolling the basic tenets of Hinduism, I was nudged by innuendo's to exercise censorship, on my overt expression of the fondness of the faith I profess !

Is secularism in India only for Hindu's?The spirit behind this concept to be observed only by Hindu's at all costs?


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