Monday, February 15, 2010


Is anybody happy with them? I learnt about caste , reservations and its implications in securing a plum job in the govt in a year of service to the visually impaired than in my entire life of 50 years!

The plebeians are practical ,outspoken and do not gloss over facts.An FC lamented that she had to wait 20 years after enrolling in the employment exchange to be appointed as a teacher in govt school.A, BC said he had to wait 5 --10 years and glowered at a MBC who pulled a long face and said that though he had registered 4 years back the SC candidate would snap up his post though registered but the year before. The SC's are also beginning to look glum .There exists a gradation within .The lowest amongst them have currently become the top beneficiaries .

I wonder is any one happy with reservations? Can human wants ,ever be satiated?


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