Monday, February 15, 2010

I am glad ....

I am glad that I am Hindu and a Indian .

With my critical bent of mind I have this incurable craving to criticise some religious practises as well as some of the social attitudes of Hindu's without restraint and with no holds barred .My naivety in calling a spade a spade and my inordinate interest in history [Tolstoy a great Russian thinker once observed Historians are like deaf people who go on answering questions nobody asked them] makes me rush head long where angels fear to tread.

I derive this this courage from Hinduism itself . It promotes intellectual honesty and its history is replete with debates . Since time immemorial scholars have spoken their mind like Nachiketas Ashtavakra, Gargi, Shankara, Ramanuja and innumerable others, fearlessly . Indian society by large exhibit religious tolerance and a open mind.Our confidence in our individual belief's are so strong that we weather any criticism .[Thankfully I will not to be hounded away from my country unlike, Taslina Nasreen ,was from her's] The candid self introspection ,self analysis and self criticism without any hogwash serves only to further strengthen our fondness to our fold.

This same attitude prevails in public sphere as well .I or any one can poke fun and vent undistilled ire at our political leaders merrily without any fear of being thrown into a prison[ unlike our gigantic neighbour] .Any Indian can criticize politicians,policies of state and central govts via news papers, magazines ,or blogs. The phlegmatic politicians are verily the punching bags !A sport enjoyed by Indians next in importance only to cricket.
The Neta's, survivors of pitched battles in politics and endowed with the qualities of the fabled phoenix bird, pay scant regard to such pinpricks ,brushing them aside as Gulliver did of the darts and thrusts of Lilliputians.Their confidence in gaining power and remaining in power is ove rwhelming. With dependable vote banks cultivated carefully over the years, by bestowing largesses that they can afford to be brash and brazen it out!


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